代码 | 名称 | 描述 | 五行属土的行业建议 |
0 - 63 | 正常显示,所显示的数字均是DNB(SDN)模块的节点号 Normal operation. The numeric display indicates the 1747-SDN’s node address on the DeviceNet network. | 无 None. | |
70 | 节点重复 Duplicate Note | 控制器没有通过重复节点地址检查。选择的节点地址已经在使用。 Controller has Failed Duplicate Note Address Check.The node address lected is already in u. | led灯是什么 改变DNB(SDN)模块的节点号,因为你所设置的DNB(SDN)模块的节点号在设备网中已经存在 Change the module channel address to another available one. The node address you lected is already in u on that channel. |
71 | 非法数据 Illegal Scanlist Data | 在DNB(SDN)的扫描列表中存在非法的数据(错误设备的节点号码交替闪烁) Illegal data in scan list table (node number alternately flashes). | 重新配置DNB(SDN)的扫描列表,删除所有的非法数据 Reconfigure the scan list table and remove any illegal data. |
72 | 从站通讯超时 Slave Timeout | 至少一个从站设备停止通讯(设备网设备停止通讯设备的节点号码交替闪烁) Slave device stopped communicating (node number alternately flashes). | 检查从站设备和确认连接是否正确 Inspect the field devices and verify connections. |
73 | 电气信息不匹配 Electronic Key Mismatch | DNB(SDN)扫描列表中的设备ID与实际设备ID不匹配(设备的节点号码交替闪烁) Device key parameters do not match scan list table entry (node number alternately flashes). | 在扫描列表中出现错误的设备处输入正确的设备ID (厂商,产品号和产品类型) Enter a matching scan list device ID.Make sure that the device at the flashing node address matches the desired key parameters (vendor, product code, product type). |
74 | 通讯数据过多 南屏古镇Data overrun on port detected. | 修改设置到有效的数据位置 Modify your configuration and check for invalid data. | |
75 | 没有收到信息 No Messages Received | 扫描模块没有收到网络流量。已经超过10秒时间模块没有收到网络流量。 No network traffic received by the scanner.10 conds have elapd and no network traffic for the module or for any other device have been received by the module. | 确定扫描列表正确。检查网络连接。 Verify scanlist is correctly configured to scan slave devices.Verify DeviceNet network connections. |
76 | 没有本模块需要信息 No Message For Scanner | 没有直接的网络数据交换 No direct network traffic for module detected.茉莉花 | 有其它在线激活设备,初始信息,但没有本模块信息。 None.There are other active devices on the network,initiating messages,but none of the messages are for the module. |
77 | 从站数据大小不匹配 Slave Data Size Mismatch | 设备返回到DNB(SDN)中的数据与DNB(SDN)扫描列表中的数据预留空间不匹配(设备的节点号码交替闪烁) Data size returned does not match scan lists entry (node number alternately flashes). | 重新配置DNB(SDN)模块或从站设备 Either reconfigure the slave device,or change the module’s scanlist to match the slave device. |
78 | 无此设备 No Such Device | DNB(SDN)无法找到在扫描列表中设置好的设备(设备的节点号码交替闪烁) Slave device in scan list table does not exist (node number alternately flashes). | 检查在扫描列表中存在的设备工作是否正常 将该设备添加到设备网中,或者在扫描列表中删除该设备 Add the device to the network, or delete the scan list entry for that device. |
79 | 通讯错误 Transmit Failure | DNB(SDN)无法向设备网发送消息 Module has failed to transmit a message. | 确保你的DNB(SDN)已经正确的连接到设备网上,检查网络电缆,检查通讯波特率 Make sure that your module is connected to a valid network. Check for disconnected cables. Verify baud rate. |
80 | 在空闲模式 In ldle Mode | 模块没有激活 Module is in IDLE mode. | 使控制器在运行模式 Put the controller into RUN mode and enable the RUN bit in the Module Command Array. |
81 | 扫描模块错误 Scanner Faulted | 扫描模块已经停止收发I/O数据。 The Scanner has stopped producing and consuming I/O data.This condition does not affect the scanner’s system or messaging modes. | 检查在模块命令数组中的错误值。 Check the FAULT value in the Module Command Array. |
82 | 片段错误 Fragmentation Error | 设备的返回信息有部分错误发生 Error detected in quence of fragmented I/O messages from device (node number alternately flashes). | 检查DNB(SDN)的扫描列表确保设备的输入和输出数据的大小是正确的.检查设备的配置. Check scan list table entry for slave device to make sure that input and output data lengths are correct. Check slave device configuration.狗狗的电影 |
