
更新时间:2023-07-18 08:43:27 阅读: 评论:0

Chaotic quences are widely ud in information curity and cure communication fields due to their inherent complex dynamics such as quasi-randomness and initial value nsitivity. The integer-order low-dimensional chaotic system has curity risks, and the fractional-order time-delay system is difficult to be attacked by conventional attack methods and has a larger key space. It has wider application space and practical value in the field of cure communication, so constructing the chaotic system with order delay is an effective way to improve the curity of cure communication systems. Hopfield neural network can directly generate chaotic matrix with good diffusion effect under certain conditions, this thesis us a class of fractional-order time Hopfield neural network as
a model to study its complex dynamic characteristics including chaotic phenomena and synchronization problems. It is ud in cure communication schemes.
Firstly, a new class of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks is propod and its complex dynamic behavior is analyzed. Theoretically proved the uniqueness of the system equilibrium point. Under the no-delay, the relationship between the fractional order and the stability of the system is given by the fractional stability theorem. When the delay parameters change, the road leading to chaos is found to be a paroxysm chaotic road. , the bifurcation diagram, the largest Lyapunov exponent, and the permutation entropy are ud to verify it.
五行汤做法与功效Then, bad on state obrver theory, the generalized projection synchronization problem for a class of fractional-order delay neural networks is studied. The design method of feedback gain matrix is given bad on fractional stability theorem and pole placement technique. The numerical simulation experiment is carried out by taking Hopfield neural network with fractional delay as an example. The feasibility and correctness of the synchronization scheme are verified.
Finally, bad on the state obrver synchronization scheme, a chaotic masking cret communicati
on framework is prented. The source signal is directly involved in the generation of chaotic signals after preprocessing. The feasibility of the framework is verified by theoretical analysis and numerical simulation experiments. The synchronization and the encryption and decryption process under the feedback gain matrix parameter mismatch are analyzed. The complexity comparison between our chaotic system and other chaotic systems for encryption is given. Finally, the advantages of the framework over the traditional chaotic cover communication scheme are pointed out.
Key words: Chaotic system Chaotic cure communication Fractional delayed system Hopfield neural network Generalized projective synchronization
摘要................................................................................................................. . II 1  绪论. (1)
1.1研究背景及意义 (1)
1.2国内外研究现状 (3)
1.3本文主要工作内容及结构 (9)
2  基础理论及方法 (11)
2.1引言 (11)
2.2分数阶微积分的定义 (11)
2.3分数阶微分方程数值仿真算法 (12)
北京旅游攻略3日游2.4分数阶微分系统的稳定性定理 (15)
2.5混沌系统的分析与判定方法 (17)
2.6本章小结 (22)
3  一类分数阶时滞HOPFIELD神经网络动力学特性分析 (23)
3.1引言 (23)
3.2系统模型描述 (24)
3.3系统动力学行为分析 (25)
渣男的标准3.4本章小结 (35)
亚洲十页4  一类分数阶时滞神经网络的广义投影同步及其保密通信 (37)
4.1引言 (37)
4.2分数阶时滞神经网络的广义投影同步 (38)
4.3混沌保密通信 (42)
4.4本章小结 (52)
5  总结与展望 (53)
5.1全文总结 (53)
5.2课题展望 (54)
致谢 (56)
参考文献 (57)
附录1  攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文 (64)
附录2  攻读硕士学位期间参与的课题研究情况 (65)

本文发布于:2023-07-18 08:43:27,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:系统   分数   时滞   神经网络   分析   保密   研究
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