Design of Pre-stressedConcrete Hollow Slab B ridge Zhang Jingjing Tutor: Zhang Daying Abstra ct Pretested concrete hollow slab bridge because of its simple structure, easy production, and for
___ clear, buildingheight is s ___ll, structuralintegrity is good, the lowerbridgethe advanta ges of small size, and prent in highway bridge construction is widely used. The graduation
刘邦大将project for the design of a highway overpass across l ines, the ___in beam selected pre-tensionedpretested concrete hollow slab. Takinginto accoun t the lack of time and ability, only to middle plate design calculations. In this design, the first bridge for the scheme parison to determine the program simply supported Itabashi, after the conduct of the structural design, design elements are: developing cross-ction sizecalculation of the control ction of the design of internal for ___s and their corresponding In this design, Estimatethe number of pretested steel and l ayout of their conduct; calculate the geomet
ric characteristics of the main girder cross section value; calculate the value of priestess loss; limit state of crack resistance and deform
ation of component checking; persistent state an d transient state checking under the member ction stress. Precededto the construction of thi sbridge a brief
overview oftheprogram.Keywords Pretested;Hollow slab; Concrete 目录第一章方案比选误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。发热症状
1.1 方案编制 .............................. 错误! ! 未定义书签。
1.2 推荐方案误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
第二章设计资料误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
第三章构造形式及尺寸选定误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
邓稼先读后感第四章空心板毛截面几何特性计算 ................... 错
误! ! 未定义书签。描写季节的古诗
4.1毛截面 ___ A 误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
4.2 毛截面重心位置误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
4.3 空心板毛截面对其重心轴的惯距 I 误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
古玩鉴赏第五章作用效应计算 ......................... 错误! ! 未定义书签。
5.1 永久作用效用计算6 ? 5.2 可变作用效用计算 8 ?5.3 作用效应组合误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
第六章预应力钢筋数量估算及布置误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
6.1 预应力钢筋数量的估算误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
6.2 预应力钢筋的布置误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
6.3 普通钢筋数量的估算及布置误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
第七章换算截面几何特性计算误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
7.1换算截面 ___0A 误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
7.2 换算截面中心位置 ........................ 错误! ! 未定义书签。
7.3换算截面惯性矩0I ........................ 错误! ! 未定义书签。
7.4 换算截面弹性抵抗矩误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
第八章承载能力极限状态计算误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
8.1 跨中截面正截面抗弯承载力计算误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
8.2 斜截面抗剪承载力计算误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。
第九章预应力损失计算 ........................... 错误! ! 未定义书签。
9.1 锚具变形、回缩引起的应力损失2 l? 误错? 错误! ! 未定义书签。