八法eight methods
吐法emesis method
下法purgative method
和法harmonizing method
温法warming method
清法clearing method
消法resolving method
补法tonifying method
整体观念 holism
天气 celestial qi
地气 earth qi
气立 establishment of general qi
天人相应 correspondence of human body and natural environment
辨证论治 treatment bad on syndrome differentiation
虫草的功效与作用禁忌理法方药 principle-method-recipe-medicines
标本 manifestation and root cau
阴阳 yin-yang
阴阳学说 yin-yang theory
阳气 yang qi
阴气 yin qi
生之本 root of life
阴阳对立 opposition of yin-yang
阴静阳躁 steady yin and vexed yang
阳化气 yang transforming qi
阴成形 yin shaping up body
阴阳互根 mutual rooting of yin-yang
阴阳消长 waxing and waning of yin-yang
阴阳转化 mutual convertibility of yin-yang
重阳必阴 extreme yang changing into yin
重阴必阳 extreme yin changing into yang
阴平阳秘 relative equilibrium of yin-yang
阴阳自和 natural harmony of yin-yang
五行 five phas
五行学说 five phas theory
木 wood
火 fire
土 earth
金 metal
水 water
木曰曲直 wood characterized by bending and straightening
火曰炎上 fire characterized by flaring up
土爰稼穑 earth characterized by sowing and reaping
金曰从革 metal characterized by clearing and changing
水曰润下 water characterized by moistening and descending
五时 five asons
五方 five orientations
五行相生 mutual generation of five phas
母气 mother qi
子气 child qi
母病及子 illness of mother viscera affecting the child one
子病及母 illness of child viscera affecting the mother one
木生火 wood generating fire
火生土 fire generating earth
土生金 earth generating metal
金生水 metal generating water
水生木 water generating wood
五行相克 mutual restriction of five phas
所胜 being restrained
所不胜 restraining
木克土 wood restricting earth
火克金矜持是什么意思 fire restricting metal
土克水 earth restricting water
水克火 water restricting fire
金克木 metal restricting wood
五行相乘 over-restriction of five phas
五行相侮什么是ppp项目 counter-restriction of five phas
亢害承制 restraining excessiveness to acquire harmony
制化 restriction and generation
运气学说 doctrine of five evolutive phas and six climatic factors
运气盛衰 ri and fall of five evolutive phas and six climatic factors
天符 coincidence of heavenly qi
岁会 yearly weather
平气 normal climatic factors
运气太过 excess of five evolutive phas and six climatic factors
运气不及 deficiency of five evolutive phas and six climatic factors
标本中气 manifestation, root cau and medial qi
脏腑 zang-fu viscera
脏象 visceral manifestations
脏象学说 theory of visceral manifestations
五脏 five zang viscera
藏精气而不泻 storing esnce without leaking
五神 five emotions
五华 five lustre
五体 five body constituents
五志 five minds
七情 ven emotions
五液 five humors
心 heart
心包络 pericardium
心气 heart qi
心血 heart blood
心阴 heart yin
心阳 heart yang
君火 sovereign fire
心藏神 heart storing spirit
心主血脉 heart governing blood and vesls
心开窍于舌 heart opening at tongue
心恶热 heart being aver to heat
肺 lung
肺气 lung qi
肺阴 lung yin
肺阳 lung yang
肺主气 lung governing qi
肺藏魄 lung storing inferior spirit
肺朝百脉 lung connecting all vesls
肺主治节 lung governing management and regulation
肺主宣发 lung governing diffusion
肺主肃降 lung governing purification and descending
肺司呼吸 lung controlling breathing
肺主通调水道 lung governing regulation of water passages
肺主皮毛 lung governing skin and hair
神舟十二号宇航员肺开窍于鼻 lung opening at no
肺恶寒 lung being aver to cold
脾 spleen
脾气 spleen qi
脾阴 spleen yin
脾阳 spleen yang
脾主运化 spleen governing transportation and transformation
脾为后天之本 spleen being acquired foundation
脾主升清 spleen governing ascending clear
脾统血 spleen controlling blood
脾主四肢 spleen governing limbs
脾主肌肉 spleen governing muscles
脾藏营 spleen storing nutrients
脾藏意 spleen storing idea
脾开窍于口 spleen opening at mouth
脾喜燥恶湿 spleen liking dryness and disliking dampness
胰 pancreas
肝 liver
肝气 liver qi
肝血 liver blood
肝阴 liver yin
肝阳 liver yang
肝主疏泄 liver controlling conveyance and dispersion
肝主升发 liver governing ascending and dredging
肝为刚脏 liver being bold and firm viscera
肝体阴用阳 liver being substantial yin and functional yang
肝主筋 liver governing tendons
肝藏血 liver storing blood
肝藏魂 liver storing soul
肝开窍于目 liver opening at eye
肝恶风 liver being aver to wind
肾 kidney
命门 vital gate
命门之火 vital gate fire
精室 esnce chamber
肾精 kidney esnce
通过近义词肾气 kidney qi
肾阴 kidney yin
肾阳 kidney yang
天癸 tian gui
相火 ministerial fire
肾为先天之本 kidney being congenital origin
肾主封藏 kidney governing storage
肾主生殖 word如何插入照片kidney governing reproduction
肾主水液 kidney governing water metabolism
肾主纳气 kidney governing inspiration
肾藏精 kidney storing esnce
肾藏志 kidney storing will
肾主骨 kidney governing bones
肾开窍于耳 kidney opening at ear