-Sheldon: Checkmate. | 将军。 |
-Leonard: Again? | 又? |
-Sheldon: Obviously,you are not well suited for three-dimensional chess | 很显然,你还不够格来玩三维国际象棋。 |
Perhaps three-dimensional candy land would be more your speed. | 你的速度或许更适合玩三维糖果盒游戏。 |
-Leonard: Just ret the board. | 这盘重来。 |
-Sheldon: It must be humbling to suck on so many different levels. | 这么多层都得我让你,还真丢脸阿。 |
-Penny: Hey, guys, did you get my mail | 好,伙计们,你拿了我的邮件了? |
-Leonard: Yeah, right here | 是,在这。 |
How was Nebraska? | 内布拉斯加那边怎么样? |
-Penny: Well, better than north Dakota。 | 比北达科他州强。 |
I guess that job is only funny in Nebraska. | 我猜这笑话只有在内布拉斯加州才好笑。 |
-Sheldon: From the data at hand, you really can’t draw that conclusion. | 就目前的数据来说,你还不能得出这结论。 |
All you can say with absolute certainty is that joke is not funny here. | 你所能唯一确定的是这笑话在这儿不好笑。 |
-Penny: Boys, it’s good to be back. | 兄弟们,回来真好。 |
-Leonard: How’s your family | 你家人怎么样 |
-Penny: It was the worst trip. | 这趟旅行简直不能再糟了。 |
Everyone got sick over the weekend. | 一个周末下来家里人全病了。 |
-Leonard: Sick? | 病了? |
-Sheldon: Here we go. What kind of sick | 又来了。什么病? |
-Penny: The flu, I guess. | 我猜,就是流感吧。 |
-Sheldon: I don’t need you to guess. I need you to know. | 我不是要你猜,我要你确定。 |
Now, when did the symptoms first appear | 第一次出现症状是在什么时候? |
-Penny: Maybe Friday. | 大概是周五。 |
-Sheldon: Friday. Was that morning or afternoon | 周五,上午还是下午? |
-Penny: I-I don’t… | 我…我不… |
-Sheldon: Think, woman, who blew their no and when | 小姐,好好想想,是谁?在什么时候擦过鼻子? |
-Leonard: Sheldon, relax. | 没事的,Sheldon。 |
She doesn’t have any symptoms. I’m sure she’s not contagious. | 她没有任何症状,我确定她不会传染。 |
-Sheldon: Oh, plea. | 拜托。 |
If influenza was only contagious after symptoms appear, it would have died out thousand of years ago. | 如果流感只是在症状出现后才会感染,那它早该在几千年前就消失了。 |
Somewhere between tool using and cave painting, Homo habits would here figured out how to kill the guy with the rummy no. | 在开始使用石器工具和创作洞穴壁画的年代,能人们肯定会想方设法干掉流着鼻涕的家伙的。 |
-Leonard: Penny, you’ll have to excu Sheldon. He’s a bit of a germaphobe. | Penny,你要原谅Sheldon,他有点病理恐惧。 |
-Penny: It’s okay. I understand. | 没关系,我能理解。 |
-Sheldon: Thanks for your consideration, now plea leave. | 谢谢你的照顾,现在请你离开。 |
-Leonard: You’d better go before he starts spraying you with Iysol. | 你最好趁他还没拿来沙尔来对着你喷的时候赶紧闪。 |
-Penny: Okay, well, thank you for getting my mail. | 好的,谢谢你替我拿邮件。 |
-Leonard: No problem. Welcome home. | 小意思,欢迎回家。 |
-Sheldon: What | 怎么了? |
-Leonard: What the hell are you doing | 你在瞎折腾什么啊 |
-Sheldon: I'm making petri dishes to grow throat cultures. | 我在进行咽拭子培养 |
-Leonard: With lime Jell-O | 用酸橙果冻 |
-Sheldon: I need a growth medium, and someone polished off the apricot yogurt. | 我需要一个生长培养基,而杏仁酸奶却被扫荡一空。 |
牙剪和平剪的区别 -Sheldon: Here, swab my throat. | 过来,取一下我喉咙的样本。 |
-Leonard: I don't think so. | 我不要。 |
-Sheldon: Leonard, if I'm going to get ahead of this thing, I need to find out what's growing in my throat. | Leonard 如果我要防患于未然,就得先知道我喉咙里长了些什么 |
-Leonard: Sheldon, you are not sick. This is, but you are not. | Sheldon 你没生病.这实在是...不过你真没得病。 |
-Sheldon: We have no idea what pathogen Typhoid Penny has introduced into our environment. | 我们不知道Penny 会把哪种伤寒病菌带进来。 |
For having never been to Nebraska, I'm fairly certain that I have no corn-husking antibodies. | 我从没有去过内布拉斯加州,我很确定我身体里没有那种病菌的抗体。 |
