Instruction Manual of
Installation and Operation
220kV Power Transformer
1. 适用范围 3
Applicable Scope 3
2. 运输及起吊 3
Lifting and transportation of transformer main body 3
2.1 运输要求 3
Transportation Requirements 3
2.2 主体运输 4
Transportation of Transformer Main Body 4
2.3 主体起吊 4
Lifting of Main Body 4
2.4 主体牵引 5
Traction of Main Body 5
3. 验收和保管贮存 5
Acceptance and Storage 5
3.1 到货验收 5
Acceptance after Transformer Arrival 5
3.2 附件开箱检查验收 6
Inspection and Check of Accessories’ Boxes 6
3.3 保管及贮存 6
Storage 6
3.4 绝缘油的管理 7
Insulation Oil 7
4. 整体复装 8
Re-asmbly 10
4.1 整体复装的注意事项 10
Notes for Re-asmbly 10
4.2 组装前的准备工作 11
Preparations before re-asmbly 11
4.3 整体复装 11
Transformer re-asmbly 11
5. 真空注油 13
Vacuum oil-filling 13
5.1 真空注油 13
Vacuum oil-filling 13
5.2 补充注油及静放 15
Supplementary oil-filling and placing still 15
6. 交接试验和试运行 16
Site Acceptance test and Commission 16
6.1 试验前的检查 16
热情的什么填空Check before Site Acceptance Test 16
6.2 交接试验 17
Site Acceptance Test 17
6.3 试运行前的检查 17
Inspection before Trial Operation 17
6.4 投入试运行 18
Put into trial operation 18
7. 运行维护 19
Maintenance in (rvice) operation 19
7.1 正常运行 19
Normal operation 19
虫草吃法7.2 维护 20
Maintenance 20
7.3 变压器故障分析和排除 21
Analysis and elimination of transformer faults 21
7.4 螺栓紧固外加(最大)力矩 23
1. 适用范围
Applicable Scope
This instruction manual applies to 220kVoil-immerd power transformer .
It can guide for lifting, transportation, acceptance, storage, checking of active part, re-asmbly of the whole body, testing before putting into operation and maintenance after putting into operation as well as failure judgment.
The installation should be according to the ex-works technical documents of transformer, and related specifications of this manual, also the transformer structure should be taken into consideration. If any questions, plea contact with the manufacturer.
2. 运输及起吊
Lifting and transportation of transformer main body
2.1 运输要求
Transportation Requirements
2.1.1 充油运输的变压器应先充入合格的变压器绝缘油,油面离油箱顶约100mm下车用英语怎么说高度空间充以干燥氮气,检查有无渗漏现象,箱顶装设的压力表应保持正压力即可。
今年的五年二班 Transformer transported with oil filled should be filled with qualified transformer oil to 100mm oil level from tank cover and the space is filled with dried nitrogen. Check whether there is oil leakage. The pressure gauge on the tank cover keeps positive pressure.
2.1.2 充氮运输的变压器,应充入纯度大于99.9%,露点不高于-40C的纯氮气,并应在油箱上装置充氮设备和压力表,保持油箱内的初始正压力在(0.02~0.03)MPa之间(有载分接开关和本体用U形管连结,同时充氮)。主体运到现场后,主体内的氮气压力应保持正压。
Transformer is filled with nitrogen during transportation. The purity of nitrogen shall b
e more than 99.9% and its dew point 文艺短句≤-40C. There shall be nitrogen filling device and pressure guage mounted on the tank. The initial positive pressure inside the tank shall keep between 0.02 and 0.03MPa (on-load tap changer and main body connected by U-shaped tube filled with nitrogen). At site, the nitrogen pressure inside the body shall keep positive.