OPADRY®Product Information Complete Film Coating System
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Opadry Cleaning Guidelines
Opadry®, complete film coating system, is a one-step product combining polymer, plasticizer, pigment, and other additives as required, in a dry powder form. It provides excellent film forming capabilities including sharp logo definition, high tensile strength and good adhesion properties.
The cleaning instructions listed below are general recommendations for most Opadry products including Opadry II, Opadry amb, Opadry 200, and Opadry fx systems.Individual cleaning products and equipment specifications should be taken into account, and conditions altered as required.灯笼的来历
∙For best results, Opadry should be cleaned off equipment shortly after the end of the coating run.
∙If cleaned properly, Opadry residue is easily removed using a site approved cleaning agent. The cleaning agent does not need to be alkaline or acidic in nature.
∙Prepare a solution of the cleaning agent in room temperature or cold water. Do not u hot water as it can cau gelation of certain polymers ud in coating formulations.
∙Spray this solution onto the surfaces to be cleaned.
∙Wait 3-5 minutes for the solution to ttle on the sprayed surfaces.
∙Rin the sprayed surfaces with purified water until clean.
∙Coating pans can be cleaned with the same cleaning agent solution.
∙Fill the rervoir with the cleaning agent solution and allow the pan to rotate through the solution for
30 minutes.
家常炖排骨∙Guns and hos should be disasmbled and cleaned.湘行散记读后感
∙When cleaning spray guns, it is important to make sure the passages are free of residual coating material that can block the orifice and restrict flow.
∙ A thin soft brush or swab can be pasd through the tip of the nozzle to ensure all the coating material is removed.
∙Avoid using hard substances, becau the can damage the gun parts. All equipment should be rind with purified water after cleaning.
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