Rearch and Development of Baosteel Swirl-JetSintering Flue Gas Desulphurization Technology
我不再懒惰作文 SHEN Xiao-lin, LIU Dao-qing, ZHOU Jing
(Environment and Resources Institute, R&D Center, Baoshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China)
Abstract: The rearch background and technical features of BSFGD (Swirl-Jet-Absorbing Wet Limestone-gypsum Sintering FGD Technology) process and equipments were introduced here in detail. The main contents, achievements of
pilot experiments, and engineering practices of BSFGD were analyzed and discusd systematically. Past engineering
practice experiences indicate the fact is that the technology has the following merits, wide applicability to sintering flue gas
features such as temperature changing frequently, SO汽车迷concentration being unstable, flow rate fluctuating intensively; high pollutants removal efficiency; low investment and energy consumption; stable and reliable running; utilizable byproduct (gypsum) etc. It has been proved that BSFGD has the value of a wide range of applications for large and medium-sized sintering machines flue gas desulphurization in the steel industry.
Key words2025年春节: sintering flue gas; desulphurization technology; rearch; engineering practice
1 Introduction
At the beginning of the century, while <The Guide to science and technology development in Iron and Steel Industry until 2020> was constituted, the experts of metallurgy point out that “Due to the complicacy of agglomerate and the otherness of sintering process, the technology of flue gas desulphurization ud in power plants could not be applied in sintering flue gas desulfurization directly and blindly. The investment and running cost of FGD technology ud in Iron and Steel Industry of other developed countries are usually too expensive to be accepted by Chine companies.” Therefore, the technology of sintering flue gas desulfurization in china was listed as important study topic in <The Guide to science and technology development in Iron and Steel Industry until 2020>. Since there are few rearches and technologies existing in this area, it’s significant to invent a technology with the properties of efficient, highly adaptive, cost-effe
ctive, safe and reliable in operation for Chine Iron and Steel companies. In china, Baosteel takes the lead in sintering FGD technology rearch and development at beginning of the year 2005.
2 The Features of Baosteel Sintering Flue 平凡的普通人Gas Desulfurization Technology
蘑菇炒鸡蛋的做法 According to the production characters of large-scale sintering machine, considering the application of desulfurizer and desulfurizing product and the actual condition of company, we contrast and analyze the technology of FGD ud in market widely and deeply. Choosing wet limestone-gypsum sintering flue gas desulfurization as the ba of technical route and then starting to rearch and develop through industrial tests point at the sintering flue gas feature, and finally, and formed rial technology and equipment of Baosteel Swirl-Jet-Absorbing Wet Limestone-gypsum Sintering FGD with own intellectual property rights (Referred to as Baosteel Sintering flue gas desulfurization technology, and abbreviated as BSFGD).
2.1 Introduction of process flow
Flue gas flow from main suction fans of sinter machines be pressurized by booster fan, then be cooled and pretreated in cooling equipment, and then perform the desulfurization reaction in Swirl-Jet Absorber, the purified flue gas discharge from chimney on standard after demisting. The auxiliary systems such as limestone slurry preparation and gypsum dehydrationsystem are the same as normal wet FGD system, which are mature techniques. The process flow diagram of BSFGD is shown in Fig.1.
2.2 Technical features
2.2.1 Baosteel swirl-jet-absorbing wet limestone-gypsum sintering FGD technology
U limestone powders (250 meshes) as desulfurizing agent, Ca/S is equal to 1.01 to 1.03, and the cost of desulfurizer is low. The FGD system run steadily and safely, over 95% synchronous operation rate with sintering machine. The desulphurization efficiency is greater than 90%, the exhaust concentration of SO and dust is less than 100 and 50mg/m parately, and the removal efficiency of SO, HCl and HF will be greater than or equal to 50%, 80% and 90% parately. The gypsum is good enough to meet the requirements of using as resources, in which the content of CaSO·2HO is over 90%, the content of moisture is below 10%, the pH value is 6-8. It shows excellent economics that the investment and operation cost is 70%- 80% to the cost of other sintering flue gas desulfurization technology.
2.2.2 Cooling device for pretreatment
A cooling device as pretreatment was t before the absorbing tower to overcome the difficulty to cool down the flue gas who temperature fluctuated riously and frequently, maintain the safety of absorbing tower and provide the best temperature for desulphurizat
泰迪狗怎么养ion reaction. This component was helpful to protect the gas-gas heater (GGH) from blocking in traditional FGD technology and to promote the cooling efficiency of flue gas.The heavy metals, alkali metals and a part of dust in flue gas were removed by the device, which was uful to restrain the blocking problem and scale formation in the absorbing tower and improve the quality of gypsum. Furthermore, most HF and HCl in flue gas were removed by the device, which can prevent eroding for the material of absorbing tower and other subquent devices.