
更新时间:2023-07-18 20:29:19 阅读: 评论:0

Most people know that .exe files are potentially dangerous, but that isn’t the only file extension to beware of on Windows. There are a variety of other potentially dangerous file extensions – more than you might expect.
⼤多数⼈都知道.exe⽂件潜在危险,但这并不是Windows上唯⼀要注意的⽂件扩展名。 还有许多其他潜在危险的⽂件扩展名-超出您的预期。
那么,为什么我想知道哪些⽂件是危险的? (So Why Would I Want to Know Which Files are Dangerous?)
It’s important to know which file extensions are potentially dangerous when deciding whether a file  or downloaded from the web is safe to open. Even screen saver files can be dangerous on Windows.
在确定是否可以安全打开或从⽹络下载的⽂件时,务必要知道哪些⽂件扩展名潜在危险。 在Windows上,即使屏幕保护程序⽂件也可能很危险。
When you encounter one of the files, you should take extra care to make sure that you are protected. Scan with your preferred anti-virus product, or even upload it to a rvice like to make sure that there aren’t any virus or malware.
遇到这些⽂件之⼀时,应格外⼩⼼,以确保受到保护。 使⽤您喜欢的防病毒产品进⾏扫描,甚⾄将其上传到类的服务,以确保没有任何病毒或恶意软件。
Obviously you should always have your anti-virus software running and active, and protecting you in the background — but knowing more about some uncommon file extensions can be uful in preventing something bad from happening.
为什么⽂件扩展名潜在危险? (Why is a File Extension Potentially Dangerous?)
The file extensions are potentially dangerous becau they can contain code or execute arbitrary commands. An .exe file is potentially dangerous becau it’s a program that can do anything (within the limits of ). Media files – like .JPEG images and .MP3 music files – are not dangerous becau they can’t contain code. (There have been some cas where a maliciously crafted image or other media file can exploit a vulnerability in a viewer application, but the problems are rare and are patched quickly.)
这些⽂件扩展名潜在危险,因为它们可以包含代码或执⾏任意命令。 .exe⽂件可能会很危险,因为它是⼀个可以执⾏任何操作的程序(在的限制内)。 媒体⽂件(例如.JPEG图像和.MP3⾳乐⽂件)并不危险,因为它们不能包含代码。 (在某些情况下,恶意制作的图像或其他媒体⽂件可以利⽤查看器应⽤程序中的漏洞,但是这些问题很少见,并且很快得到了修补。)
With that in mind, it’s important to know just what types of files can contain code, scripts, and other potentially dangerous things.
程式 (Programs)
.EXE – An executable program file. Most of the applications running on Windows are .exe files.
航拍中国观后感.EXE –可执⾏程序⽂件。 Windows上运⾏的⼤多数应⽤程序都是.exe⽂件。
.PIF – A program information file for MS-DOS programs. While .PIF files aren’t suppod to contain executable code, Windows will treat .PIFs the same as .EXE files if they contain executable code.
.PIF – MS-DOS程序的程序信息⽂件。 虽然不应将.PIF⽂件包含可执⾏代码,但Windows将将.PIF与.EXE⽂件视为相同,如果它们包含可执⾏代码。
.APPLICATION – An application installer deployed with Microsoft’s ClickOnce technology.
.APPLICATION –使⽤Microsoft的ClickOnce技术部署的应⽤程序安装程序。
.GADGET – A gadget file for the Windows desktop gadget technology introduced in Windows Vista.
.GADGET – Windows Vista中引⼊的Windows桌⾯⼩⼯具技术的⼩⼯具⽂件。
峨眉山旅游景点.MSI – A Microsoft installer file. The install other applications on your computer, although applications can also be installed by .exe files.
MSI – Microsoft安装程序⽂件。 它们可以在您的计算机上安装其他应⽤程序,尽管也可以通过.exe⽂件安装应⽤程序。高铁面试自我介绍
.MSP – A Windows installer patch file. Ud to patch applications deployed with .MSI files.作壁上观
.MSP – Windows安装程序补丁⽂件。 ⽤于修补使⽤.MSI⽂件部署的应⽤程序。
– The original type of program ud by MS-DOS.
– MS-DOS使⽤的原始程序类型。
.SCR – A Windows screen saver. Windows screen savers can contain executable code.
.SCR – Windows屏幕保护程序。 Windows屏幕保护程序可以包含可执⾏代码。
.HTA – An HTML application. Unlike HTML applications run in browrs, .HTA files are run as trusted applications without sandboxing.
.HTA – HTML应⽤程序。 与在浏览器中运⾏HTML应⽤程序不同,.HTA⽂件作为受信任的应⽤程序运⾏,⽽⽆需沙箱。
CPL – A Control Panel file. All of the utilities found in the Windows Control Panel are .CPL files.
.CPL –控制⾯板⽂件。 Windows控制⾯板中找到的所有实⽤程序都是.CPL⽂件。
.MSC – A Microsoft Management Console file. Applications such as the group policy editor and disk management tool are .MSC files.
.MSC – Microsoft管理控制台⽂件。 组策略编辑器和磁盘管理⼯具等应⽤程序都是.MSC⽂件。
.JAR – .JAR files contain executable Java code. If you have the installed, .JAR files will be run as programs.
.JAR – .JAR⽂件包含可执⾏的Java代码。 如果安装了 ,则.JAR⽂件将作为程序运⾏。
剧本 (Scripts)
.BAT – A batch file. Contains a list of commands that will be run on your computer if you open it. Originally ud by MS-DOS.