-Leonard: Sheldon, don't you think you're overreacting | Sheldon 你没觉得你过度紧张了么? |
-Sheldon: When I'm lying comato in a hospital relying on inferior minds to cure me, the Jell-O cultures and my accompanying notes will give them a fighting chance. | 在我躺在医院不省人事,要靠那些庸医来救我时,这些果冻样本和我随身的笔记多少会提高点我活命的机率。 |
-Leonard: I'm going back to bed. | 我要去睡觉了。 |
-Sheldon: Wait. Put this in the bathroom. | 等等,把这个拿到洗手间去。 |
-Leonard: What for | 干嘛用 |
-Sheldon: I need to measure my fluid intake and output to make sure my kidneys aren't shutting down. | 我要记录我体内水分的摄入和流失来确认我的肾脏功能是否良好。 |
-Leonard: I mixed pancake batter in this! | 我用这个来搅拌做薄煎饼的材料! |
-Sheldon: No, that measuring cup has always been for urine. | 不,这量杯向来都是用来盛尿的。 |
-Leonard: You had time to make a label for everything in this apartment including the label maker, but you didn't have ten conds to make one that said "urine cup" | 你有空把房间里所有东西都贴上标记,甚至包括记号笔,怎么就不腾出10秒在这上面写"尿杯"阎峰 |
-Sheldon: It's right here on the bottom. | 我写了,就在杯底。 |
-Leonard: Huh. I guess I owe the Betty Crocker Company a letter of apology. | Huh,我想我欠"贝蒂厨房"一封致歉信。 |
-Sheldon: Oh, dear God. Leonard! | 天哪Leonard! |
Leonard, I'm sick! | Leonard 我病了! |
日本武尊Leonard, my comforter fell down, and my sinus hurt when I bend over. | Leonard 我毯子掉地上了,而且我弯腰时鼻窦疼。 |
-Sheldon: Leonard, where are you | Leonard 你在哪 |
-Leonard: I'm at work. | 我在上班。 |
-Sheldon: At 6:30 in the morning | 早上6点半 |
-Leonard: Yes. | 是啊。 |
-Sheldon: On Sunday | 星期天 |
-Leonard: Yes. | 是啊。 |
-Sheldon: Why | 为什么 |
-Leonard: They asked me to come in. | 他们让我加班。 |
-Sheldon: I didn't hear the phone ring. | 我怎么没听到电话响。 |
-Leonard: They texted me. | 他们发消息给我的。 |
-Sheldon: Well, as I predicted, I am sick. | 正如我预测,我病了。 |
My fever has been tracking up exponentially since 2:, and I am producing sputum at an alarming rate. | 我体温从早上2点钟开始持续上升,而且我的痰也多到警戒水平了。 体育强国 |
-Leonard: No kidding | 不是吧 |
-Sheldon: No not only that, it has shifted from clear to milky green. | 痰还从透明色变成了奶绿色. |
-Leonard: All right, well, get some rest and drink plenty of fluids. | 那好吧,好好休息, 多喝点东西。 |
-Sheldon: What el would I drink, gas, solids, ionized plasma | 我能喝什么汽油固体还是血浆 |
-Leonard: Drink whatever you want. | 爱喝什么喝什么。 |
-Sheldon: I want soup. | 我要喝汤。 |
-Leonard: Then make soup. | 那就去做呀。 |
-Sheldon: We don't have soup. | 我们这没汤。 |
-Leonard: I'm at work, Sheldon.鹦鹉洲 | 我在上班呢,Sheldon。 |
-Sheldon: Is that a dog | 是狗在叫吗 |
-Leonard: Yes. | 是啊 |
-Sheldon: In the lab | 在实验室 |
-Leonard: Yes. | 是啊 |
They're training dogs to operate the centrifuge for when they need dogs to operate the centrifuge for blind scientists. | 他们在训练狗用离心机,因为他们想让狗帮盲人科学家操纵这机器。 |
辅食食谱 I have to go. | 我得挂了。 |
-Old Lady: Howard, it's the phone! | Howard 是电话在响! |
-Howard: I know it's the phone, Ma, I hear the phone! | 我是电话在响,妈, 我听到它在响! |
-Old Lady: Well, who's calling at this ungodly hour! | 谁有病在这个时候打来! |
-Howard: I don't know! | 我怎么知道! | 我的烦恼作文400字
-Old Lady: Well, ask them why they're calling at this ungodly hour! | 那就快接问问为什么这时候打! |
-Howard: How can I ask them when I'm talking to you! | 我在跟你说话,你让我怎么接啊! |
Hello. | 你好 |
-Leonard: Howard, it's Leonard. Code milky green. | Howard,我是Leonard。代号奶绿 |
-Howard: Dear Lord, not milky green. | 神阿,不是吧,奶绿 |
-Leonard: Affirmative. With fever. | 已经确认了,还发烧。 |
-Old Lady: Who's on the phone! | 谁打来的! |
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