范仲淹 《岳阳楼记》中文版
贝尔发明电话 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为。何哉?不以物喜,不以己悲。居庙堂之高,则忧其民;处江湖之远,则忧其君。是进亦忧,退亦忧;然则何时而乐耶?其必曰:“先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”欤!噫!微斯人,吾谁与归!
秋浦歌其一 时六年九月十五日。
范仲淹 《岳阳楼记》英文版
Yueyang Pavilion
In the spring ofthe fourth year of the reign of Qingli, Teng Zijing was banished fromthecapital to be governor of Baling Prefecture. After he had governed the districtfor a year, theadministration became efficient, the people became united, andall things that had fallen intodisrepair were given a new lea on life. Thenhe restored Yueyang Pavilion, adding newsplendor to the original structure andhaving inscribed on it poems by famous men of theTang Dynasty as well as theprent time.
And he asked me to write an essay to commemoratethis. Now I havefound that the fines
t sights of Baling are concentrated in the region ofLakeDongting. Dongting, nibbling at the distant hills and gulping down the YangtzeRiver, strikesall beholders as vast and infinite, prenting a scene ofboundless variety; and this is thesuperb view from Yueyang Pavilion. All thishas been described in full by writers of earlier ages.However, since the lakeis linked with Wu Gorge in the north and extends to the Xiao and Xiangriversin the south, many exiles and wandering poets gather here and their reactionsto thesights vary greatly. During a period of incessant rain, when a spellof bad weather continues formore than a month, when louring winds bellowangrily, tumultuous waves hurl themlvesagainst the sky, sun and stars hidetheir light, hills and mountains disappear, merchants have tohalt in thetravels, masts collap and oars splinter, the day darkens and the roars oftigersand howls of monkeys are heard, if men come to this pavilion with alonging for home in theirhearts or nursing a feeling of bitterness becau oftaunts and slander, they may find the sightdepressing and fall prey toagitation or despair.
王佳芬 But during mild and bright spring weather,then the wavesare unruffled and the azure translucence above and below stretches beforeyoureyes for myriads of li, when the water-
birds fly down to congregate on thesands and fishwith scales like glimmering silk disport themlves in thewater, when the iris and orchids on thebanks grow luxuriant and green; or whendusk falls over this vast expan and bright mooncasts its light a thousandli, when the rolling waves glitter like gold and silent shadows in thewaterglimmer like jade, and the fishermen sing to each other for sheer joy, then mencoming upto this pavilion may feel complete freedom of heart and ea of spirit,forgetting every worldlygain or tback, to hold their winecups in the breezein absolute elation, delighted with life. Butagain when I consider the men ofold who possd true humanity, they em to haveresponded quite differently.The reason, perhaps, may be this: natural beauty was not enoughto make themhappy, nor their own situation enough to make them sad. When such men arehighin the government or at court, their first concern is for the people; when theyretire todistant streams and lakes, their first concern is for theirsovereign. Thus they worry both whenin office and when in retirement. When,then, can they enjoy themlves in life? No doubt theyare concerned beforeanyone el and enjoy themlves only after everyone el findnjoyment.Surely the are the men in who footsteps I should follow!