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课题名称(含教材章节)  Chapter 4  English Essay Writing
1. grasp the structure of English essays
2. master the writing process
3. understand the types of English essays
the structure of English essays
Introductory paragraph  The main body  Concluding paragraph
Five Steps in Writing
Determining the Topic
Finding and Selecting Materials
Organizing Materials into an Outline
the types of English essays:
  Narration  Description  Exposition  Argumentation
  Introductory Paragraph
How to write effective introduction
Pertinent Quotation
Rhetorical Question
如何快速降糖Facts and Statistics
I. Teaching Objective
1. get familiar with the structure of English essays;
2. master the five Steps in Writing
II. Teaching Approach
  Communicative approach; task-bad teaching approach
III. Teaching Aids
the multimedia
IV. Teaching Procedure
1. Greetings
- (Hello, is everybody here? How are you? How about your weekend?)
- So class begins. Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen!
2. Leading in
- In this chapter we will talk about a topic of English essay writing, to better understand it, this class we come to the structure of English essays first, and then the rest time would be ud to get familiar with them. I wonder if you have previewed the chapter, if not, veral minutes are given to you to scan.
3. Teaching Content
                        Section 1  Structure of English Essays
1. Introductory paragraph
2. The main body
3. Concluding paragraph
1. Introductory paragraph
Introductory paragraph usually includes two parts:
general statement(概括性阐述)
thesis statement(主题阐述)
Class activity:
Read and appreciate the following paragraph.
Traveling to a foreign country is always interesting, especially if it is a country that is completely different from your own. You can delight in tasting new foods, eing new sights, and learning about different customs, some of which may em very curious. If you were to visit my country, for instance, you would probably think that my people have some very strange customs, as the three examples will illustrate
在这个引言段中,作者在第一个句子中引出了“traveling to a foreign country”的话题。然后,把这个题目缩小到具体的方面,即作者自己国家的风俗习惯。作者在段落最后的一个句子中提出对主题的阐述,其中表述段落主旨的关键词是“strange”。在正文中将用三个具体的例证阐述这种独特的风俗习惯。
Effective Introduction
How to write effective introduction?
Pertinent Quotation
Rhetorical Question
Facts and Statistics
Pertinent Quotation (恰当的引语)
“The only uless life is woman’s,” wrote Benjamin Disraeli about a century ago. Today many feminists are hard at work to liberate woman from the “uless” life of houwife to a “uful” one of engineer, doctor, or political leader. All women, however, do not consider the life of keeping hou and rearing children uless. In fact, as strange as it may sound to most people, not all women want to be liberated.
Question (问题)
What should we get from college?  Some students will tell you very definitely what they want.  One wants to take all tho subjects, and only tho, that will help her get into medical school; another, knowing that a job awaits him in his father's firm, wants to become an engineer as quickly and painlessly as he can. On the other hand is the person, who I suspect is in the majority, who only definite aim is to discover some definite aim (Horner, 1988, p. 237).
Rhetorical Question(修辞性疑问句)
Are the courts abolishing x discrimination in American education? Recent court decisions concerning charges of x discrimination in university athletics have raid some very real doubts in the minds of female athletes about the willingness of the courts to abolish x bias. A review of three of the cas will illustrate the point.
Autobiography (个人经历)
在引言段中,以描写与主题相关的个人的一次经历或一个事件开头,引发主题,可使内容生动逼真, 但是这种引言对作文来讲可能会显得太长。
About a dozen people scampered off the bus as its doors swished open.  When I reached the sidewalk, I stopped for veral conds before deciding to go into the corner restaurant and have a cup of coffee.  As I entered the crowded restaurant and moved toward the lunch counter, a well-dresd elderly man (who emed to have appeared out of nowhere) put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Young man, how would you like to make a lot of money?”  This was the beginning of one of the most unusual experiences I ever had.
Facts and Statistics (事实和统计数字
A new Census Bureau report predicts that there will be 383 million Americans in the year 2050. That's 128 million more than there are now, and 83 million more than the bureau was predicting just four years ago, when it appeared that the U. S. population would perk and stabilize at around 300 million.           
Refutation (驳斥)
Forcing children to do things, in general, is good if the child is in danger or too young to make major decisions. Parents may also argue that forcing their child to take up certain hobbies, like the piano, will give the child a well-rounded education and a possible future career in music. However, there are veral problems with forcing children to comply: a breakdown in communication between the children and the parents, rebellion, and failure in school (Leonhard, 1999, p. 101).
