Daoxiao noodles (2017年6月20日,国家质检总局、国家标准委联合发布《公共服务领域英文译写规范》系列国家标准,刀削面的名词标准翻译为Daoxiao Noodles,将于2017年12月1日起正式实施)
Legends and allusions: After the Mongolian entered and occupied the central plains, and the Yuan dynasty was established. They confiscated all the metal in every houhold in order to prevent the han rebellion. Meanwhile, he Mongolian ordered that every ten houholds u a kitchen knife, and cut vegetables and cook food in turn. At last, the kitchen knife was taken back to keep after using.
One day at noon, an old woman asked her wife to fetch the knife when she kneaded the dough. However, the kitchen knife was taken away by other person. On the way, he accidentally picked up a thin iron sheet. When he got home, the old man explained the situation. Meanwhile, he thought how to cut the dough, and he saw the thin iron sheet at this point. He told his wife to u the thin iron sheet to peel the dough without cutting. In the beginning, his wife didn't believe the gadget to make noodles. Nonetheless, she decided to try this way: Firstly, she put the dough on a board Secondly; Secondly, she picked the dough up in her left hand. Finally, she held firmly the sheet iron in her right han
d and sliced the noodles. The old man said in a loud voice: “wonderful, delicious”, when he ate up. Afterwards, this cooking method is ud by more and more people.
Main ingredient: high-gluten flour, water;
Minor ingredient: 50 g garlic bolt,50 g coriander;
Seasoning: 8 g alkali,5 g paprika, 5 g pepper powder, 20 g of soy sauce, 60 g vinegar, 2 g salt, 5 g green Chine onion.
Dish Characteristics:
1. 山西刀削面具有内虚、外筋、柔软、光滑、易消化等特点,加之随到随削,简易方
The Sliced Noodles in Shanxi also has the characteristics of external entity, internal emptiness, flexibility, smoothness and easy to digest. Along with its convenience and simplicity, it really becomes a kind of cooked wheaten food that is very popular.
2. 用刀削出的面叶,中厚边薄。棱锋分明,形似柳叶;入口外滑内筋,软而不粘,越嚼越香
To u special knife to cut the dough, thick middle and thin sides, shapes of willow leaves, slippery outside and chewy inside, and soft but not slabby, taste fragrance
1. 削面装修的英文
水、面的比例,要求准确, 一般是一斤面三两水,打成面穗,再揉成面团,然后用湿布蒙
住,饧半小时后再揉,直到揉匀、揉软、揉光。如果揉面功夫不到,削时容易粘刀、断条,在全国各地做刀削面的,大多采用劲面王的制面工艺,这样做出的面穗,一出面多,二是面劲道。另外刀削面之奥妙在刀功。刀,一般不使用菜刀,要从特制的弧形削刀。操作时左手托住揉好的面团,右手持刀,手腕要灵,出力要平,用力要匀,对着汤锅,嚓、嚓、嚓,一刀赶一刀,削出的面叶儿,一叶连一叶,恰似流星赶月,在空中划出一道弧形白线,面叶落入汤锅,汤滚面翻,又像银鱼戏水,煞是好看,高明的厨师,每分钟能削二百刀左右,每个面叶的长度,恰好都是六寸。吃面前,能够参观厨师削面,无异于欣赏一次艺术表演。 [3]
下巴尖的男人面相Making Methods
1. Slice the dough
According to the special proportion, mix 500 g strong flour with 150 g water, and make the dough to knead. And then, cover it with wet cloth, and place 30 minutes. Keep kneading until the dough becomes bright and soft. Moreover, skillful chef makes u of special knife to slice.
2. Make the asoning
The asonings of Daoxiao noodles are rich and colorful, such as tomato sauce, meat sauce, mutton soup, the soup of agaric and eggs, and add some fresh vegetables, such as cucumber silk, Chine chive flower, mungbean sprout, boiled soybean, leeks, soon, and so on. Finally, add a few drops of vinegar, and it’s very delicious.
3. Sauces
Generally speaking, Daoxiao noodle can match a variety of sauces, according to the different diet habits. The detail of making sauce is given follow: