章 序 名 称 | New Horizon College English Unit 2 The confusing pursuit of beauty | |||
周 次 | 第 5 周 至 第 7 周 | |||
教 学 目 的 要 求 | 1. To further understand the text 2. To apply the phras and patterns 3. To master the essay writing skill | |||
教 学 重 点 | 1. To talk about beauty 2. To compare the similarities of two or more items 3. To apply new expressions | |||
教 学 难敬老院活动内容 点 | 音乐三要素1. New expressions acquisition 2. Unfolding an essay through comparison | |||
教学场所环境 | In the Multi-media classroom or language laboratory English-speaking environment | |||
授 课 方 式 | 课堂讲授(√);实验( );实践( );双语(√) | 课时分配 | 6节 | |
教 学 方 法 | Teaching and Practice | 教学手段 | 网络教学( );多媒体(√) | |
教 学 用 具 | Multimedia, blackboard | |||
教 学 内 容 提 要 | 备注 |
Unit 2 Section A: The confusing pursuit of beauty Part One: Introduction to the Text 1. When a woman asks a man how she looks, it is very hard for the man to answer. 2. Men do not think of their looks in the same way as women do. 3. The differences between how women and men view their own looks are caud by complex psychological and societal factors. 4. Differences in care for details in women’s appearance. 5. There is no easy way for a man to answer a woman’s question of how she looks. Part Two: Objectives & Learning Targets Objectives: To further understand the text To apply the phras and patterns To master the essay writing skill Learning Targets: ◆ Words acquisition ◆ Learn to compare similarities between two (or more) items Part Three: New Expressions There is no easy way for a man to answer a woman’s question of how she looks. (Para. 11) excu onelf para2 politely say that you are going to leave a place 礼貌的告辞 甜点上来之前她就礼貌的告辞了,她说自己太累了。 She excud herlf before desrt was rved, saying that she was too tired. rehearsal para2 排练,排演 学校合唱队没有足够的排练时间来准备公开演出。 The school choir does not have enough rehearsal time to prepare for public performances. come up with para2 1. 想出,提出(主意或答案) 村民们十分感激那个提议在河上建这座桥的人。 The villagers feel greatly thankful for the man who came up with the idea to build this bridge across the river. 2.拿出,提供(钱款) 学校拿出了6000美元购买书籍和其他教学资料。 The school came up with $6,000 to pay for books and other esntial teaching materials. Inspiring your thoughts stick to sth. para3 1. 遵守,信守,坚持 该公司向客户保证,它将遵守诺言,严密保护顾客隐私。 The company assures its clients that it will stick to its promi to cloly protect customers’ privacy. 2.继续使用,继续做 好几个教授都说他们将继续使用和上学期同样的教材。 Several professors said they would stick to the same textbook as the one ud last mester. irresistible para3 1.无法抗拒的,非常诱人的 珍妮为晚宴做的奶酪蛋糕美味无比,简直令人难以抗拒。 The chee cake Jenny made for the dinner was so delicious that it was simply irresistible. 2.(力量太强大而)难以压制的,无法挫败的 这支队伍在这个赛季里表现的象一支不可战胜的力量。 The team appears to be an irresistible force this ason. 3. irresistibly adv. 无法抗拒地,非常诱人地 bald para3 1.少发的,无发的,秃头的 上班和在家里时,我觉得光头很自在,但是在其它地方,我都会戴假发。 At work and with my family, I felt comfortable with my bald head, but everywhere el, I wore a wig. 2.磨光的,掉光的 鸟的英文车轮胎已经完全磨光了,所以他决定不买了。 The tires were completely bald, so he decided not to buy the car. arrogant para4 傲慢的,自大的 新来的主管担心自己如果拒绝加入工人足球队的话,会被认为是傲慢。 The new boss was afraid that he might be considered arrogant if he refud to join the football team of the workers. transient para4 1. continuing only for a short time 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 transient fashions 短暂的时尚 2.流动性的,临时的 transient population 流动 的人口 in terms of para 4 在…方面;从…某方面来说;根据…来解释 几十年前,女性在教育和就业方面的机会不如男性多 Decades ago, women did not have so many opportunities as men in terms of education and employment. allotment para4 1. n. 