2. The main body
Thesis Statement:
I.    First main idea四川师范大学成都学院
A.  First subordinate idea
1. First example or illustration
2. Second example or illustration
    a.  First supporting detail
    b.  Second Supporting detail
B.  Second subordinate idea
3. Concluding Paragraph
Typical Conclusions
a. Evaluating the Subject(评价主题的重要性)
The amazing, controversial photographs of the comet will continue to be the subject of debate becau, according to some scientists, they yield the most important clues yet revealed about the origins of our univer.
b. Stating Broader Implication(阐述深远的寓意)
Becau the studies of feline leukemia may someday play a crucial role in the discovery of a cure for AIDS in human beings, the experiments, as expensive as they are, must continue.
c. Using Witticism (用诙谐的语言深化主题)
No one said dieting was easy. But for some of us who have surrendered, the cliche “half a loaf is better than none” has taken on new meaning!
d. Inferring and Forecasting(推论或展望前景)
Soap operas will continue to be popular not only becau they distract us from our daily chores but also becau they prent life as we want it to be: fast-paced, glamorous, and full of exciting characters.
e. Using a Rhetorical Question(用修辞性疑问句引发深思)
No one wants to e hostages put in danger. But what nation can afford to let terrorists know they can get away with murder?
                          Section 2  Writing Process
Five Steps in Writing
Determining the Topic
Finding and Selecting Materials
Organizing Materials into an Outline
Ways of Making an Outline
Directions for Outlining
“Harvard 标准提纲是一种表达一篇文章中各个部分内容之间关系的结构框架。根据这个框架结构:大写的罗马数字(the Roman numerals)表示主要划分(main divisions);大写英语字母海军大臣(upper-ca letters)表示续分(subdivisions);阿拉伯数字(Arabic numerals) 表示再续分(further divisions);小写英语字母(lower-ca letters)表示下个层次的再续分(still further divisions);依次类推。
Essay Outline Framework
I. First major point or division
  A. First point belonging to above division
  B. Second point
II.  Second major point or division开心地
  A. First point belonging to above division
      1. details belonging to Point A.
      2. details belonging to Point A.
          a. finer details belonging to 2.
                (1) still finer details belonging to a.
                (2) still finer details belonging to a.
III. Third major point or division
Techniques & Principles in Outlining
Types of Outlines
Topic Outline
Sentence Outline
Topic-Sentence Outline
Sample Outline:            Therapeutic Benefits from Pets
Thesis Statement: Pets have been found to provide important therapeutic benefits to the mentally ill, the physically ill, and the handicapped.
I.  Benefits to the mentally ill
A. History of the u of animals for the mentally disturbed
B. Recent u of animals to help mentally ill patients
C. U of pets to help the criminally insane
II .  Benefits to the physically ill
A. Higher survival rates for heart-dia patients who own pets
B.  Improved blood pressure in tho patients with pets铁皮石斛作用
C.  Improvements to hospital patients who are visited by pets
III. Benefits to the handicapped and disabled
      A. Physical assistance
a. Seeing-eye dogs
b. Hearing-ear dogs
c. Animals that run errands
B. Emotional support
a. Emotional benefits of guide dogs
b. Incread confidence to disabled from horback riding
c. Improvement of morale in nursing homes.     
                          Section 3  Types of English Essays
1. Narration
A New Year's Eve Party
      Every New Year’s Eve, the provincial government hosts a New Year’s Eve party for foreign experts and teachers working in the province. On this particular evening, the weather was piercingly cold outside, but inside the grand banquet hall, it was warm like spring. People were shaking hands saying hello to each other. The holiday atmosphere was all round.
      The chandeliers hanging from the ceiling shone brightly and all the lamps around the walls were ablaze with colorful lights. Dozens of lovely girls dresd in snow white uniforms were busily walking up and down the hall rving the guests with drinks and snacks. All the guests dresd in their very best clothes were either standing or sitting along each side of the hall.  Suddenly the sonorous voice of the Master of Ceremonies came over the loud speaker introducing the vice-governor of the province, who delivered a New Year’s Eve message, followed by the prentation of awards to outstanding foreign experts and teachers. The proud awardees stood in front of the rostrum holding their Certificates of Merit and prizes, posing for flashing cameras. After a thank-you speech by a reprentative of the foreign experts, the performance began. All the actors and actress were from the Provincial Song and Dance Enmble.
continued) The party reached its climax when the chairperson declared that the dance party would begin. The lights were dimmed and a lighted ball hanging from the ceiling began turning around and around shooting colored lights in all directions. The guests excitedly began to dance around the large hall, enjoying both classical and Chine folk music, looking forward to the coming year with hope and anticipation.
