当消费者碰到服务态度不好, 产品质量有问题或者觉得受到了不公平的待遇的时候,向有关部门提出投诉是第一步。《英语小测验》考考你对投诉词汇的理解。
1: A: What’s the matter?
邮政储蓄银行利率B: The waiter has _________ me. He should have given me £8.00 but he only gave me a fiver.
a) short-changed
b) underpaid
c) overpaid
d) billed
2: I wish to complain about the poor level of _________ I received from the staff at your Oxford Street store.
a) shopping experience
b) financial advice
c) product placement
d) customer rvice
3: As the goods I received were damaged, I wish to_________. Plea put the money back onto my card.
冬瓜馅饺子的做法a) get a replacement item
b) have the goods fixed
c) apply for a refund
护肤的正确步骤d) get store credit
4: I’m looking at my gas bill and it appears I have been _________. The bill is never usually that high.
a) overcharged
b) undercharged
c) understaffed
d) overtime
5: I am writing to complain about a/an _________ that I bought from your website. It does not power up when I turn it on.
石拱桥a) piece of junk
北京温泉度假村b) shoddy workmanship
c) faulty product
d) incorrect order
6: I would like to _________ with the product I bought online last week.
a) express my delight
金钱腱b) express my deepest sorrow
c) express my heartfelt desire
d) express my dissatisfaction
1) a, 2) d, 3) c, 4) a, 5) c, 6) d.