.BAT –批处理⽂件。 包含如果您打开计算机将在计算机上运⾏的命令列表。 最初由MS-DOS使⽤。
.CMD – A batch file. Similar to .BAT, but this file extension was introduced in Windows NT.
.CMD –批处理⽂件。 与.BAT相似,但是此⽂件扩展名是Windows NT中引⼊的。
.VB, .VBS – A VBScript file. Will execute its included VBScript code if you run it.
.VB , .VBS – VBScript⽂件。 如果运⾏它,将执⾏其包含的VBScript代码。一场秋雨
新党章全文.VBE – An encrypted VBScript file. Similar to a VBScript file, but it’s not easy to tell what the file will actually do if you run it.
.VBE –加密的VBScript⽂件。 与VBScript⽂件类似,但是要知道运⾏该⽂件的实际作⽤并不容易。
.JS – A JavaScript file. .JS files are normally ud by webpages and are safe if run in Web browrs.
However, Windows will run .JS files outside the browr with no sandboxing.
.JS –⼀个JavaScript⽂件。 .JS⽂件通常由⽹页使⽤,如果在Web浏览器中运⾏,则是安全的。 但是,Windows将在浏览器外部运⾏.JS ⽂件,⽽不会进⾏沙箱测试。
.JSE – An encrypted JavaScript file.
.JSE –加密JavaScript⽂件。
.WS, .WSF – A Windows Script file.
.WS , .WSF – Windows脚本⽂件。
.WSC, .WSH – Windows Script Component and Windows Script Host control files. Ud along with with Windows Script files.
.WSC , .WSH – Windows脚本组件和Windows脚本主机控制⽂件。 与Windows脚本⽂件⼀起使⽤。
.PS1, .PS1XML, .PS2, .PS2XML, .PSC1, .PSC2 – A script. Runs PowerShell commands in the order specified in the file.
PS1 , .PS1XML , .PS2 , .PS2XML , .PSC1 , .PSC2 – 脚本。 按照⽂件中指定的顺序运⾏PowerShell命令。
.MSH, .MSH1, .MSH2, .MSHXML, .MSH1XML, .MSH2XML – A Monad script file. Monad was later renamed PowerShell.
.MSH,.MSH1,.MSH2,.MSHXML,.MSH1XML,.MSH2XML -单⼦脚本⽂件。 Monad后来更名为PowerShell。
捷径 (Shortcuts)
.SCF – A Windows Explorer command file. Could pass potentially dangerous commands to Windows Explorer.
.SCF – Windows资源管理器命令⽂件。 可以将潜在危险的命令传递给Windows资源管理器。
.LNK – A link to a program on your computer. A link file could potentially contain command-line attributes that do dangerous things, such as deleting files without asking.
.LNK –指向计算机上程序的链接。 链接⽂件可能包含执⾏危险操作的命令⾏属性,例如不经询问就删除⽂件。
.INF – A text file ud by AutoRun. If run, this file could potentially launch dangerous applications it came with or pass dangerous options to programs included with Windows.
.INF – AutoRun使⽤的⽂本⽂件。 如果运⾏,此⽂件可能会启动它附带的危险应⽤程序,或者将危险选项传递给Windows附带的程序。其他 (Other)
.REG – A Windows registry file. .REG files contain a list of registry entries that will be added or remo
ved if you run them. A malicious .REG file could remove important information from your registry, replace it with junk data, or add malicious data.
.REG – Windows注册表⽂件。 .REG⽂件包含注册表项的列表,如果您运⾏它们,将会添加或删除它们。 恶意的.REG⽂件可能会从注册表中删除重要信息,将其替换为垃圾数据,或者添加恶意数据。八正
办公室宏 (Office Macros)
.DOC, .XLS, .PPT – Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents. The can contain malicious macro code.
.DOC , .XLS , .PPT – Microsoft Word,Excel和PowerPoint⽂档。 这些可能包含恶意宏代码。
.DOCM, .DOTM, .XLSM, .XLTM, .XLAM, .PPTM, .POTM, .PPAM, .PPSM, .SLDM – New file extensions introduced in Office 2007. The M at the end of the file extension indicates that the document contains Macros. For example, a .DOCX file contains no macros, while a .DOCM file can contain macros.
.DOCM , .DOTM , .XLSM , .XLTM , .XLAM , .PPTM , .POTM , .PPAM , .PPSM , .SLDM – Office 2007中引⼊的新⽂件扩展名。⽂件扩展名结尾的M表⽰⽂档包含宏。 例如,.DOCX⽂件不包含宏,⽽.DOCM⽂件可以包含宏。
This isn’t an exhaustive list. There are other types of file extensions – like .PDF – that have had a string of curity problems. However, for most of the file types above, there’s just no curing them. They exist to run arbitrary code or commands on your computer.
这不是⼀个详尽的清单。 其他类型的⽂件扩展名(例如.PDF)也存在⼀系列安全问题。 但是,对于上述⼤多数⽂件类型,没有保护它们的⽅法。 它们的存在是为了在您的计算机上运⾏任意代码或命令。
As if the amount of potentially dangerous file extensions to keep track of wasn’t enough, .
仿佛要跟踪的潜在危险⽂件扩展名数量还不够, 。

本文发布于:2023-07-18 20:29:19,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:程序   包含   保护   命令   代码   恶意   可能   脚本
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