83 | 从站设备初始信息错误 Slave Init Error | DNB(SDN)和设备通讯时设备有错误的信息返回 Slave device is returning error respons when module attempts to communicate with it (node number alternately flashes). | 检查DNB(SDN)扫描列表,检查从设备的配置,重启从站设备 Check accuracy of scan list table entry. Check slave device configuration.Reboot slave device |
84 | 没有初始化 Not Yet Initialized | DNB(SDN)正在初始化 Module is initializing the DeviceNet channel. | 无.当模块正确启动后此代码自动清除 None. This code clears itlf once module attempts to initialize all slave devices on the channel. |
85 | 接收存储器溢出 Receive Buffer Overflow | 运行中设备返回数据的大小和预期值不同 如懿传迅雷下载Run time data size returned from slave device is not the size expected. | 检查设备的初始化程序和配置,给从站设备配置一个小点的数据尺寸。 Check slave device installation and configuration.Configure the slave device for a smaller data size. |
86 | 设备挂起 Device Went Idle | DNB(SDN)在运行模式时设备挂起 Device is producing idle state data while the scanner is in Run Mode. | 检查设备的配置或从站设备的当前状态 Check device configuration/slave node status. |
87 | Available for allocation. Scanner has not yet been detected by allocated master, or slave mode is enabled but scanner is not allocated to a master. | Monitor scanner to determine if error code clears when master detects scanner. If error remains, check scanner slave mode configuration. | |
88 | 不是故障,请重新给DNB(SDN)模块上电或者复位。 This is not an error. At power-up and ret, the module displays all 14 gments of the node address and status display LEDs. | 无 None. | |
89 | 设备自动重置错误 Auto Device Replacement(ADR)Error | 绿色水 从站对扫描模块的初始数据响应错误,或扫描模块的配置表对某一从站是非法的。 Slave device responded with an error to the initialization data nt to it by the scanner; or the configuration table in the scanner’s flash memory is not valid for a slave node. | 重新下载adr. Try the ADR download again. If it still fails, try clearing the ADR flash by downloading an empty ADR configuration to the scanner and then try the ADR configuration again. |
90 | 网络禁止 Disabled Network | 用户在软件中禁止了DNB(SDN) Ur has disabled communication port | 重新配置模块。检查程序中的DNB(SDN)命令寄存器中的禁止位是否为1 Reconfigure your module. Check the disable bit in the Module Command Register. |
91 | 总线中断 Bus Off | 计算工资 DNB(SDN)通讯口检测到通讯网线中断,DNB(SDN)检测到通讯错误 Bus-off condition detected on comm port. Module is detecting communication errors. | 检查设备网线的连接和所有设备是否连接正确。检查出现错误的设备或其它引起故障的设备和接口 Check DeviceNet connections and physical media integrity. Check system for failed slave devices or other possible sources of network interference. |
92 | 没有电源 No DeviceNet Power | DNB(SDN)检测到设备网线上没有24V直流工作电源 No network power detected on comm port. | 给设备网线提供24V电源。确保已将24V工作电源正确的传输到DNB(SDN)的通讯端口上 Provide network power. Make sure that module drop cable is providing network power to module comm. port. |
95 | 固件升级 Flash Update | DNB(SDN)正在升级 Application FLASH update in progress. | 无。在升级未完成前请不要停止升级,否则将丢掉在模块中已存在的固化信息 None. Do not disconnect the module while application FLASH is in progress. You will lo any existing data in the module’s memory. |
97 | 在软件中将DNB(SDN)暂停使用 Module halted by ur command. | 无 None. | |
98 | 固件损坏 Firmware Corrupted | 不可恢复的故障 Unrecoverable firmware failure. | 刷新固件。咨询服务商或者更换模块 Service or replace your module. |
99 | 硬件错误 Hard Fault | 不可恢复的硬件故障 Unrecoverable hardware failure. | 重启,刷新固件。咨询服务商或者更换模块 Service or replace your module. |
E9 | Non-volatile configuration corrupt | Cycle power to module. Download configuration to module. | |
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