1._____is the reprentative among the writers of aestheticism and decadence.The Picture of Dorian Gray is a typical decadent novel written by him.
【答案】Oscar Wilde
【解析】奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)是19世纪末英国唯美派剧作家、诗人、小说家和文学批评家。《道林·格雷的画像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray)是王尔德最出色的作品,最为详细地阐述了他的颓废主义思想。
2.The Happy Prince and Other Tales and The Hou of Pomegranates are two collections of_____written by Oscar Wilde.
【答案】children’s stories
躬身践行3.The reputation of_____rests largely on two of his novels:Animal Farm and_____.(大连外国语学院2008研)
【答案】George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-four
动车高铁4.Through the military life experience of Guy,and disillusionment of his dream of elimination of the evils through just wars,Evelyn Waugh explores in his work, _____,the nature of war.
【答案】Unconditional Surrender
【解析】伊夫林·沃在小说《无条件投降》(Unconditional Surrender)写到,盖伊希望通过战争消除罪恶的梦想最终破灭,从而以此来探索自己对战争本质的认识。
5.The author of An Ideal Husband is_____.
【答案】Oscar Wilde
【解析】奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde)是19世纪末英国唯美派剧作家。他的主要剧作有:《温德米尔夫人的扇子》(Lady Windermer’s Fan),《一个无足轻重的妇女》(A Woman of No Importance),《理想丈夫》(An Ideal Husband),《认真的重要性》(The Importance of Being Earnest)。
6.Among Thomas Hardy’s novels,the best-known are_____and Jude the Obscure.【答案】Tess of the D’Urbervilles
【解析】托马斯·哈代的“性格和环境小说”有六部:《绿荫下》(Under the Greenwood Tree),《远离尘嚣》(Far from the Madding Crowd),《还乡》(The Return of the Native),《卡斯特桥市长》(The Mayor of the Casterbridge),《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the D’Urbervilles),《无名的裘德》(Jude the Obscure)。其中最成功的是最后两部。
7.Thomas Hardy’s novel_____describes a poor shepherd’s love affairs with a rich young lady.
【答案】Far From the Madding Crowd
8.Thomas Hardy’s novel_____tells a story about a poor villager’s love affairs with a married school mistress named Sue.
【答案】Jude the Obscure
9.The English writer_____t his major novels in the south and southwest of_____,
which he called“Wesx”.(天津外国语学院2011研)
【答案】Thomas Hardy,England
10.The slogan of decadent and aesthetic literature is_____.
【答案】Art for Art’s Sake
【解析】颓废派和唯美派的口号是“为艺术而艺术”(Art for Art’s Sake)。
11._____’s Modern Painters was written to defend J.M.W.Turner,the English
landscape painter,against the attacks on his painting made by the conventional critics of the day.
【答案】John Ruskin
【解析】约翰·罗斯金(John Ruskin)是英国19世纪卓越的艺术批评家和社会评论家。
他撰写了5卷本的巨著《近代画家》(Modern Painters)称赞特纳(Turner)的画作及风格。
12.The major theme of D.H.Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers is its exposition of the
“_____”,an idea propod by Sigmund Freud in his psychoanalysis.(天津外国语学院2011研)
【答案】Oedipus complex
【解析】恋母情结(Oedipus complex)在精神分析中指以本能冲动力为核心的一种欲望,指男性的一种服从和依恋母亲的心理倾向。
13._____,one of the century’s finest novels,traces the ri and fall of Michael
Henchard,a tough,egotistical fellow who,having committed the folly of drunkenly lling his wife and baby at a fair,turns teetotal and by sheer perverance ris to wealth as a corn-factor and to respectability as Mayor of Casterbridge.
【答案】The Mayor of Casterbridge
14.James Joyce ems to mean that Ulyss describes the conscious mind,while
_____,his cond novel,describes the sub-conscious world in which a man lives through a good part of his life.
【答案】Finnegans Wake
15._____is the founder of the“Stream of Consciousness”school of novel writing.
【答案】James Joyce
16.The title of James Joyce’s fiction_____shows that the author intends to model
his fiction on the Homeric story of_____.(国际关系学院2007研)
17.Like Ibn,_____was much concerned about the social problems of his time.His
career as a dramatist began in1892,when his first play_____was put on and turned out a success.(天津外国语2010研)
【答案】George Bernard Shaw;Widowers’Hous
18.Women in Love was written by_____.(大连外国语2008研:A卷)
【解析】劳伦斯,全名为David Herbert Lawrence,英国二十世纪著名作家,代表作有《恋爱中的女人》《查泰莱夫人的情人》《儿子与情人》和《虹》等。
19.Modernist writers such as James Joyce and Virginia Woolf approached the
internal world of characters in their novels by the technique of“stream of consciousness”which means_____.(天津外国语2010研)
丹栀逍遥丸【答案】a narrative mode that eks to portray an individual’s point of view by giving the written equivalent of the character’s thought process,either in a loo interior monologue,or in connection to his or her actions.
20.Lawrence’s novel_____was positively taken as a typical example of Oedipus
Complex in fiction..(人大2006研)
【答案】Sons and Lovers
21.Lord Murchison tells of his love experience with a young woman who is
mysterious in his actions.(武汉大学2010研)
【答案】“The Sphinx Without a Secret”;Oscar Wilde