摘虎皮鸡爪做法 要
The compass is divided into the gyro compass (the gyrocompass) and the magnetic compass. It is an important navigation instrument for the ship, especially the gyro compass. The heading accuracy is high. The indicated heading is generally connected to the navigati
on instruments such as radar and electronic chart. Marine instruments that drivers rely on. However, there will be errors in the precision instrument. The size of the compass difference will directly affect the safety of the ship's navigation. Therefore, the driver needs to master the method of measuring the compass difference and make necessary corrections to the heading and orientation. In this paper, we will u the celestial body to describe the compass difference measurement method in detail when the container ship "long crown wheel" sails in the Atlantic Ocean. Through actual measurement, we will talk about the experience of measuring the compass measurement of the sky and the actual navigation. Application understanding and recommendations.
Key words:
Measurement methods, precautions, suggestions and experience.
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
南浔古镇在哪里1.2 研究现状
由于船舶条件有限,不是所有的船舶都配有《航海天文历》、《太阳方位表》等图书资料,有些船舶需要向公司申请,获取电子版的图书资料,查阅起来不是十分便利。理论上测罗经差的方法是观测天体的方位,同时记录船时、船舶所在的经纬度、航向,利用索星卡查找出该星体的名称,通过查表计算出该星体的地方时角(LHA)、赤纬(Dec),代入公式中求得该星体的真方位,与观测方位作差求得罗经差。但实际航海中,公式计算比较繁琐,通常是利用LHA、Dec、Lat为查表引数,查阅《NORIE爱作文开头’S NAUTICAL TABLES》(俗称《ABC》表)直接可以获取该星体的真方位。此外,还有另一种方法,利用船上的电脑软件,将船舶的航向、经纬度、以及观测方位输入到系统中,系统会显示出你所观测星体的名称,不需要利用索星卡来确定星体,以免造成误差。