Google Mobile Services Test Suite (GTS)
GMS 是由Google提供的基于Android Application Framworks应用和服务的软件集合, GTS是用于GMS应用的测试的自动化的测试套件,包含Google Play Video支持的分辨率和比特率的视频的测试内容,GTS测试需要Android 4.0以上的系统的
1. test harness 测试工具:
GTS测试使用Tradefed (它也用于CTS(Android Compatibility Test Suite)测试)
Tradefed 它运行于Linux桌面机并管理测试程序的运行
2. GTS 测试用例(test ca):
GTS test测试用例是运行在手机设备或模拟器上的测试程序,由Java程序编写打包成apk 包
1 把GTS释放到Linux桌面机里面
2. 测试环境:高速和稳定的网络连接是成功测试的关键基础
3. 安装和配置GTS
a). 把一台机子连接到Linux桌面机子上
b)GTS只能运行在Android device上面
i 你的电话一定得使用来自的ur build 程序(Android 4.0 以上)
ii 在GTS测试之前,确定你的设备已经烧录了ur build 程序(Android 4.0以上).
c). GTS测试程序在必要的时候,会做screenshot和重启设备,所以要先去掉所以有干扰的设置:
i. SIM PIN lock(SIM卡pin锁)
ii. Screen lock(屏锁)
iii. Display > Sleep > 10 minutes (睡眠)
iv. Security > Verify apps on 4.2+ devices
d) 启动GTS
i. CTS 测试工具会把test plan传给连接的android系统设备上
ii. To run GTS test plan 启动GTS测试test plan
却组词造句2. 启动GTS test plan 通过键入:
run xts --plan XTS 开始全部的GTS测试包的测试
3. 另外一个可选启动方法是:
./android-xts/tools/xts-tradefed run xts --plan XTS
iii. 1. 你能通过终端看到测试的进程和结果的报告
e. 测试工具在被测设备上运行GTS测试程序,包括执行video测试,并记录测试结果.
测试工具的在连接的Android device上运行了GTS测试程序,包括视频测试和记录测试结果
iv. Test Results 测试结果
赞许的近义词a. 一旦测试完成你可以通过浏览器看测试结果
b. 上传测试结果:用Google的账号登录Android Partner Frontend(http:
//),打开后把结果上传给服务器。要先确定用于测试的Google账号是可以进入Android Partner Frontend. Upload GTS
test result into Android Partner Frontend,然后可以使用web界面或者Android Parner API来上传测试结果
1. 测试GTS前,要先保证系统安装有较新的adb程序.
2. 按照adb的方法:先下载并安装the Android SDK tools. 然后再把SDK Platform tools Component加进来.
3. 保证'adb' 程序在你的系统路径下:.
例如: export PATH=$PATH:/home/myur/android-sdk-linux_x86/platform-tools
测试结果文件在$XTS_ROOT/repository下, l文件包含实际测试结果.
●'device information' 部分给出了make, model 和Android platform 版本的细节.
2016年高考录取分数线●'package information' 部分包括了Android 和GMS packages 包列表. 从1.5版开始, APK的版本和system flag被列出, 如:
●System Libraries, Vendor Libraries, Wievine Libraries 和Framework Jars 的checksum是:
●GMS 相关属性列出, 如:
●Camcoder Profiles 被列出. GTS 使用CamcoderProfile API 获得这些信息的.
/reference/android/media/CamcorderProfile.html, 如:
●JB(4.1)以上MediaCodec Profiles 被列出. GTS 使用MediaCodecInfo API(API level 16) 获得这些信息的.
/reference/android/media/MediaCodecInfo.html, 如:蒲桃的功效
●在提交GTS report之前, 你需要确定Widevine Self Certification requirements全部兑现了.
测试用例的测试的总的结果呈现在'test summary' 部分. 它集中也列出了测试用例的pass 数量,fail数量,timeout和not be executed数量
Test Package: google.features
GTS checks following two properties.
Devices should report them according to following rules.
●Partner devices should pass both.
●GPe devices should only fail testFeatureGoogleExperience.
爱心书签●Nexus devices should fail both.
Test Package: score
A precondition to pass the tests is to have GmsCore.apk preloaded as an system app, which is mandatory to a GMS build.
KK(API level 19) introduces REMOTE_SUBMIX as follows. GTS 1.5 tests it by
●/reference/android/media/MediaRecorder.AudioSource.html# REMOTE_SUBMIX
VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PRESENTATION is added to DisplayManager in KK(API level 19) as follows. All KK+ device is expected to pass the.
Test Package: google.home
●GTS takes screenshot and stores them in .../results/<start time>/screenshots
●There should be 4 screenshots for ICS devices. Whereas, 5 screenshots for JB+ devices. Test Package: dia
MediaCodecCencTest is added for JB MR2(API Level 18)+
MedisCodecCencTest us MediaCodec, MediaCrypto & MediaDrm API to test Wide
DRM implementation for DASH(supported in 4.3) CENC. In general:
1. Android 4.3+ should support Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH
the platform's concern, as android-4.3.html.
2. A GMS build should support WV Modular DRM for CENC for all curity leve
3. GTS tests DASH CENC by following criteria:
○Only run MediaCodecCencTest on 4.3+(JB MR2, API level >=18)
○Only run MediaCodecCencTest on L1 for HD contents ( videoHeight>=
○Checks CodecProfileLevel for codec support, in general:
i. CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel31 & above should support 720p
ii. CodecProfileLevel.AVCLevel4 & above should support 1080p
MediaCodecStressTest added forJB MR2(API Level 18)+
MediaCodecStressTest tests that the device can create two decoders and one encoder for
H.264/AVC at 1080p/720p resolution at the same time without crashing. Frames from the two decoders are composited by a fragment shader, and are displayed or encoded to a file.
MediaCodecTest tests WV classical DRM implementation for JB(API Level 16)+ MediaCodeTest us MediaCodec API to tests Widevine cure videos. GTS only tests this mode
on JB+ devices.
●GTS 1.3 tests the downloaded u ca. GTS downloads a cure video file to the downloads folder of the device first, and then test it accordingly. The downloads folder ExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS)
内浮顶●The following resolutions and bitrates for H264/AAC are included in testing:
1. Video Title: YouTube First Europe & US MeetUp Livestream
Clear stream: /watch?v=8sHVRC8rbw8
2. Video Title: Introducing Google Now, new in GTS 1.3
Clear stream: /watch?v=pPqliPzHYyc
Video Video Format Bitrate Test Target
MediaPlayerTest tests WV classical DRM implementation for ICS(API Level 14)+ MediaPlayerTest us MediaPlayer API to tests Widevine cure videos. It tests the same cure videos as tho mentioned in MediaCodeTest.
Test Package: google.partnerbookmarks
Prtnerbookmarks test checks if bookmarks can be retried successfully through the counter provider for If Chrome is pre-loaded, devices have to pass this. Test Package: google.arch