2. description
Visiting Tianzishan
        Earlier this year I had the opportunity to visit Tianzishan nature rerve, which is one part of Wulingyuan scenery area in Hunan province, the world's famous natural resource heritage. After spending the night in a small quaint hotel not far from the foothills, I awoke to a most rene site. In the distance was a picturesque scene just like a traditional Chine painting hanging before my eyes. A mysterious thin mist hovered over the zigzagged mountaintops like a translucent silk scarf covering a beautiful fairy. Behind the mysterious mist, dark blue mountains appeared and disappeared. Inspired by this scene I headed for Tianzishan to take in the cool fresh unpolluted air and natural beauty of the mountains.
        In order to reach Helong Park, I had to climb a stone stairca, which spiraled all the way up the mountain. As I climbed step by step, I met veral bearers of dan chairs who offered to give me a ride but I decided to continue climbing on my own. As I proceeded up the mountain I obrved veral different kinds of trees growing between jagged rocks of grotesque shapes. Every three hundred meters there was a rest area of about 40 or 50 square meters where local residents were lling souvenirs. After about ten such rest areas I finally arrived at the top which was a wide spacious area. I was astounded by the beauty of the national park surrounded by many hills and stone forests of different shapes.
      On the east side of the mountaintop, I saw a silhouette of a mother holding a baby in her arms, all in stone. To me, it emed to be the omnipotence of heaven had created all of this. To the west was a group of stone forests dimly covered by a thin mist. To the south was a birds-eye view of the beautiful scenery below. To the north were mountains that emed to go on forever like rolling waves. At that moment, it emed I had been transported into a fairyland.
3. Exposition
Mequitazine…………………………………………………….5 mg
per tablet
Treatment of various allergic symptoms: vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinitis (asonal or perennial), conjunctivitis, angioneurotic oedema, urticaria.
Supportive symptomatic treatment of pruriginous dermatological conditions (eczema, prurigo, etc.)
Avoid combination with M.A.O.I.s
Clod-angle glaucoma.
Prostatic adenoma.
Inform your doctor in the event of pregnancy of breast-feeding.
As directed by your doctor. The usual dosage is 1 tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening, or 2 tablets as a single do at night.
Box of 14 and 6 tablets each containing 5 mg of mequitazine. A.M.M. 318 156.8
这是一篇法国生产的"波丽玛郎"的药品说明书。说明书精确地介绍了此药的成分 (Composition)、适应症 (Indications)、禁忌症 (Contraindications)、注意事项 (Precautions)、服用方法和剂量(Dosage)以及包装 (Prentation),解答了患者可能持有的疑问,因而达到了说明的目的。
4. Argumentation
在议论文中,作者经常需要对某一个问题提出赞成或反对的观点。根据下面Lecturing as a Method of Teaching的提纲,可写出Pro-and-Con 类型的议论短文。
1. Lectures are an economical way of giving information to a large number of students.
2. The latest information or views can be heard.
3. It is more interesting to hear and e a person than to read a book.
4. A good lecture can stimulate thought and discussion.
1. Lectures are often badly delivered and are boring.
2. Often the same lecture notes are ud year after year.
3. It is difficult to take notes in a lecture.
4. Many lecturers just read aloud parts of their books. It is easier to read the  books.
Lecturing as a Method of Teaching (sample)
      Lecturing is one of the most commonly ud teaching techniques at universities and colleges. However, it is often attacked by educational psychologists and the students who claim that lectures were badly delivered and were as boring as rmons. In fact, some lecturers have never spoken with humor and they just read aloud from parts of their books. Other lecturers ud the same lecture notes year after year with little revision. As to the students, they have found it difficult to make notes during a lecture.
    In spite of its disadvantages, lecturing is generally considered an economical way of giving information to a large audience. Compared with textbooks, lecturing can provide the students with the latest information and may inspire and stimulate thought and discussion among the audience. On the part of the students, they would feel more interested when they e a person than read a book. In addition, there would be interactions between a lecturer and the audience and a raid question can be discusd or hopefully be solved during the lecture.
      Lecturing as a method of teaching has brought students both advantages and disadvantages. However, all things considered, the advantages of lecturing far outweigh its disadvantages.
See Practice 3-5 Pair work (P117.)
Work in pairs to write a short pro-and-con essay in accordance with the outline on Page 117.

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