五笔字根口诀 北京为什么是首都摘 要:预应力钢绞线伸长量偏差在现有技术条件下作为校核预应力施加是否达到设计控制张拉力的一个重要指标,实际伸长量的准确量测、计算又是保证伸长量偏差准确性的根本,因此预应力钢绞线实际伸长量的量测与计算就应该也必须放到一个高标准、高精度的角度。由此出发,避开常规量测的弊端提出预应力钢绞线张拉伸长量精确量测模型,并优化计算公式,减少量测工作量,避免因量测过程误差而造成最终预应力钢绞线伸长率的误差,通过应用实例说明模型的精确量测方法和计算方法,最后得出结论。
杂乱无章 关键词:伸长量;精确量测;模型;方法;计算 古道热肠什么意思
Abstract缩小快捷键:The deviation of priestess wire elongation is an important index to check on the final effective prestress if reach the design control under the condition of existing technology,while the accurate measurement and calculation of actual elongation are the foundation of ensuring the accuracy of the elongation deviation,that is why the accurate me
asurement and calculation of the prestress wire’s actual elongatio should be and must be in a high-level high-precision position.In view of this,in this paper,It puts forward a accurate measurement modle of the prestress wire’s actual elongatio for avoiding the disadvantages of conventional measurement and optimizes the calculation formula,reduces the workload of measurement,avoids elongation errors that becau of the measurement process,combines with an engineering example for illustrating preci measurement method and calculation method of the model, gives the conclusion in the end.