1. The sunlight came in the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.
A. through B. across C. on D. over
2. Drive straight ahead, and then you will e a to the Hefei-Nanjing Expressway.
A. sign B. mark C. signal D. board
3. with a gradual ri of awater, some nations in the Pacific are considering moving in the near future.
A. Facing B. To face C・ Faced D. Being faced
4. The theme park offers a wide of activities for the tourists. A. circleB. amount C. rangeD・ quantity
5. Buried in Stratford-upon, Avon the remains of Shakespeare, in the center of England.
A. was; locating B. was; located C. were; locating D・ were; located
6. Major Western media organizations, with big expen cuts, are changing their focus from shortwave
radio to the Internet. A.facing B.having faced 柬埔寨景点>永远的回忆C.faced D.to face
7. ability and experience,she is the right person for the project.
A.On account of B.In favor of C.In spite of D.In terms of
8. It's certainly hard work.But, man who wishes to have a career has to make a great many sacrifices.
A.on the contrary B.as a result C>on the other hand D.in addition
9. 一What's all that noi? 一Just in front of the bus an injured man,all covered with blood.
朝鲜为什么不怕中国A.where lies B.lies C.does lie D.lying is
10. Statistics show that men have as women do for every mile they drive.
A.rious accidents as twice many B>tvvice as many rious accidents
C-twice rious accidents as many D.rious accidents as many twice
11- The tourist ason from May till October. A.extended B.panded D.spread
12. Neither Tom nor Jack and I his students.but each of us one to the hospital to e him.
A.am;has B.is;has C.are;has D.was;have
13. The lion is considered a(n) of courage and power,and the other animals e him as the king of the
forest. A.ample C.sign D.symbol
14. a quite ordinary star J ike the sun,the earth is small indeed.
A.Comparing B.Compared with C.Comparing to D.Compare to
15.1 would like a job which pays more,but I enjoy the work Fm doing at the moment.
A.in other words B.on the other hand C.for one thing D.as a matter of fact
16. 一TomJ heard that Mr.Green wasn't made director of that project. 一Oh,what pity!哪里好玩的景点推荐
A.the;/ B./;a C.a;a D./;/提高工作能力
17. At the meal,my father sat with his back against the window,and I sat to him,and saw a bright object
flying by outside.
A.against B.up to C.opposite D.next to
18. —The project wasn't difficult for him,was it? — .He should have been given a more difficult one.
A.Nojt was B.Yesjt was C.Yes.it wasrf t D.NoJt wasn^t
19. John hadn^t been able to stop smoking suddenly;he had to control his smoking desire .
A.more or less B.by and by C.little by little D.now and then
20. Great changes in the city,and a lot of buildings .
A.have been taken place;have been t up B.have taken place;have been t up
C-have taken place;have t up D.were taken place;were t up
长城的历史背景21. I say Clancy is a smart boy,he still needs to work hard to achieve his goal.
A.Then B.When C.While D.As
22. In the US they focus on creative thinking skills, in China they only focus on theory.
A.since B.when C.while D.now that
23. Fd like to do something for you everything you,ve done for me.
AJn return for B.in exchange for C.in turn for D.in terms of
24. As is known to us all5our Chine government is now making every to stop the hou price from
growing too fast.
A.effect B.effort C.measure D.performance
25. We finally bought a hou, about ven feet by ten.
A.measured B.measuring C-is asures
26. What does her handwriting tell you about her ?
A.person B.m ember Cxharacter D. figure
27. They have most carefully the time and money needed to complete the project.
A.picked outBJeft out C<figured out D.taken out
28. she was the last person I want to ej did all in my power to help her.
沉醉的意思A.Now that B.While C.As D.Even if
29. Schools in the north tend to be well equipped, tho in the south are relatively poor.
A.once B.while C.as D.until
30.1 like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good .
A.to be breathed B.to breathe C.breathing D.being breathed
31. Fve offered to paint the hou a week^s accommodation.