份额,配额,分配 在过去十年中,美国许多州都减少了对高等教育的预算分配。 In the past decade, many US states have decread their budget allotment to higher education. 2. (可租用的)小块菜地 这个园艺俱乐部提供许多课程,讲授如何租用菜地种植蔬菜。 The gardening club offers many class on how to grow vegetables on an allotment plot. groom para4 1. vt. 梳妆,打扮 她每次外出参加聚会前,都花好几个小时梳妆打扮。 Every time before she goes out to a party, she spends hours and hours grooming herlf. 2.vt. 擦洗,刷洗(动物,尤指马匹) 她八岁的儿子最喜欢做的事就是给马驹喂食和刷洗。 What his eight-year-old son likes best is to feed and groom the pony. 3.grooming n. 打扮,修饰; 刷洗动物,尤指马匹。 strand para4 1. n. C 线,绳,头发等的股,缕 当我从海边朝着船大喊时,风把几缕头发吹进了我张着的嘴里。 As I shouted at the boat aloud from the beach, the wind whipped strands of hair into my open mouth. 2. n. C 构成整体的组成部分,方面 她的作品受到了20月亮与星星世纪初欧洲多种不同流行思潮的影响。 Her writing was influenced by various strands of thought popular in Europe in the early 20th century. eclip para5 vt 1. 使黯然失色,是相形见绌,光芒盖过 这个小镇和其北边较大的邻镇相比显得黯然失色。 The small town is eclipd by its larger neighbors to the north. 2.出现日食,月食等,遮住…的光 magnify para5 vt. 1. 夸大,夸张 那份报告似乎夸大了进口农产品所涉及的风险。 The report ems to have magnified the risks involved in importing agricultural products. 2.尤指特殊设备,放大 一些人抱怨说,助听器不只是放大他们想听的声音,而是放大所有声音。 Some people complain that hearing aids magnify all sounds, not just the ones they want to hear. deficient para6 adj. 1. 不足 的,有缺陷的 鉴于目前的经济形势,这一预算尽管有缺陷,但对许多机构来说仍是最实际的方案. Given the prent economic situation, this budget, although deficient, is the most realistic one for many organizations. 2. 缺乏的,不足的 Older people are more likely to be deficient in vitamins and minerals than younger people. chronic para6 adj. 1. 问题,困难一直有的,反复出现的 暴力是学校长期存在的问题 Violence is a chronic problem in schools. 2.疾病,慢性的,长期的 要降低患慢性病的风险,重要的是每周都要进行体育锻炼。 To reduce the risk of chronic dia, it is important to have physical exerci every week. inborn para6 天生的,与生俱来的 他好看的外表,再加上与生俱来的好心肠,使他无论到哪都是受欢迎的人。 His fine looks, combined with his inborn kindness, made him a popular person wherever he went. Inspiring your thoughts looker para6 a very attractive person 很有魅力的人,美貌迷人者 她姐姐玛丽有着可可色的皮肤和齐肩的黑发,的确是个大美人。 Her sister, Mary, had cocoa colored skin and shoulder-length black hair, which made her a real looker. Inspiring your thoughts warfare para7 n.1. 作战,交战,战争 持续不断的战争是造成这个地区贫穷和动荡的主要因素。 Continuing warfare was the major factor that caud poverty and riots in this region. 2. 不同集团之间的斗争,冲突 富人和穷人之间的阶级冲突 class warfare between the rich and the poor moisturize para7 vt. make your skin less dry by using special cream 使皮肤湿润,滋润 如果你在淋浴后把这款护肤霜抹在身上,它能使你的皮肤很滋润。 The cream will moisturize your skin if you put it on your body after a shower. via para7 prep. 1. 通过,借助于 调查问卷通过电子邮件发给了50位技术教育主管。 The questionnaires were nt via email to 50 technology education supervisors. 2. 经过,取道 He got a cheap ticket through a travel agency to fly to Athens via Paris. elasticity para7 1. 弹性,弹力 U n. the elasticity of skin 2. 灵活性,伸缩性 n. U 我们的计划有一些灵活性,任何东西都还没有最后确定。 There is some elasticity in our plans; nothing has been firmly decided yet. complexion para7 1. n. C 面色,面容 疑犯身高约五英尺七,深色头发,深色面容 The suspect was around five foot ven, with dark hair and a dark complexion. 2. 一般特质,一般特性 男人人体艺术The are radical changes which alter the complexion of British contemporary dance. Enhancing your skills 1) The _____________ of plastic surgery are clearly explained. 整容手术的复杂性被解释得很清楚。 2) Drinking water is good for the ___________. 喝水对面色有好处。 3) The hou is nearing _____________ . 房子即将完工。 