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In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-erty and the environment, at a and onshore. DNV undertakes classification,
certification, and other verification and consultancy rvices relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out rearch in relation to the functions.
DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:
—Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-sultancy rvices.
—Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general u by the offshore industry as well as
the technical basis for DNV offshore rvices.
—Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level
Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:A)Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B)Materials Technology C)Structures D)Systems
E)Special Facilities F)Pipelines and Rirs G)Ast Operation H)Marine Operations J)Wind Turbines
Amendments and Corrections
This document is valid until superded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a parate document on the DNV web-site; normally updated twice per year (April and October). To access the web-site, lect short-cut options "Technology Services" and "Offshore Rules and Standards" at /
The electronic web-versions of the DNV Offshore Codes will be regularly updated to include the amendments and corrections.
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-D201, January 2005
Changes – Page 3
This Offshore Standard has been revid in accordance with most recent IEC and IACS requirements. Also, some new re-quirements have been added bad on experience feedback, and references have been updated. The main changes are:
防拐骗图片Ch.1 Introduction
No change.
Ch.2 Technical Provisions
•Sec.2 System Design
New requirements have been introduced:
名牌化妆品—24 h emergency supply for diving equipment.—Emergency supply to gas detection only required for con-tinuous monitoring gas detection systems.
—kW- meter for all generators, not only for parallel operat-ing generators.
—Main switchboards control shall be possible at the front.—New temperature class - 90°C - for cable insulation.•Sec.3 Equipment in General
明片New requirements have been introduced:
—New maximum temperature for operating handles, to be in line with IEC. Requirement for temperature ri of termi-nals (re-introduced).
—Requirement regarding marking of terminals and cores has been rewritten.
•Sec.4 Switchgear and Controlgear Asmblies —Requirement regarding "Internal arc withstand" of low voltage switchboards and asmblies has been deleted.
New requirements have been added:
—For multipole isolating switch at the control gear, the switchgear shall be lockable in the "off" position if remote from the consumer.
—kW- meter for all generators, not only for parallel operat-ing generators.
•Sec.5 Rotating Machines
— A Guidance note for alternative methods for measuring excitation current at rated voltage, current and power fac-tor has been added.
•Sec.8 Miscellaneous Equipment
—Some requirements covered by other items have been re-moved.•Sec.9 Cables
—This ction has been rewritten and updated to be in line with IEC 60092-353, IEC 60092-354 and IEC 60092-376.
(e.g. new temperature class - 90°C -, new requirements for
insulation thickness for control and instrumentation ca-bles).
•Sec.10 Installation
New requirements have been introduced:
—Emergency lighting fixtures shall be marked for easy iden-tification.
—Mats in front and behind cargo switchboards.
—Two new tests upon completion of the installation: "Test-ing of harmonic distortion", when relevant, and "Testing of independency between main and emergency system".—Updated requirements for te
sting of generator and testing of short circuit protection.
Requirements which have been updated:
—Item C404 "Cable bunches not complying with IEC 60332-3 or other recognid standard fire spread test" has been updated to be in line with IACS SC 10.
—Item D302 "Electrical test of high voltage cable after in-stallation" has been updated to be in line with IACS UR E
11 7.2.6.
Requirements which have been deleted:
—Requirement for marking of cables and terminals.—Item C701 c) bad on feedback from surveyors.•Sec.11 Hazardous Area Installations
—No technical changes. However, some requirements cov-ered by other items have been removed.
•Sec.13 Definitions
Cargo handling, with the exception of lifting and dry cargo handling appliances, and water ingress detection and alarm system have been added to the list of important rv-ices.
— A Guidance note covering comparison between the IEC bad zone and NEC bad divisions has been added.—"Equipment and systems that are needed for the purpo of exhausting or removing" has been deleted from emergen-cy rvices.
Ch.3 Certification and Classification
No change.
