DAT (inrt named termina l at port or place of destina tion)终点站交货(…指定目的地) GUIDAN C E NOTE 序言
劳动协议书This rule may be ud irrespe ctiveof the mode of transpo rt lecte d and may also be ud where more than one mode of transpo rt is employe d.
“Deliver ed at Termina l” means that the llerdeliver s when the goods, once unloade d from the arrivin g means of transpo rt, are placedat the disposa l of the buyer at a named termina l at the na med port or place of destina tion. “Termina l” include s any place, whether covered or not, such as a quay, warehou , contain er yard or road, rail or air cargo termina l.
“Deliver ed at Termina l”是指当卖方在指定港口或目的地的指定终点站将已从运输工具上卸载下来的货物交给买方处置时,即完成交货。“终点站”包括不论是否有屋顶的任何地方,如码头、仓库、集装箱场地或公路、铁路及航空的货物终点站。
The llerbears all risks involve d in bringin g the goods to and unloadi ng them at the termina l at t he
named port or place of destina tion. The parties are well advid to specify as clearly as possibl e the termina l and, if possibl e, a specifi c point withinthe termina l at the agreedport or place of d estina tion, as the risks to that point are for the account of the ller. The lleris advid to proc ure a contrac t of carriag e that matches this choiceprecise ly.
Moreove r, if the parties intendthe llerto bear the risks and costs involve d in transpo rtingand handlin g the goods from the termina l to another place, then the DAP or DDP rules shouldbe u d.
DAT require s the llerto clear the goods for export, where applica ble. However, the llerhas n o obligat ion to clear the goods for import, pay any importduty or carry out any importcustoms f ormali ties.
旺夫是什么意思A1 General obligat ions of the ller卖方基本义务初中地理教学设计
The llermust provide the goods and the commerc ial invoice in conform ity with the contrac t of sale and any other evidenc e of conform ity that may be require d by the contrac t. Any documen t r eferre d to in A1-A10 may be an equival ent electro nic recordor procedu re if agreedbetween the parties or customa ry.
A2 Licence s, authori z ation s, curit y clearan ces and other formalities 许可,授权,安全许可和其他正式手续
Where applica ble, the llermust obtain, at its own risk and expense, any exportlicence and oth er officia l authori zation and carry out all customs formali ties necessa ry for the exportof the good s and for their transpo rt through any country prior to deliver y.
A3 Contrac ts of carriage and insuran ce 运输合同和保险合同 a) Contrac t of carriage 运输合同The llermust contrac t at its own expense for the carriag e of the goods to the named termina l a t the agreedport or place of destina tion. If a specifi c termina l is not agreedor is not determi ned by practic e, the llermay lectthe termina l at the agreedport or place of destina tion that best suits its purpose.
b) Contrac t of insuran ce 保险合同
The llerhas no obligat ion to the buyer to make a contrac t of insuran ce. However, the llermu st provide the buyer, at the buyer’s request, risk, and expense (if any), with informa tion that the buyer needs for obtaini ng insuran ce.
A4 Deliver y 交货
The llermust unloadthe goods from the arrivin g means of transpo rt and must then deliver the m by placing them at the disposa l of the buyer at the named termina l referre d to in A3 a) at the p ort or place of
destina tion on the agreeddate or withinthe agreedperiod.
卖方必须按照A3 a)规定在港口或目的地内的指定终点站,在约定的交货日期或期限内,将以从运输工具上卸载下来的货物交给买方处置。
A5 Transfe r of risks 风险转移
The llerbears all risks of loss of or damageto the goods until they have been deliver ed in accor da nce with A4 with the excepti on of loss or damagein the circums tances describ ed in B5.
除B5规定者外,卖方必须承担货物灭失或损坏的一切风险,直至已按照A4规定交货为止。 A6 Allocat ion of costs 费用划分 The ller must pay 卖方必须支付
a) in additio n to costs resulti ng from A3 a), all costs relatin g to the goods until they have been deli ver ed in accorda nce with A4, other than tho payable by the buyer as envisag ed in B6; and
六一儿童除按照B6规定应由买方支付的费用外,卖方必须支付与货物有关的一切费用,直至已按照A4规定交货为止,包括按照A3 a)规定应负担的费用。
b) where applica ble, the costs of customs formali ties necessa ry for exportas well as all duties, tax es and other charges payable upon exportand the costs for their transpo rt through any country, prior to deliver y in accorda nce with A4.
A7 Notices to the buyer 通知买方
The llermust give the buyer any noticeneededin order to allow the buyer to take measure s th at are normall y necessa ry to enablethe buyer to take deliver y of the goods.
卖方必须给予买方任何必要的通知,以便买方能够为受领货物采取通常必要的措施。 A8 Deliver y documen t 交货凭证
The llermust provide the buyer, at the ller’s expense, with a documen t enablin g the buyer to take deliver y of the goods as envisag ed in A4/B4.