Inspiring your thoughts plaster para8 vt 1.涂抹 当我把化妆品涂满脸和脖子时,妈妈一直奇怪的盯着我看。 My mother stared at me strangely while I plastered makeup all over my face and neck. 2.覆盖,盖住 她是个流行乐迷,在卧室墙上沾满了歌星的照片 A fan of pop music, she had plastered her bedroom walls with the photos of singing stars. gorgeous para9 1. adj. 非常漂亮的,及其迷人的 婚礼上,新娘穿了一件优雅的礼服,带了一条非常漂亮的珍珠项链 At the wedding ,the bride wore an elegant gown and a gorgeous pearl necklace. 2. 令人十分愉快的,挺好的 the weather was gorgeous homogeneous para9 adj. 同类的 多项研究表明,这个山村的人口很单一。 Various studies have shown that the mountain village has a very homogeneous population. Inspiring your thoughts conformity para10 n. U 遵照,遵从 他是一个具有独立思想的人,勇于挑战习俗,从不盲从。 He is an independent thinker who is brave enough to challenge convention and conformity. appea para10 vt. 平息,安抚,抚慰 两国承诺举行会谈,以试图平息国际上的反对声音。 The two countries tried to appea international opposition by promising to hold talks. procution para10 n. 起诉,指控 多数人都认为目前的证据还不足以起诉他 Most people think that the evidence is not sufficient to bring a procution against him. outrage para11 1. n. U 义愤,愤慨,震怒 那家报纸运用非法方式获得信息,这一做法激起了公愤和警察的调查 The paper ud illegal means to gather information, which led to public outrage as well as police investigations. 2. C. 暴行,恶行,侮辱,冒犯 shower para11 shower sb. with sth. 大量给予 到30多岁的时候,他的画作已经在世界各地展出,他也获得了大量的国际奖项。 By his 30s, he had exhibited his paintings all over the world and had been showered with international awards. complement para11 1. vt. 与…相配,与…互补 在房子的客厅里,深红色的墙和棕色的皮椅很相配。 In the living room of the hou, the dark red walls complemented the brown leather chairs. 2补充vt Enhancing your skills 1) All Rob’s guests paid him extravagant ____________ . 罗布的所有客人都对他赞不绝口。 2) John and Bob _____________ each other well. 约翰和鲍勃配合得很好。 3) This wine would be a nice _____________ to grilled dishes. 这种酒配烧烤食物会很不错。 Enhancing your skills 1. She was an _________ young woman. 2. We need to improve the quality of education so that our children will not leave school _________ in literary and reasoning skills. 3. The new boss was afraid that he might be considered __________ if he refud to join the football team of the workers. 4. The ability to speak a foreign language is highly __________. Enhancing your skills 5. His fine looks, combined with his _________ kindness, made him a popular person wherever he went. 6. The company that donated funds to the laboratory was best known for its __________ products. 7. At the wedding, the bride wore an elegant gown and a _________ pearl necklace. 8. Various studies have shown that the mountain village has a very ______________ population. Part Four: Inspiring your thoughts What are the two basic patterns for organizing the body of a comparison / contrast essay? Part Five: Structure analysis and writing practice Writing preparation Comparison Contrast both difference similar(ly) while similarities 贺词格式 whereas like although alike on the other hand likewi on the contrary same however in a similar manner instead also in contrast Part Six: More work on the Text ◆Oral Work ◆Written Work(Topic): We have already learned how to write comparison / contrast essays in B2U3, B2U5 and B3U5. Unit 2 Section B Secrets to Beauty Part One: Warming-up Part Two: Vocabulary Exercis 1. be addicted to 2. be exempt from 3. 白浅图片be accountable to 4. stumble through/ across 5. enquire about 6. wear out 7. ek out 8. from a … perspective Part Three: Grammar Exercis ----THE END----- | |
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