Corrections and clarifications
In addition to the above mentioned changes, a number of cor-rections and clarifications have been made to the existing text.
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-D201, January 2005
Page 4 – Changes
Offshore Standard DNV-OS-D201, January 2005
Contents – Page 5 CONTENTS
Sec. 1General (9)
A.Introduction (9)
A100Objectives (9)
B.Normative References (9)
B100Standards (9)
B200Reference documents (9)
C.Informative References (9)
C100General (9)
D.Definitions (9)
D100Verbal forms (9)
D200Offshore units (9)
E.Abbreviations and Symbols (10)
E100Abbreviations (10)
F.Documentation (10)
F100General (10)
Sec. 1General (13)
A.Introduction (13)
A100References (13)
A200Application (13)
Sec. 2System Design (14)
A.General (14)
A100Design principle (14)
A200System voltages and frequency (15)
B.Main Electric Power Supply System (16)
B100General (16)
C.Emergency Power Supply System (18)
C100General (18)
C200Transitional source (22)
C300Emergency generators (22)
D.Battery Installation (23)
D100General (23)
E.Starting Arrangement for Engines with
Electric Starter (23)
E100 General (23)
F.Electric Power Distribution (24)
F100Distribution in general (24)
F200Lighting (24)
F300Shore connections (25)
F400Power supply to navigation equipment (25)
F500Power supply to radio and communication equipment (26)
G.Protection (26)
G100System protection (26)
G200Circuit protection (27)
G300Generator protection (28)
G400Transformer protection (28)
G500Motor protection (28)
H.Control (28)
H100Control system (28)
H200Main and emergency switchboard control (29)
H300Motor control (30)
H400Emergency stop (30)
I.Vesl Arrangement (31)
I100General (31)
I200Switchboard arrangement (31)
I300Rotating machines (32)
I400Battery installations (32)
I500Cable routing (33)
I600Lightning protection (34)
I700Earthing of aluminium superstructures on steel vesls.34J.Cable Selection (34)
J100General (34)
J200Cable temperature (35)
J300Choice of insulating materials (35)
J400Rating of earth conductors (35)
J500Correction factors (36)
J600Parallel connection of cables (36)
J700Additional requirements for A.C. installations,
and special D.C. installations (37)
J800Rating of cables (37)
Sec. 3Equipment in General (39)
A.General Requirements (39)
A100References (39)
B.Environmental Requirements (39)
B100Inclinations (39)
B200Vibrations and accelerations (39)
B300Temperature and humidity (39)
C.Equipment Ratings (40)
C100Electrical parameters (40)
C200Maximum operating temperatures (40)
D.Mechanical and Electrical Properties (40)
D100Mechanical strength (40)
D200Cooling and anti-condensation (41)
D300Termination and cable entrances (41)
D400Equipment protective earthing (41)
D500Enclosures ingress protection (42)
D600Clearance and creepage distances (42)
E.Marking and Signboards (43)
E100General (43)
F.Insulation (43)
F100Insulation materials (43)
Sec. 4Switchgear and Controlgear Asmblies (45)
A.Construction (45)
A100General (45)
B.Power Circuits (46)
B100Power components in asmblies (46)
B200Batteries (47)
B300Additional requirements for high voltage asmblies (48)
C.Control and Protection Circuits (48)
C100Control and instrumentation (48)
D.Inspection and Testing (49)
D100General (49)
Sec. 5Rotating Machines (51)
A.General (51)
A100References (51)
A200Requirements common to generators and motors (51)
A300Instrumentation of machines (52)
B.Additional Requirements for Generators (52)
B100General (52)
B200Voltage and frequency regulation (53)
B300Generator short circuit capabilities (53)
B400Parallel operation (53)
C.Inspection and Testing (53)
C100General (53)
Sec. 6Power Transformers (56)
A.General (56)
A100General (56)
A200Design requirements for power transformers (56)
B.Inspection and Testing (56)
B100General (56)