卖方必须自付费用向买方提供其能按照A4/B4规定接收货物的凭证。 A9 Checkin g –packaging –marking 查对、包装、标记
The llermust pay the costs of tho checkin g operati ons (such as checkin g quality, measuri ng, weighin g, countin g) that are necessa ry for the purpose of deliver ing the goods in accorda nce wit h A4, as well as the costs of any pre-shipmen t inspect ion mandate d by the authori ty of the count ry of export. The llermust, at its own expense, package the goods, unlessit is usual for the par ticu lar trade to transpo rt the type of goods sold unpacka ged. The llermay package the goods in the mannerappropr iate for their transpo rt, unlessthe buyer has notifie d the llerof specifi c pa ckagi ng require mentsbeforethe contrac t of sale is conclud ed. Packagi ng is to be markedappropr iately.
A10 Assista nce with informa tion and related costs 信息协助及相关费用
The llermust, where applica ble, in a timelymanner, provide to or renderassista nce in obtaini n g f
or the buyer, at the buyer’s request, risk and expense, any documen ts and informa tion, includi ng
curit y-related informa tion, that the buyer needs for the importof the goods and/or for their tra nspo rt to the final destina tion.
The llermust reimbur the buyer for all costs and charges incurre d by the buyer in providi ng o r renderi ng assista nce in obtaini ng documen ts and informa tion as envisag ed in B10.
卖方必须偿付买方按照B10规定在卖方获得相关凭证和信息时给予协助所发生的费用。 B THE BUYER’ OBLIGAT IONS 买方义务加勒比海地区
B1 General obligat ions of the buyer 买方基本义务
电视屏幕怎么清洁The buyer must pay the price of the goods as provide d in the contrac t of sale. 买方必须按照销售合同规定支付价款。
Any documen t referre d to in B1-B10 may be an equival ent electro nic recordor procedu re if agree dbetween the parties or customa ry.
以及经当事人同意或根据交易习惯在B1-B10中提到的任何有同等作用的电子记录或程序的凭证。 B2 Licence s, authorization s, curit y clearan ces and other formalities 许可,授权,安全许可和其他正式手续
Where applica ble, the buyer must obtain, at its own risk and expense, any importlicence or othe r officia l authori zation and carry out all customs formali ties for the importof the goods.
B3 Contrac ts of carriage and insuran ce 运输合同和保险合同 a) Contrac t of carriage 运输合同The buyer has no obligat ion to the ller to make a contrac t of carriage. 买方没有义务为卖方订立运输合同。 b) Contrac t of insurance 保险合同
The buyer has no obligat ion to the llerto make a contrac t of insuran ce. However, the buyer mu st provide the ller, upon request, with the necessa ry informa tion for obtaini ng insuran ce.
买方没有义务为卖方订立保险合同。但应卖方要求,买方必须提供给卖方办理保险的必要信息。 B4 Taking delivery 接收货物
The buyer must take delivery of the goods when they have been deliver ed as envisaged in A4. 买方必须在卖方按照A4规定交货时受领货物。 B5 Transfe r of risks 风险转移
The buyer bears all risks of loss of or damageto the goods from the time they have been deliver e d as envisag ed in A4.
If a) the buyer fails to fulfill its obligat ions in accorda nce with B2, then it bears all resulti ng risks of loss of or damageto the goods; or b) the buyer fails to give noticein accorda nce with B7, then it bears all risks of loss of or damageto the goods from the agreeddate or the expirydate of the ag reedperiodfor deliver y, provide d that the goods have been clearly identif ied as the contrac t goo ds.
B6 Allocat ion of costs 费用划分
The buyer must pay:a) all costs relatin g to the goods from the time they have been delivered as envisaged in A4; b) any additional costs incurred by the ller if the buyer fails to fulfill its obligat ions in accorda nce with B2, or to give notice in accordance with B7, provide d that the goods have been clearly identif ied as the contrac t goods; and c) where applica ble, the costs of customs formali ties as well as all duties, taxes and other charges p ayable upon importof the goods.
B7 Notices to the ller通知卖方
The buyer must, wheneve r it is entitle d to determi ne the time withinan agreedperiodand/or th e point of takingdeliver y at the named termina l, give the llersuffici ent noticethereof.
一旦买方有权确定在约定的期限内受领货物的具体时间和/或地点时,买方必须给予卖方充分通知。 B8 Proof of deliver y 交货证明
The buyer must accept the deliver y documen t provided as envisaged in A8. 买方必须接受卖方按照A8规定所提供的交货凭证。 B9 Inspection of goods 货物检验
The buyer must pay the costs of any mandato ry pre-shipmen t inspect ion, exceptwhen such inspe ct ion is mandate d by the authori ties of the country of export.
买方必须支付任何装运前强制检验的费用,包括出口国有关当局强制进行的检验。 B10 Assista nce with informa tion and related costs 信息协助及相关费用
The buyer must, in a timelymanner, advithe llerof any curit y informa tion require mentsso that the llermay complywith A10. The buyer must reimbur the llerfor all costs and charg es incurre d by the llerin providi ng or renderi ng assista nce in obtaini ng documen ts and informa tion as envisag ed in A10. The buyer must, where applica ble, in a timelymanner, provide to or ren derassista nce in obtaini ng for the ller, at the ller’s request, risk and expense, any documen ts and informa tion, includi ng curit y-related informa tion, that the llerneeds for the transpo rt an d exportof the goods and for their transpo rt through any country.法律知识大全资料