∙Monitor front office personnel to ensure guests receive prompt, cordial attention and personal recognition ∙监督前厅部人员,确保为客人提供迅速,热情的服务 ∙Supervi the Front Office team to ensure optimum occupancy and average room rate for the purpo of maximizing revenue ∙管理前厅部人员,确保得到最大值收入, 控制入住率及平均房价。 ∙Monitor Front Office, and particularly Guest Relations personnel, to ensure priority members known repeat guests and other VIPs receive special attention and recognition ∙监督前厅部及大堂副理,确保优悦会会员, 回头客,和其他贵宾得到更好的关心和照顾 ∙Promote Inter-Hotel sales and in-hou facilities and monitors Front Office Marketing techniques in line with FIT marketing program ∙推广酒店产品和设施,并监督前台员工对散客的推销技巧三字词 ∙Maintain inter-departmental relationships to ensure amless customer rvice ∙保持与酒店各部门之间的亲密合作关系,提供客人优质服务 ∙Assume overall responsibility for maintaining standards to ensure furnishings facilities and equipment are clean, in good repair and well maintained ∙有责任按照标准对家具及设备进行维护,清洁, 保养和维修 ∙零花钱花Schedule and regularly conducts routine inspections of areas under his/her control ∙按进度表有规律地视察其所管辖范围的日常事务 ∙Maintain knowledge of credit policies and procedures and liai cloly with Finance Department to ensure that credit procedures are properly carried out ∙有关于信贷条款和程序方面的知识,并且跟财务部门保持密切联系,确保信贷程序的适当执行 ∙梦到吃火锅Know system recovery procedures ∙熟悉系统操作 ∙Interpret computer reports ∙翻译电脑报告 ∙Compile statistics for front office and provide reports relating to that area ∙编制前厅部的统计表并报告其相关内容 红酒什么牌子好∙Continually check the accuracy of room count ∙不断检查房间计算的准确性 ∙Approve upgrades and special amenities ∙批准设备升级和特别设施的建设 ∙Maintain appropriate standards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance and posture of departmental employees ∙保持部门人员在品德、衣着、卫生、制服、外表和举止方面符合标准规定 ∙Conduct comprehensive monthly departmental meetings to include a review of procedures and events which warrants special handling and detailed information ∙每月组织部门会议,包括对那些需要特别处理和详细信息的程序和事件进行回顾和评论 各项工作∙Communicate to the General Manager / EAM of his/her delegate all information likely to be of interest to them such as the expected arrival and departure of VIPs and all other pertinent information ∙向总经理或他/她的代表报告所有需经他/她处理的事情,如贵宾预期的到达时间和离开时间,还有其他所有相关的事情 ∙Maintain all procedures and adheres to them within the Loong Palace Hotel & Reosort guidelines; in particular with emphasis on hotel credit policy. ∙保证所有程序在北京龙城丽宫国际酒店的指导方针下进行,尤其把重点放在酒店的信贷政策上 ∙In conjunction with the Emergency Respon Team prepare emergency procedures upon advice from relevant authority that cover such emergencies as Fire, Power Outrage, Bomb Threat, Cyclone Warnings, etc ∙跟应急组保持紧密联系,在相关的指导下准备好火灾、停电、炸弹恐吓和台风等的应急措施 ∙Prepares efficient work schedule for Front Office Staff, arranging holidays and vacation, taking into consideration project occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements, especially tho with early or late arrivals or departures ∙为前厅部的人员准备好有效率的工作时间表,安排假日休息。并就工程需要占有的时间预先对任何大型的集体活动进行安排,特别是那些在时间上提前了或推迟了的活动 |