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Generate Bookmarks from Page Text
Generate Bookmarks from Page Text
Click Generate Bookmarks from Page Text to create bookmark generators that create bookmarks from document text:
Figure 1. Generate Bookmarks From Page Text Dialog Box
•Click Add to add a new bookmark generator. The dialog box displayed in (figure 4) will open.
•Click Edit to edit the lected bookmark generator.
•Click Remove to remove the lected bookmark generator.
•The Page Range options determine the pages included in the generation of bookmarks:
•Select All to specify all pages.
•Select Current to specify only the current page.
•Select Custom to specify a custom page range, then enter the desired page range in the adjacent number box. Further information about how to specify custom page ranges is available here.
营销策略怎么写•U the Subt options to specify a subt of lected pages. Select All, Odd or Even as desired.
•Select the Ignore text that contains stop words box as desired. Text containing stop words will be excluded from the bookmark generation process when this option is enabled. Click the ellipsis button to view/edit the list of stop words.
•Select the Ignore concutive duplicate bookmarks box to prevent the creation of concutive identical bookmarks.
•Click the Settings dropdown arrow to save/manage/delete bookmark generator ttings:
Figure 2. Generate Bookmarks from Page Text Dialog Box, Save/Manage/Delete Options
•Click Save Current Settings to save the current ttings as a profile for subquent u.
•Click Delete to delete the current profile.
•Click Manage to manage saved profiles. The Manage Prets dialog box will open:
资产评估师Figure 3. Manage Prets Dialog Box
短发怎么扎丸子头•Click Edit to edit lected profiles.
•Click Clone to clone lected profiles.
•U the up and down arrows to move lected profiles up or down in the list.
•Click Delete to delete lected profiles.
•Click Import to import profiles from a saved file.
•Click Export to export profiles to file.
Figure 4. Bookmark Generation Properties Dialog Box
The options lected in the Bookmark Generation Properties dialog box determine the text ud to generate bookmarks, and the style of the generated bookmarks:
Text Matching Options
The options determine text ud in the generation of bookmarks according to font, size and color:
•Select the Font Names box to include text of specific fonts in the generation of bookmarks. Click Add to add fonts to the list, Add Custom to add custom fonts, or Remove to remove lected fonts.
•Select the Font Size box to include text of a specific size in the generation of bookmarks. U the number boxes to determine the Size, Tolerance and Units of text included in the generation of bookmarks. The Tolerance value determines the degree to which lected text can differ from the specified Font Size and remain included in the generation of bookmarks.
•Select the Text Color box to include text of of a specific color in the generation of bookmarks, then lect a color in the dropdown menu.
•Click Get Style from Selected Text to determine the font ttings detailed above according to text currently lected in the active document. U the Select Text tool in the Home tab to lect text for this purpo.天的英语
•The option lected in the Match Text Ca dropdown menu determines text ud in the generation
of bookmarks according to text ca:
•Select No Restrictions to include text of all cas in the generation of bookmarks.
•Select All Characters Are Capital to include only upper-ca text in the generation of bookmarks.
•Select First Character is Capital to include only text that starts with a capital letter in the generation of bookmarks.
•Select First Character is Digit to include only text that starts with a digit in the generation of bookmarks.藉词语
•Select the Allow multiline bookmark titles box to allow bookmark titles to exceed one line in length. This is uful in cas where it is not possible to shorten bookmark titles.
•Select the Match Text Pattern box to specify a quence of words that document text must match in order to be included in the generation of bookmarks. Enter the desired text patten in the text box. Note that it is possible to u ECMAScript regular expressions for this feature.
•Select the Match text ca box to include only text that matches the ca of the text entered in the
Match Text Pattern box. If this box is not lected then all matching text will be included regardless of its ca.
•Select the Limit bookmark titles to matching pattern only box to determine that only text matching the specified pattern will be included in the generation of bookmarks.