来源:《汉语世界(The World of Chine)冰箱结冰怎么办烈士暮年》2017年第01期
The villains in Feng Xiaogang’s latest film, I Am Not Madame Bovary, are not malevolent; their worst trait is cowardice mixed with fawning stupidity. None dare contradict officials higher up on the food chain and this fear drives them to interfere even when they are told it’s unnecessary.
As this incurity spreads like a virus甲癣的症状图片, so too does chaos, thus fuelling the plot, which starts with a minor divorce ca and snowballs. Dozens of officials (and no doubt hundreds off-screen) are caught in its web.
The film’s title is a reference to an ancient Chine novel又是什么意思, but something is lost in the English translation. There is no reference to Gustave Flaubert’s Madame Bovary here;word2007下载 In Chine,手工作坊 the title is “I am not Pan Jinlian.” An approximate historical character was chon for the English translation, Pan Jinlian being an fictional adulteress who very na未婚夫妇
me is a byword for promiscuity and deceit, and Emma Bovary is周年庆活动主题, as they say, chabuduo (差不多, clo enough).