1.The theme of Hamlet
2.The Theme of Shakespeare's sonnets18
Nature fades but art is immortal. Though beautiful at moments in time, everything in nature
enjoys but a moment of perfection. In time every virtue will be destroyed, every potential
beauty ravaged by the elements, and every perfection will come to contain imperfections. In
art, however, the esnce of perfection will be captured. Though everything in the world dies
and fades, the subject of poetry enjoys eternal life.
3.The theme of Francis Bacon's of Studies
It is an essay written to inform us of the benefits of studying. He tells us that natural
abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study. Studying is applying the mind to
learning and understanding a subject, especially through reading, which is perhaps why by
活着读书心得>空气净化器大全'studying', Sir Francis Bacon mostly refers to reading. He said read is not for discussion
'but to weigh. In his short essay, he strives to persuade us to study, and tells us how to 脸英语
study if we are to make the best of what we read.
4.Shakespeare's comedies tragedies historical works
Comedies: All's Well That Ends Well、The Comedy of Errors、As you Like It、Cymbel
ine 、 Love's Labours Lost、Measure for Measure、The Merry Wives of Windsor、The Merchant of Venice、Twelfth Night、Two Gentlemen of Verona、The Winter's Tale
Tragedies:Antony and Cleopatra、Coriolanus 、Hamlet 、Julius Caesar、King Lear 、Macbeth、
Othello、Romeo and Juliet、Timon of Athens、Titus Andronicus .
化学表白方程式 Histories:Henry IV Part 1、Henry IV Part 2、Henry V 高校辅导员招聘、Henry VI Part 1、Henry VI Part 2快的用英语怎么说、
Henry VI Part 3、Henry VIII、King John单车粤语谐音歌词、Richard II、Richard III .
7.the theme of ode to the west wind
Shelley was an idealist and most of his nature poems are about the need for revolution and
a desire to break the status quo. Ode To The West Wind is no different. Here Shelley e
s the
west wind as a symbol of revolution, of a new world order that would replace the old one. He
identifies with the wind in that he knows that just as the west wind spells the arrival of the new year, similarly his poetic ideas will usher in a new world order and change the prent
world for the better. The poem has a note of despair when he says: 'I fall upon the thorns of
life, I bleed' But soon enough he gains his composure and towards the end he's filled
with hope and optimism which is expresd beautifully in the last two lines:
'When winter comes, can spring be far behind?'
8.the theme of ode to a nightingale
Keats' poem is an eulogy to the nightingale as the incarnation of liberty and as a living
symbol of the felicity of life. In the poem he imagines dying from a lethal drink and joining
the immortal nightinale in the trees, totally ignorant and free of life's cares and woes,
sickness and death. He contrasts the mortalilty of individual men with the immortality of
birdsong, of which the Nightingale is the leading exponent.
9.the theme of pride and prejudice
There are three main themes in the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The themes
are Love and Marriage, Good breeding and Social rank, and Moral belief and Behavior. The
themes are prent throughout the entire novel; they are the underlying motif of the story. It
is widely recognized that the themes were the reason for Austen writing this book, she
wanted to show and prerve how the upper class lived in the Napoleonic era. She also wanted
to; criticize how and why people married in tho times, how the upper class related to
everyone el and how the values of Napoleonic English society shaped their society. Maybe her
most ardent viewpoint is on the theme of Love and marriage.
10.the theme of jane eyre
Jane's theme is early feminist theme, demanding equality, or a wider range of said is the world people around the world are equal. In addition, is a woman to be independent, want to have pursuit, cannot rely on men for alive.
11.the theme of paradi lost
The poem is bad almost entirely on Genesis. However, Milton depicts Satan in a much better light than would be expected. At the same time, there is little doubt left that obedience to God is important, and the reason Satan continues to fail is becau he fails to realize both God's strength and compassion.