For the Chilgren By Audrey Hepburn
Up until some eighteen months ago-before Iwas given the great privilege of becoming a volunteer for UNICEF - I ud to beoverwhelmed by a n of desperation and helplessness when watching televisionor reading about the indescribable miry of the developing world's childrenand their mothers.
If I feel less helpless today, it isbecau I have now en what can be done and what is being done by UNICEF, bymany other organizations and agencies, by the churches, by governments, andmost of all, with very little help, by people themlves. And yet, we must domore about the alarming state of the children in the developing world-many areonly just surviving-especially when we know that the finances needed areminimal compared to the global expenditure of this world, and when we know thatless than half of one percent of today's world economy would be the totalrequired to eradicate the worst aspects of poverty and to meet basic humanneeds over the next ten years. In other words, there is no deficit in human resources-thedeficit is in human will.
The question I am most frequently asked is:"What do you really do for UNICEF?" Clearly, my task is to inform, tocreate awareness of the need of children. To fully understand the problems ofthe state of the world's children, it would be nice to be an expert oneducation, economics, politics, religious traditions, and cultures. I am noneof the things, but I am a mother.
There is unhappily a need for greateradvocacy for children-children haunted by undernourishment, dia and death.You do not have to be a "financial whiz" to
look into so many littlefaces with diad, glazed eyes and to know that this is the result ofcritical malnutrition, one of the worst symptoms of which is vitamin Adeficiency that caus corneal lesions resulting in partial or total blindness,followed within a few weeks by death.
Every year there are as many as 500,000such cas in countries like Indonesia, Bangladesh, India, the Philippines,Ethiopia.
Today there are in fact, millions of children at risk of going blind.Little wonder that I and many other UNICEF volunteers travel the world to raifunds before it is too late, but also to rai awareness and to combat adifferent kind of darkness, a darkness people find themlves in through lackof information on how easy it is to reach out and keep the children. It costighty-four cents a year to stop a child from going blind-the price of twovitamin A capsules.
I have known UNICEF a long time. For,almost forty-five years ago, I was one of the tens of thousands of starvingchildren in war-ravaged Europe to receive aid from UNICEF, immediately afterour Iiberation.
That liberation freed us from hunger, repression, and constantviolence. We were reduced to near total poverty, as is the developing worldtoday. For it is poverty that
is at the root of all their suffering-thenot-having: not having the means to help themlves.
That is what UNICEF is allabout-helping people to help themlves and giving them the aid to develop.Theeffect of the monstrous burden of debt in the developing
学生第一world has made thepoor even poorer, and has fallen most heavily on the neediest. Tho whom ithas damaged the most have been the women and children.
Unlike droughts, floods, or earthquakes,the tragedy of poverty cannot easily be captured by the media and brought tothe attention of the public worldwide. It is happening not in any oneparticular place, but in slums and shanties and neglected rural communitiesacross two continents.
It is happening not at any one particular time, but overlong years of increasing poverty, which have not been featured in the nightlynews but which have changed
the lives of many millions of people. And it ishappening not becau of any one
visible cau, but becau of an unfoldingeconomic drama in which the industrialized nations play a leading part, whichis spreading human miry and hardship on a scale and of a verityunprecedented in the postwar era.
In Africa, for instance, in spite ofnational reforms, improved weather conditions, and a surge of theiragricultural output, all their hard-earned gains have been undermined byinternational economic trends and a drastic fall in commodity prices. They arenow compelled to return four times as much money as they were loaned! But thepoorest ctors of society in the developing world are also suffering as aresult of all too frequent misappropriation of funds, as well as the tremendousinequality in the distribution of land and other productive resources.
UNICEF's business is children-not theworkings of the international economy. In its everyday work in over 100developing nations, UNICEF is brought up against a face of today'sinternational economic problems that is not en in the corridors of financialpower, not reflected in the statistics of debt rvice ratios, not ated atthe conference tables of debt negotiations-it is in the face of a child.
It isthe young child who growing mind and body is susceptible to permanent damagefrom even temporary deprivation. The human brain and body are formed within thefirst five years of life, and there is no cond chance.
It is the young childwho individual development today, and who social contribution tomorrow, arebeing shaped by the economics of now. It is the young child who is paying thehighest of all prices. We cannot therefore ignore the economic issues which forso many millions of the world's poorest families have made the
1980s into adecade of despair.
Today the heaviest burden of a decade offrenzied borrowing is falling not on the military, nor on tho foreign bankaccounts, nor on tho who conceived the years
of waste, but on the poor whoare having to do without the bare necessities, on the women who do not haveenough food to maintain their health, on the infants who minds and bodies arebeing stunted becau of untreated illness and malnutrition, and on childrenwho are being denied their only opportunity ever to go to school.
When theimpact becomes visible in the rising death rates among children, then what hashappened is simply an outrage against a large ction of humanity. Nothing canjustify it. The connsus now beginning to take shape is that the burden ofdebt must be lifted to a degree where the developing countries can cope withdebt repayment, to the point where their economies can grow out of theiroverwhelming indebtedness, and t them on the road to recovery and realdevelopment.