Phosphorus Reduction from Urban Wastewater Treatme

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Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 4 (2015) 354-358
Phosphorus Reduction from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant with Trickling Filters
Faruk Hajrizi1, Shefqet Rashani2, Spiro Drushku3, Rasim Veli4, Shehide Kaqkini-Hajrizi5 and Sadete Hajrizi4
1. Regional Water Company Mitrovica, Mitrovica 40000, Republic of Kosovo
2. Departmernt of Technology, University of Mitrovica, Mitrovice 40000, Republic of Kosovo
3. Department of Industrial Chemistry, University of Tirana, Tirana 1000, Republic of Albania
4. Department of Public Services, Municipality of Mitrovica, Mitrovice 40000, Republic of Kosovo
5. Nestle Suis S. A., Rorschach 9401, Switzerland
爱心捐款Abstract: The purpo of this rearch is to investigate a biofilm system with trickling filter as a biological alternative process during low cost treatment connection with the possibility of reducing nutri
ents such as phosphorus. Given that nitrogen with phosphorus that are leading caus of algal bloom resulting in incread eutrophication or chemical nutrients are the basis of this document analysis. This increa in organisms results in less oxygen in water bodies and at times, slow decay leads many fresh water ponds, lakes and rivers. The process of eutrophication unfortunately tends to favor pollution and algae, which reduce the quality of the water. Kosovo has not a long tradition in the treatment of wastewater, especially in removing phosphorus, since the country has only a plant for wastewater treatment. The prent plant is intended to protect the Klina river from eutrophication from wastewater discharged after treatment. This plant currently reduced phosphorus efficiently, but the goal of this paper is to increa the percentage of removal of phosphorus to 40% through trickling filters, prenting options for optimizing work on plant Skenderaj.
Key words: Wastewater, trickling filters, phosphorus removal, eutrophication.
1. Introduction
Phosphorous effect when located in high quantities which is associated has a direct supply of piped water. During the summer months, there is an increa of aquatic organisms, such as algae that leave unpleasant smell. Phosphorus together with nitrogen is the main cau of the algae bloom resulting in eutrophication or an increa of chemical nutrients [1].
Phosphorus as one of wastewater nutrients can be found in numerous forms which can be treated  in different ways. The main forms in which phosphorus is found in wastewater are organic phosphates, pyrophosphates and orthophosphates three-poly-phosphates. Ways to remove the numerous forms of phosphorus made through different
Corresponding author: Faruk Hajrizi, Ph.D., rearch field: chemical treatment process of industrial and urban waste-water.E-mail:**********************.technologies, including chemical precipitation methods, assimilation biological and physical filtration. Reducing phosphorous through biological process is realized in the treatment plant wastewater in Skenderaj (Fig. 1), in which the rervoir aerobic trickling filtrate and dimentation tank (imhoff tank) carry the main burden of this reduction phosphorus, where fermentation occurs and acetates produce. Imhoff tank reduced the amount of phosphorus by 5%-10%.
The biological phosphorus removal at the plant made the microbiological method to remove phosphorus from wastewater by means of phosphate accumulating bacteria (Fig. 2). The aerobic bacteria are not only able to form normal amount of phosphorus needed for cell growth, but also take up additional phosphorus in the form of polyphosphate in the cell—the so-called “luxury uptake”. Increasing in organisms results in
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Phosphorus Reduction from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant with Trickling Filters 355 Fig. 1 Scheme of biological treatment system in Skenderaj.
less oxygen in water bodies and at times, slow decay leads many fresh water ponds, lakes and rivers [2]. Phosphorus is normally removed by precipitation, but in order to reduce the need to u chemicals, which are costly, and reduce the production of sludge, biological removal of condary treatment is an option [3]. Special bacteria, called phosphate accumulating organisms, briefly assimilate volatile fatty acids and store them in the cell. To relea the energy, it is needed orthofosfateve (O-PO4) divided by increasing the concentration of phosphorus in water. This happens in an anaerobic environment. When organisms reach an aerobic environment, metabolism, oxidation of organic matter releas energy and enables the connection of phosphate in cells of bacteria. Due to the prence of phosphorus stored in the waste, sludge net effect will be a reduction of phosphorus dissolved in water. To have a high degree of removal of phosphorus, it need无能为力造句
s a high concentration of volatile fatty acids and an anaerobic environment without oxygen or nitrate [4]. Incoming wastewaters containing some volatile fatty acids and more wastewater ptic (infected), collection systems from warmer climates, will contain high concentrations of volatile fatty acids. Process briefly favors keeping solids, which could be contrary to the longtime of keeping the solids required to conduct the removal of nitrogen.
Making washing of dishes from different vesls and hand soap along other forms of washing detergents that are free of phosphorus compounds helps prevent additional P from entering the water supply. When trying to reduce high levels of community, it should not depend entirely on plants to treat wastewater.
2. Methods and Materials
Wastewater treatment plant in Skenderaj is designed and works with attached growth process that is configured with two zones connected in ries—the first is anaerobic rervoir Imhoff aerobic area and the cond is aerobic area [5]. Phosphorus fixing organisms, who posss a capacity metabolic particular not widely found in bacteria, they will multiply and accumulate large amounts of inorganic phosphate as polyphosphate, allowing the removal of phosphorus from wastewater by removing bio
mass. Although organisms fixing phosphorus are usually prent with a number of systems to increa the suspenful completely aerobic, they develop the ability to accumulate large amount of phosphate only when they are subject of alternating anaerobic and aerobic being recycled between the two areas [6]. This成年人学钢琴
Secondary treatment Secondary clarifier
Sludge to solids handling All Rights Rerved.
