Unsuccessful effort to detect human papillomavirus DNA in urinary bladder cancers by the polymera chain reaction and in situ hybridization 期刊名称: Pathology International
作者: SANO,Takaaki,SAKURAI,Shinji,FUKUDA,Toshio,NAKAJIMA,Takashi
年份: 2010年
期号: 第7期
暮江吟关键词: bladder cancer;human papitlomavirus;in situ hybridization;polymera
chain reaction
摘要:The association of human papillomavirus (HPV) with urinary bladder carcinogenesis is now a controversial issue. In order to certify the prence of HPV DNA in urinary bladder cancers, the polymera chain reaction (PCR) using five primer ts for detecting various HPV types was ud in this study as weli as in sltu hybridizetion (ISH) for HPV 16 and 18 detection. In the PCR study of 93 DNA samples extracted from formalin-fixed and paraffin-ernbedded urinary bladder cancem, no HPV D
英语中的感叹句NA was detected in the tumor samples. The ISH study was also performed on the same tumor samples, but failed to demonstrate any HPV 16-or
坚持做手工18-positive signals in ail except one of the tumor samples. However, the FCR failed轻轻推开一扇窗
to demonstrate HPV 16 DNA even in the bladder cancer positive for HPV 16 DNA
by the ISH. This ISH technique was able to demonstrate