Cultural Comparison between English and Chine Names
Chapter 1 Introduction
耶律延禧What is a name? A name is “a word or t of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known”1. The are sometimes called proper names. According to the science of numerology (the branch of knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers 2), a name is a given-tab to the things or persons by which they become popular later and hence it has a special coterie to reveal than making little n. In this paper, names for personal names are especially discusd for they are a symbol as well as an information carrier, through which people can better perceive a society and culture in various aspects. Conventionally, at any rate, people have a given name and a surname. The names are different, and rve different purpos: “a given name is esntially private property, and a surname public, but in their respective and differing ways both names carry equal weight, both actually and legally, as a means of identification.”3 Names brand people with distinctive marks that parate them from the rest of the herd, and at the same time, make t
哈耳庇厄hem a part of it. People will find the history, the religion, the character of a nation stamped upon the individuals in the names they bear.
As special symbols, names are not only signs of language, but also signs reprenting relationships among societies and cultures. Each person in the society has its name which differs him from others in the community, and each country has its own naming system owing to their different historical and cultural backgrounds. Name is the distinguishing symbol of any society. The naming system can reflect much information of the nation. Human names contain abundant cultural information.
Naming is a common human act of fundamental significance. Its study, in its history context, has been much neglected, and its importance ldom realized. The history of names is so ancient that no one knows quite where it began. Earlier names em to have some sort of meaning, usually descriptive. In contrast, today's names are usually given bad upon their popularity or pleasing sounds. Early in prehistory, descriptive names were ud continuously. Eventually, a collection of names was formed that identified that
particular culture. Today, the meanings of many names are not known, due to the aging history of a name. As time goes on, languages change, and words that formed the original name are often unrecognizable. But in recent years, more and more experts realize the importance of the studying on personal names and carry out much rearch into it. The content of names is abundant, which includes studies on history, demography, linguistics, cultures, customs; in this paper the author is intended to study English and Chine names from a cultural point of view.
英语大写Names in different societies follow different patterns but are largely associated with religions, traditions, and cultures. This paper makes a comparative study of English and Chine names in terms of name structures, naming customs and different religions, and thus analyzes the different cultures behind English and Chine names. It specifically discuss how different cultures and religions have a great influence in people’s names. Christianity is the main culture factor affecting English people’s thoughts and names, just as Confucianism affects Chine people’ values in ordinary life. There are many differences between English and Chine naming systems, ranging from name structures
to name principles. Rearch on the differences proves to be very worthwhile to the intercultural communication.
Chapter 2 Different Name Structures and Different Cultures
2.1 Different name structure of English and 春寺由梨亚Chine Culture
The most marked difference between English and Chine names is their different structures. In general, English names consist of three parts: first name (Christian name), middle name and surname; while Chine names consist of two parts: given name and family name. In English, given name comes first while in China family surname comes first and only thereafter comes the given name. We’ll discuss the two different name structures on historical and cultural background.
2.1.1 Different name structure on historical background
As to English family name, its history is much shorter than the Chine ones. The popularization of English family names was not pushed until 18th-19th century. Before th
证明书怎么写范文at is was not very common for people to have family names. They are distinguished by their given names. The heads of the family were addresd by the names of their mansions. As the development of economy of capitalism in the European countries, the trades among different places and countries are considered to be more and more important. People have to share all kinds of social rights as well as responsibilities. The old appellation system cannot rve for the new situation. People need family names or last names are much more than before. From historical reason, we e why English family names come last.
There are much more differences between English and Chine given names. In English, given names are more casual and more complicated in structure than Chine given names. In English the first name could be one’s Christian name or given name. Middle name can be one’s cond given name while one’s first name is not a Christian name. In this structure, middle name is not as important as first name (Christian name of first given name), and it is quite common for westerners to omit or abbreviate middle name. For example, Franklin Delano Roovelt can be rewritten as Franklin D. Roovelt. No matter
how many given names people have in English speaking countries, each single name has their independent places and functions.
However, from above we e that English given names come before family names. In English, people pay more attention to their religion. They don’t have great n of family as Chine do, what they focus on is individuals. That’s why they put their given names first in order to show their own characteristics.In the matriarchy society, Chine have two kinds of family names. “One is the name of clan(氏), the other is the name of family(姓). The former one is ud to distinguish different ranks of family, whereas the latter is ud to tell apart different families in which the members are associated with blood.”4 For example, in a Chine name: Zhang Zhenhua, Zhenhua is the name of clan (given name) and Zhang is his family name. As we know, the basic reason for people to share one family name should be that they are sharing the same ancestors. That is to say, they are connected by consanguinity. In ancient China, there would be thousands of people who share the same family name, or have the same consanguinity; they were from the same clan and living in the same big village. Some of them may move to other places, but they
wouldn’t change their family name.From ancient China until now, Chine people pay much attention to their family names and respect their ancestors very much. It’s very natural, Chine people put their family names in the first place.