
更新时间:2023-07-18 08:06:18 阅读: 评论:0

三打三防    在《头号玩家》中其中一个反派即将失败的时候,说了一句这样的话:一个人有朋友就不算失败A man with a friend is not failed.在中国也有一句俗语多个朋友多条路你认识了更多层面的人,他们带给你的不仅仅是更广的视野,也会使你的人生增加更多的可能性。不要把自己封闭起来,尝试走出去,把自己的人际圈经营得更加丰富多彩,这样可能给你带来意想不到的灵感和收获。关于春节的对联
函的结尾  A man with a friend is not failed!
  演说者:Tanya Menon
  I started teaching MBA students 17 yearsago. Sometimes I run into my students years later. And when I run into them, afunny thing happens. I don’t remember just their faces; I also remember whereexactly in the classroom they were sitting. And I remember who they weresitting with as well. This is not becau I have any special superpowers of memory. Th
e reason I can remember them is becau they are creatures of  are sitting with their favorite people in their favorite ats. They findtheir twins, they stay with them for the whole year.
  Now, the danger of this for my students isthey’re at risk of leaving the university with just a few people who areexactly like them. They’re going to squander their chance for an international,per network. How could this happen to them? My students are open- e to business school precily so that they can get great networks.
回头票  Now, all of us socially narrow in ourlives, in our school, in work, and so I want you to think about this one. Howmany of you here brought a friend along for this talk? I want you to look atyour friend a little bit. Are they of the same nationality as you? Are they ofthe same gender as you? Are they of the same race? Really look at them ‘t they kind of look like you as well?
  The muscle people are together, and thepeople with the same hairstyles and the checked shirts.
议论文标题  肌肉发达的人在一起,还有发型相同的人,都穿格子上衣的人。
  We all do this in life. We all do it inlife, and in fact, there’s nothing wrong with this. It makes us fortable tobe around people who are similar. The problem is when we’re on a precipice,right? When we’re in trouble, when we need new ideas, when we need new jobs,when we need new resources -- this is when we really pay a price for living ina clique.
  Mark Granovetter, the sociologist, had afamous paper The Strength of Weak Ties, and what he did in thispaper is he asked people how they got their jobs. And what he learned was thatmost people don’t get their jobs through their strong ties -- their father,their mother, their significant other. They instead get jobs through weak ties,people who they just met.
睬的组词  So if you think about what the problem is with yourstrong ties, think about your significant other, for example. The network isredundant. Everybody that they know, you know. Or I hope you know them. Right?Your weak ties -- people you just met today -- they are your ticket to a wholenew social world.
  The thing is that we have this amazingticket to travel our social worlds, but we don’t u it very well. Sometimes westay awfully clo to home. And today, what I want to talk about is: What aretho habits that keep human beings so clo to home, and how can we be alittle bit more intentional about traveling our social univer?
  So let’s look at the first strategy. Thefirst strategy is to u a more imperfect social arch engine. What I mean bya social arch engine is how you are finding and filtering your friends. Andso people always tell me, I want to get lucky through the network. I wantto get a new job. I want to get a great opportunity.
  And I say,Well, that’s really hard, becau your networks are so fundamentallypredictable. Map out your habitual daily footpath, and what you’llprobably discover is that you start at home, you go to your school or yourworkplace, you maybe go up the same stairca or elevator, you go to thebathroom -- the same bathroom -- and th
e same stall in that bathroom, you endup in the gym, then you e right back home.

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