专利名称:Equipment for the removal of air out of pulverulent materials
发明人:Ronström, Pertti
摘要:Equipment for the removal of air out of pulverulent materials before the product is packaged or transferred. The equipment compris a storage silo (1), out of which the pulverulent material to be packaged flows readily into the packaging vesl placed underneath. At a distance from the tight exterior wall (8) of the packaging vesl, there is a metallic porous face of lining material (9), through which it is possible to remove air out of the packaging vesl or to feed pressurized air into the packaging vesl through the space between the exterior wall of the packaging vesl and the said porous face of lining material. The space between the exterior wall of the packaging vesl and the face of lining material is divided air-tightly, in the direction of progress of the pulverulent material, by means of partition walls, into at leasttwo, preferably three, four or five compartments (3 to 7) parate from each other. A suction or pressure of desired magnitude is arranged as connectable to each of the said compartments independently from each other.
申请人:Erkomat Oy家长说
地址:Konepajatie 1 SF-48100 Kotka 10 FI苹果id忘了怎么办
代理机构:Müller-Boré & Partner Patentanwälte 更多信息请下载全文后查看