如果在xeno latency中你观察到last best项为负值,说明xenomai需要校准。执⾏以下命令:
sudo -s
echo 0 > /proc/xenomai/latency
然后运⾏xeno latency
为了找到最佳的校准值,运⾏⼀定时长后,得到新的last best值;将这个值*1000后,执⾏如下命令:echo YOUR_VALUE > /proc/xenomai/latency业务员口才培训
xeno latency
the loop will allow you to monitor a xenomai latency.
秋天果园This loop will allow you to monitor a xenomai latency. Here’s the output for a i7 4Ghz :
== Sampling period: 100 us
== Test mode: periodic ur-mode task
== All results in microconds
RTT| 00:00:01 (periodic ur-mode task, 100 us period, priority 99)
RTH|----lat min|----lat avg|----lat max|-overrun|---msw|---lat best|--lat worst
溺水安全知识RTD| -0.174| 0.464| 1.780| 0| 0| -0.174| 1.780
平凡也美丽RTD| -0.088| 0.464| 1.357| 0| 0| -0.088| 1.780
sudo -s仙侠小说排行榜完本前十名
echo 0 > /proc/xenomai/latency
xeno latency
RTH|----lat min|----lat avg|----lat max|-overrun|---msw|---lat best|--lat worst
花蛤汤的做法RTD| 0.174| 0.464| 1.780| 0| 0| 0.174| 1.780
RTD| 0.088| 0.464| 1.357| 0| 0| 0.088| 1.780
echo 88 > /proc/xenomai/latency