Unit 8 Have a Good Habit!
Part A
ppt自动保存教师启发学生思考:为什么Kevin会戴上这么大的眼镜,因为他没有养成良好的看书姿势和习惯,反问学生:Do you often do that? 并教导他们在平时的学习生活中要保持良好的读书习惯。教师也可以建议学生互相监督,看谁做得最好,看谁能一直将好习惯保持下去。最后教师以How to Take Care of Your Eyes引发学生的思考,得出结论:只有保持良好的看书和学习习惯才能保护自已的视力、保护自己的眼睛。
能听、说、读、写词汇:litter on the floor, talk loudly in class, speak with mouth full, make a noi, keep quiet, wait in line。
Read and think, Listen and tick or cross, Discuss in groups and give some advice, Read and complete
鼓励学生能够运用学过的知识独立完成Read and complete部分内容。
能听懂、理解Read and think中情节简单的小故事,并且能流利地跟读录音,要求模仿正确,语音语调自然。
课程导入(Leading In)
T: How do you feel, boys and girls?
Ss: We feel very happy.
T: Are you feeling happy now?
Ss: No, we aren’t.
T: Why?
Ss: It makes our classroom dirty.
T: Do you often do that?
Ss: No, we don’t.
T: Is it good?
Ss: No. It is not good.
T: You’re right! It’s a bad habit. We should have a good habit.
教师出示本单元标题Have a Good Habit!并讲解habit名词“习惯、习性”。之后,继续询问,引起讨论:
T: What are good habits? What arc bad habits? What bad habits do you have?
(2)新课导入Part A Warming-up: Think and tick or cross
T: Turn to Page 61 and look at the pictures. Are they good habits?
T: Do you often do that?
(2)新课导人Part A Warming-up: Talk in pairs and group the pictures
1. 教师让学生仔细观察本部分的图片,引导他们讨论一下这些图片中哪些是好习惯,哪些是坏习惯。
2. 教师引领学生一一梳理本部分各个图片中的内容。
(1) 第一幅图片,教师可这样引导:
T: Look at the sign. Can he park his car here?(学生可能不理解park的意思,教师在这里可以借用单词stop进行启发)
(2) Where is the man? (In the hospital.) Look at the sign on the wall. Can he smoke there?
(3) What’s the time for? (It’s time for dinner.) What is the boy doing? (He is washing his hands. That’s a good habit.)
(4) What is the girl doing? (She is littering in the trash can. It’s a good habit.)
(5) There is an empty at on the bus. What arc the boys doing? Is that right?
海尔冰柜怎么调温度(6) The boys are getting on the bus. Are they in line? Is that right?
3. 接下来让学生根据教师的引导将这几幅图片的序号写在相应的位置:
Good habit 理查德伯顿 | Bad habit |
③④⑥ | ①②⑤李白送别诗 |
| |
(1)新课展示Part A Let’s learn
1. 教师出示所准备的关于人们日常行为的视频或PPT图片,引出本课时的新授环节。
1. 教师出示视频或PPT图片让学生先浏览一遍,观察学生对各种行为的态度和反应。
2. 教师再出示一遍视频或图片,并在出示扔纸屑行为时讲授:
T: What’s she doing?
Ss: She is ...
T: She is littering on the floor. Is it a good habit?
Ss: No, it isn’t. It’s a bad habit.
我有友情要出租教师板书、领读词组litter on the floor,并稍作讲解:litter是动词“乱丢”,另有名词“垃圾”的意思如:If you e litter on the floor, pick it up.
T: Do you often litter on the floor? Is it right?
3. 教师播放学生上课时大声讲话的视频,让学生更直观地学习词组talk loudly in class,并讲解单词loudly(副词)“大声地”。之后,教师通过问答引导学生练习运用该词组。
T: Can you talk loudly in the library?
Ss: No. We can’t talk loudly in the library.
T: Can you talk loudly at the cinema?
Ss. No. We can t talk loudly at the cinema.
T: Can you talk loudly in class?
Ss: No. We can’t talk loudly in class.
T: Why?
Ss: It’s a bad habit.
教师注意解释in class的意思是“在课堂上”,class之前不能用冠词。
板书并领读词组talk loudly in class
4. 教师依旧以视频出示嘴里含着满满的食物说话的场景,让学生形象地感知词组speak with mouth full,并讲解单词full(形容词)“全的、满的”。如:I’m full.我饱了。
教师板书、领读词组speak with mouth full,并引导学生运用:
We can’t speak with mouth full. It’s a bad habit, too.
5. 教师以同样的方式讲授make a noi,并解释单词noi(名词)“噪音、杂音”。如:
There are too many nois in the room.
Don’t make a noi in class.
仙华山板书并领读词组make a noi,教师在这里也可补充词组make nois。
6. 教师突然将手指竖起放在嘴巴上,示意学生安静下来之后,引出词组keep quiet:
T: Plea keep quiet in class. Is it a good habit?
Ss: Yes, it is.
7. 教师以视频出示人们一个接一个排队候车或在超市结账的视频,引出最后一个动词短语wait in line,并讲解单词line (名词)“路、线、排”,如:Draw a line.
教师板书并领读词组wait in line,并询问:Is it a good habit or a bad habit?
8. 全部完成后,教师可再一一引领学生回头复习,并让他们说出这些生活习惯中哪些是好习惯,哪些是坏习惯。
1. 教师播放录音,让学生模仿其语音语调跟读Let’s learn more部分的词汇。
2. 教师带领学生一起边大声朗读边书空本部分的词汇,帮助学生记忆。
(1)新课展示Part A: Let’s talk
1. 看图讲解对话
(1)教师承接上一环节,继续问学生觉得还有哪些习惯是不对的。在学生说出一些不好的行为习惯后,教师出示Let’s talk部分的教学挂图。首先出示第一幅图:
T: Look at this picture. What’s on the floor?
Ss: Litter.
T: Don’t litter on the floor. It’s a bad habit.
(2) 教师出示第二幅图让学生猜猜小男孩的妈妈在跟她说什么:
T: Look at this picture. What is the mother telling / speaking to the boy?
T: Yes. He tells lies. And his mother tells him not to do that.