Some Features of Steinbeck’s Literary Style大宪章
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 the Subjective and Objective Factors and Aesthetic Basis of Steinbeck'2
1.1 The Literary Edification of Good Family...................................................2
1.2 Rich Experiences of Steinbeck’ Life.................................................................4
1.3 The Great Humanistic Care of John Steinbeck.....................................................6
1.4 Innovative Consciousness.......................................................................8
Chapter 2 John Steinbeck's Novels' Pursuits of Aesthetic........................10
理睬 2.1 Epic-styled Themes..............................................................................10
2.2 Non-teleological Method ............................................................................11
单纯的反义词 2.3 Typical Characters................................................................................11
Chapter3 Aesthetic Techniques of John Steinbeck'13
3.1Effective Contrasts................................................................................13
3.2 Poetic Languages.................................................................................13
3.3 Implicit Endings ...................................................................................14 16
摘要:作为一位在世界文坛上有广泛影响的作家,毫无疑问, 我认为斯坦贝克不懈追求和奋斗精神,贯穿其四十余年的全部创作活动之中,体现在作家创作的每一部成功以及不太成功的作品之中。大半个世纪对斯坦贝克小说的研究充满了争议,直到今天分歧仍然很大。本来,文学批评见仁见智,不足为奇,可以说是不可避免的。但是,这里夹杂着许多文学的因素,非文学的因素,同时也带有许多误解的成分,所以不能客观实事求是地对待作家及他的作品。特别是对于像斯坦贝克这种前后创作风格变化颇大的作家,如果根据某一部作品或某一时期的作品就判断或衡量该作家整个创作的美学价值跟文学特点,必然会失之
Some Features of Steinbeck’s Literary Style
Abstract:吸引女生的网名As an influential writer in the literary. I'm sure Steinbeck had worked very hard in his writing career for forty years. This spirit can be reflected in his every work, successful or not. The rearch on Steinbeck's novels is full of controversy for over half a century until today. It is no surpri that literary artist have different opinions. This situation is complicated in which involves many elements of literature and non-literary factors, even a lot of misunderstanding. As a result, the writer and his works did not receive objective and realistic treatment that will be biad to determine the literary chara
cteristics of aesthetic value. Especially for Steinbeck, who writing style changed greatly, it is not fair to just and decide the aesthetic value and literary feature according to one specific work or work in one specific period. This thesis attempts to explore the features of Steinbeck's works deeply and through analysis of his writing techniques and contents. John Steinbeck's many works are about the land and the people of the United States. He spoke for the poor people, and defend foe the oppresd. In his novel he depicts compassionate and humane authentic characters, demonstrating their lives in the magnificent picture in the world wide.
Key words: Steinbeck, aesthetic value, novel, characters, the literary characteristics of aesthetic value
John Steinbeck (1902-1968) is a prolific and versatile writer, he has written over thirty books which spread over a wide spectrum. The Grapes of Wrath (1939), Tortilla Flat (1935), Of Mice and Men (1937), and East of Eden(1952),and even some of his less kn
own books have been widely read by the general public both at home and abroad. His works include novels, short stories, plays and journals. Although the basic tting for most of his works is in California, his home state, the topics in his writing range from culture, politics, war and science to society itlf. He was awarded various honors, including Pulitzer Prize (1940), and Nobel Prize (1962). In the 1960s, literary critics began to focus on Steinbeck's works and their interest in Stein beck grew as time went on. As a result, the International John Steinbeck Society and Stein beck quarterly were t up. Till now, Steinbeck's novels have been translated into 33 languages and The Grapes of Wrath was translated into Chine as early as in 1943.Nowadays, all his important saga novels, novelettes and short stories have Chine versions (no collected edition in China yet).
Chapter One the Subjective and Objective Factors and Aesthetic Basis of Steinbeck's Novel
1.1 The Literary Edification of Good Family
"The writer is delegated to declare and to celebrate manpower capacity for greatness of heart and spirit-for gallantry in defeat, for courage, compassion and love. In the endless war against weakness and despair, the are the bright rally flags of hope and of emulation. I hold that a writer who does not believe in the perfectibility of man has neither dedication nor any membership in literature". This is what John Steinbeck said when he received the Nobel Prize in 1962.
It ems that Steinbeck's being famous is incredible. But, if we study further, we'll find that it is not accidental for Steinbeck to acquire such splendid accomplishments. It has its inevitable subjective and objective, factors. In this chapter, we will try to trace the aesthetic origins of Steinbeck's novels from the following aspects, i.e. good family literary edification, rich life experiences, great humanistic care, profound local complex and strong innovative consciousness.