Australian Economic Review: Recent Articles
2002, Volume 35
2The Enlargement Challenge: Can Monetary Union Be Made to Work in an EU of 25 Members?
Barry Eichengreen
Asssing the Impact of Changes in Petroleum Prices on Inflation and Houhold Expenditures in Australia
Abbas Valadkhani and William F. Mitchell
The Growth of Jobless Houholds in Australia Peter Dawkins, Paul Gregg and Rosanna Scutella The Influence of Diversification and Market Structure on the R&D Intensity of Large Australian Firms
Mark Rogers
Childcare Policy: An Introduction and Overview Mark Wooden
Childcare Policy to Promote Child Wellbeing Sarah Wi, Judy Ungerer and Ann Sanson Attitudes tow
ards Childcare in Australia
M. D. R. Evans and Jonathan Kelley
Issues in Childcare Policy in Australia
Peter McDonald
Demand for Childcare Services and Labour Supply in Australian Families
Deni Doiron and Guyonne Kalb
Childcare and the ‘Care Gap’ in the United States and Australia
Robert Drago
Convergence: Do Poor Countries Tend to Catch Up with the Rich?
Yuan K. Chou
3Equity and Australian Development: Lessons from the First Century
Ross Garnaut
Total Factor Productivity and Efficiency of Australian Airports
Malcolm Abbott and Su Wu
Surveying Mobile Populations: Lessons from Recent Longitudinal Surveys of Indigenous Australians
B. H. Hunter and D. E. Smith
The Effects of Inflation and the Business Cycle on Revisions of Macroeconomic Data Christopher Bajada
Introduction to the Policy Forum on Commonwealth–State Funding Arrangements David Johnson
Issues in Commonwealth–State Funding
Ross Garnaut and Vince FitzGerald Comments on ‘Issues in Commonwealth–State Funding’ by Ross Garnaut and Vince FitzGerald J. C. Bannon
Efficiency Effects of Inter-Government Financial Transfers in Australia
Peter B. Dixon, Mark R. Picton and
Maureen T. Rimmer
Flypaper Unstuck: Comment on Dixon, Picton and Rimmer
Jonathan Pincus
The Commonwealth Grants Commission and Horizontal Fiscal Equalisation健康的反义词
Alan Morris
The Distributional Impact of Selected Commonwealth Outlays and Taxes and Alternative Commonwealth Grant Allocation Mechanisms
Ann Harding, Neil Warren, Gillian Beer,
Ben Phillips and Kwabena Oi
The Distributional Impact of Selected Commonwealth Outlays and Taxes and Alternative Commonwealth Grant Allocation Mechanisms: Comment
Jim Hancock
The Houhold, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey: Wave 1
Mark Wooden, Simon Freidin and Nicole Watson The Public Accounts and Fiscal Policy
Tony Makin
4The Lifetime Distributional Impact of Government Health Outlays
Ann Harding, Richard Percival, Deborah Schofield and Agnes Walker
The GST and Vertical, Horizontal and Reranking Effects of Indirect Taxation in Australia
John Creedy
A Cohort Analysis of the Determinants of Employment and Labour Force Participation: Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians, 1981 to 1996
M. C. Gray and B. H. Hunter
Opportunities to Reform State Taxes
John Freebairn
Reviewing the Trade Practices Act: The Dawson Committee Inquiry
Stephen P. King
The Role of the ACCC in Australian Competition Policy
Ross Jones
A Critique of the Role, Powers and Activities of the ACCC: The Business View成都有啥好玩的
Steven Kates
Possible Implications of the Dawson Inquiry for the ACCC
Rhonda L. Smith
European Economic and Monetary Integration and the Euro
Tom van Veen
2003, Volume 36
1Editors’ Report 2002
Globalisation, Poverty and Inequality: Friends, Foes or Strangers?
Ken Henry and Terry O’Brien
A New Specification of Labour Supply in the MONASH Model with an Illustrative Application
Peter B. Dixon and Maureen T. Rimmer Bundling in the Australian Telecommunications Industry
Franco Papandrea, Natalie Stoeckl and Anne Daly Choice of School in Australia: Determinants and Conquences
Anh T. Le and Paul W. Miller
Is Superannuation Safe? The Background and the Issues
Jon D. Stanford
Inadequacies and Inconsistencies in Superannuation Fund Financial Disclosure:
The Need for a Principles-Bad Approach Gerry Gallery and Natalie Gallery
Principal and Agent Problems in Superannuation Funds
Michael E. Drew and Jon D. Stanford
Is Superannuation Safe?
Tom Valentine
山穷水尽的意思Regulation of Australian Superannuation
Hazel Bateman
Peter M. Summers
The Effects of Wages on Aggregate Employment: A Brief Summary of Empirical Studies Elizabeth Webster
2Analysing the Performance of Firms Using a Decomposable Ideal Index Number to Link Profit, Prices and Productivity
John Salerian
Flattening the Effective Marginal Tax Rate Structure in Australia: Policy Simulations Using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer
John Creedy, Guyonne Kalb and Hin Kew Protecting Employee Entitlements
Kevin Davis and Geoff Burrows Unemployment Hysteresis in Australian States and Territories: Evidence from Panel Data Unit Root Tests
Rusll Smyth
Water Policy: Setting the Scene
Geoff Edwards
Principles for the Allocation of Scarce Water John Freebairn
Approaches to Increasing River Flows
Alistair Watson
再次遇见Robust Reform: The Ca for a New Water Entitlement System for Australia
M. D. Young and J. C. McColl
Demographic Data in Australia
Edith Gray, Peter McDonald and Ann Evans Lessons from Economies in Transition from Central Planning
Richard Pomfret
3Innovation and Performance: Benchmarking Australian Firms
Simon Feeny and Mark Rogers
Wage Effects of Drinking in Australia
Yew Liang Lee
Inflation Expectations, Interest Rates and Arbitrary Income Transfers
Tony Makin
Inflation Targeting as a Framework for Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Analysis
William Seyfried and Dale Bremmer
Executive Compensation: Understanding the Issues张爱玲作品
Vivek Chaudhri
Executive Stock Options: Back to Basics
Mark Cassano
Executive Compensation: Balancing Competing Priorities
Michelle Brown and Danny Samson
Executive Compensation: Getting the Mix Right Paul Kerin
Reviewing the Intertemporal Consistency of ABS Houhold Income Data through Comparisons with External Aggregates
Peter Siminski, Peter Saunders and
Bruce Bradbury
Can an Intertemporal Model Explain Australia’s Current Account Deficit?
Glenn Otto