Phosphorus Reduction from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant with Trickling Filters 356
stems from their unique ability to accumulate carbon
price of phosphate removal under anaerobic
conditions and maintain phosphate price of carbon
removal under aerobic conditions.
As a result of fermentation, many dissolved organic
matter in urban waste water in the form of acetate and
other fatty acids have shorter range. Furthermore,
when wastewater entered an anaerobic reactor, other
quantities of fatty acids would be formed as a result of the fermentation reactions conducted by heterotrophs optional [7]. Acetate is transported through the cell membrane by passive diffusion (such as acetic acid undivided), but when you go inside, it is activated in the form of acetyl-CoA realizing ATP hydrolysis and produced ADP. Although not shown in the diagram, ATP is also ud to keep the proton-motive force which lost from the transport of protons and associated with the without ionizing acetic acid. Cells respond to lowering the ratio ATP/ADP stimulating ATP re-synthesis by polyphosphates (poly-pn) accumulated. A portion of the acetyl-CoA is metabolized through the TCA cycle to provide reducing power (NADH + H+) required for the synthesis of PHB. The remainder of acetyl-CoA converted to PHB (poly-β-lipid hidroksi-butirate), with about 90% of carbon stored as poly
mer acetate. In the abnce of the polyphosphates which provide energy for re-synthesis of ATP, acetate will be created in the cell, transport of acetate will stop and will not happen PHB’s formation. Polyphosphates by hydrolysis of ATP increas inorganic phosphate concentration intercellular, Pi, which is relead into the solution of greater quantity, with cations (not shown) to keep the load balanced.莲藕怎么种植
When associated wastewater and biomass entering the aerobic area, contaminated water has small amounts of dissolved organic matter, but phosphorus fixing organisms contain large rerves of PHB’s. Furthermore, polluted waters are rich with inorganic phosphate, whereas, the phosphorus fixing organisms have small concentration of polyphosphate. Becau
Fig. 2  The process of reducing phosphorus from wastewater treatment.
they u oxygen as electron receivers in the aerobic organisms perform for fixing phosphorus normal increa aerobic metabolism using PHB’s rerves as a source of carbon and energy and producing ATP through phosphorylation electron carrier [8].
Since the report of ATP/ADP increas, it stimulated polifosfatit synthesis, thereby, removing phosphate and related cations (not shown) from the solution and regenerating stocks phosphate cell. As a result of the large amount of energy provided by metabolism aerobic of PHB’s pooled organisms fixing phosphorus, they are able to capture all phosphate relea in the anaerobic zone plus phosphate prent at the outt in polluted waters.
Turnover continued between areas anaerobic and aerobic gives PAOs (organisms fixing phosphorus) an advantage against bacteria other heterotrophs, becau without the ability to produce and u polyphosphate, heterotrophs ordinary are not able to capture organic matter in the anaerobic zone. It should be noted that while the vast majority of systems that divert phosphate through the u of PAOs u areas, aerobic regeneration polyphosphates accumulate some PAOs can u nitrate and nitrite as making alternative electrons, allowing even u anoxic conditions.
Phosphorus accumulating
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Phosphorus Reduction from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant with Trickling Filters
3. Results and Discussion
To analyze the amount of wastewater pollution is necessary to control and monitor the work of the functional units and the plant itlf entirely. The findings and conclusions on the functioning of the plant are bad on the parameters of load which is projected to achieve water quality output as per plant designing, and in this paper, they are focud on the monitoring of phosphorus in wastewater of the Skenderajt.
In the Fig. 3, experimental measurements during a year in Skenderaj operations are prented. Phosphorus compounds are found in various forms in waste water, one being orthophosphate (HPO 42-) that can be determined in water without decomposition prior. Organic and inorganic phosphate compounds, which are known collectively as total phosphate, can be determined after decomposition. All of the phosphorous compounds must be included in an accurate study of process water. The tests cover the aquanaltm phosphate concentrations of phosphate. A
factor is ud to calculate the concentration of phosphorus.
4. Conclusions
Removal or reduction of phosphorus from wastewater
reprents one of the most important process though done against pollution of water treatment, especially in the ca of artificial lakes and rervoirs, the excessive burden of this compound in aquatic ecosystems can lead to eutrophication.
Despite the limitation of phosphorus, load of phosphorus discharged to municipal wage must be removed from the plant wastewater advanced high effective. Phosphorus removal mechanisms with
both chemical and biological methods are not fully known, particularly in Kosovo. This is why it will be widely investigated in the coming future.
Removing phosphorus from wastewater can be done with biological and chemical process, the lection process depends on different grounds. In Skenderaj, it is lected biological treatment of type drip filters according to monitoring results which shows that the removal of phosphorus is on average 50% equal to more than 2 mg/L. According to standards, it should be removed over 80% of total P (2 mg/L), and is recommended in the process to intervene with chemical precipitation method and achieved reduction conform restrictions. Future treatment technologies provide a range of phosphorus removal which allows recycling phosphorus as a fertilizer and directing it back to nature will be granted.
Fig. 3  Removing phosphorus from wastewater in Skenderaj during 2014.
R e m o v i n g  P  (m g /L )
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Phosphorus Reduction from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant with Trickling Filters 358
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