盐英语怎么说1.Unit One
A Question of Degree对学位的质疑
Perhaps we should rethink an idea fast becoming an undisputed premi of American life that a college degree is necessary(and perhaps even a sufficient) precondition for success.I do not wish to quarrel with the assumptions made about the benefits of orthodox education.I want only to expo its fal god:the four-year, all-purpo,degree-granting college,aimed at the so-called college-age population and by now almost universally accepted as the stepping-stone to“meaningful”and “better”jobs.
What is wrong with the current college/work cycle can be en in the following anomalies:we are lling college to the youth of American as a take-off pad for the material good life.College is literally advertid and packaged as a means for getting more money through“better”jobs at the same time that Harvard graduates are taking jobs as taxi drivers.This situation is perversion of the true spirit of a unive
rsity,a perversion of a humane social ethic and,at bottom,a patent fraud.To take the last point first,the economy simply is not geared to guaranteeing the presumptive “better”jobs;the colleges are not geared to training for such jobs;and the ethical propriety of the entire enterpri is very questionable.We are by definition(rather than by analysis)establishing two kinds of work:work labeled“better”becau it has a degree requirement tagged to it and nondegree work,which,through this logic, becomes automatically“low level”.
This process is also destroying our universities.The“practical curriculum”must become paramount;the students must become rvants of big business and big government.Under the conditions the university can no longer be an independent source of scientific and philosophic truth-eking and moral criticism.
Finally,and most important,we are destroying the spirit of youth by making college compulsory at adolescence,when it may be least congruent with emotional and physical needs;and we are denying college as an optional and continuing experience later in life,when it might be most congruent with intellectual and recreational needs.
Let me propo an important step to rever the trends and thus help restore freedom and dignity to both our colleges and our workplaces.We should outlaw employment discrimination bad on college degrees.This would simply be another facet of our“equal-opportunity”policy and would add college degrees to x,age, race,religion and ethnic group as inherently unfair bas for employment lection.
People would,wherever possible,demonstrate their capacities on the job.Where that proved impractical,outside tests could still rve.The medical boards,bar exams,mechanical,mathematical and verbal aptitude tests might still be ud by various enterpris.The burden of proof of their legitimacy,however,would remain with the using agencies.So too would the costs.Where the colleges were best equipped to impart a necessary skill they would do so,but only where it would be natural to the main thrust of a university endeavor.
The need for this rethinking and for this type of legislation may best be illustrated by a ca study.Joe V.is a typical liberal-arts graduate,fired by imagination art and literature.He took a job wit
h a large New York City Bank,where he had the opportunity to enter the“assistant manager training program”.The trainees rotated among different bank departments to gain technical know-how and experience and also received classroom instruction,including some ssions on“how to write a business letter.”The program was virtually restricted to college graduates. At the end of the line,the trainees became assistant bank managers:a position consisting largely of giving simple advice to bank customers and a modest amount of supervision of employees.Joe arched for some connection between the job and the training program,on the one hand,and his college-whetted appetites and skills on the other.He found nothing.
In giving Joe preference for the training program,the bank had bypasd a few enthusiastic aspirants already dedicated to a banking career and daily demonstrating their competence in cloly related jobs.After questioning his superiors about the system,Joe could only conclude that the“top brass”had
崆峒山旅游景点介绍some very diffu and not-too-well–rearched or even well-thought-out conceptions about college men. The executives admitted that a college degree did not of itlf ensure the motivation or the verbal or social skills needed.Nor were they about what skills were most desirable for their increasing diver branches.Yet they clung to the college prerequisite.
Business allows the colleges to act as recruiting,screening and training agencies for them becau it saves money and time.Why colleges allow themlves to act as rvicing agents may not be as apparent.One reason may be that colleges are increasingly becoming conventional bureaucracies.It is inevitable,therefore,that they should respond to the first and unchallenged law of bureaucracy:expand!The more that college’s can persuade outside institutions to restrict employment in favor of their
clientele,the stronger is the college’s hold and attraction.This rational becomes even clearer when w
e understand that the budgets of public universities hang on the number of students“rviced”.Seen from this perspective,then,it is perhaps easier to understand why such matters as“university independence”or“the propriety”of using the public bankroll to support enterpris that are expected to make private profits, can be dismisd.Conflict of interest is difficult to discern when the interests involved are your own.
What is equally questionable is whether a college degree,as such,is proper evidence that new skills that are truly needed will be delivered.A friend who works for Manpower Training Program feels that there is a clear divide between actual job needs and college-degree requirements.One of her chief frustration is the knowledge that many persons with ability to do paraprofessional mental-health work are lost to jobs they could hold with pleasure and profit becau the training program also require a two-year associate art degree.
Obviously,society can and does manipulate job status.I hope that we can manipulate it in favor of the greatest number of people.More energy should be spent in trying to upgrade the dignity of all socially uful work and to eliminate the u of human beings for any work that proves to be truly destructive of the human spirit. Outlawing the u of degrees as prerequisites for virtually every job that our media portray as“better”should carry us a long step toward a healthier society.Among other things,there is far more evidence that work can make college meaningful than that college can make work meaningful.
看病的英文My concern about this degree/work cycle might be far less acute;however,if everyone caught up in th
e system were having a good time.But we em to be generating a college population that oscillates between apathy and hostility.One of the major reasons for this joylessness in our university life is that the students e themlves as prisoners of economic necessity.They have bought the media message about better jobs,and so they do their time.But the promid land of“better”job is, on the one hand,not materializing,and on the other hand the students is by now socialized to find such“better”jobs distasteful even if they were to materialize.
One of the major improvements that could result from the propod legislation against degree requirements for employments would be a new stocktaking on the part of all our educational agencies.Compulsory schools,for example,would understand that the basic skills for work and family life in our society would have to be compresd into tho years of schooling.
Colleges and universities,on the other hand,might be encouraged to be unrestricted,as continuous and as open as possible.They would be relead from the pressures of ensuring economic survival through a practical curriculum.They might best be modeled after muums.Hours would be extensive,fees minimal,and rvices available to anyone ready to comply with cour-by-cour demands.College under the circumstances would have a clearly understood focus,which might well be the traditional one of rving as gathering place for tho persons who want to arch for philosophic and scientific“truths”.