摘 要 目的:探讨实施GSP的意义,以此推进药品批发企业向主动、有效实施GSP的方向转变。方法:引用相关文献资料,结合自身管理实践,并运用全面质量管理理论和方法,对药品批发企业实施GSP过程中的常见问题进行分析。结果:实施GSP不仅能规范药品批发企业日常经营质量管理活动,还能为企业提质增效提供管理方法和工具。结论:GSP不仅是药品批发企业的立足之本,还能成为企业发展的不竭之泉。
份组词 关键词 药品经营质量管理规范 药品批发企业 药品经营 全面质量管理风飘
中图分类号:F715.1 文献标志码:C 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)09-0053-04
白羊天秤>室友情 The significance of implementing GSP in pharmaceutical wholesale enterpris
ZHOU Biwen*
上海年夜饭菜谱 (Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200051, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the significance of GSP and promote the active and effective implementation of GSP in pharmaceutical wholesale enterpris. Methods: The problems in the daily implementation of GSP in pharmaceutical wholesale enterpris were analyzed by referring to relevant literature, combining with lf-management practice and applying total quality management theory and method. Results: Implementation of GSP can regulate the daily operation quality management activities in drug wholesale enterpris and provide management methods and tools for improving efficiency and performance of drug wholesale enterpris. Conclusion: GSP is not only the foundation of pharmaceutical wholesale enterpris, but also an inexhaustible source of enterpris development.