To whom it may concern,
火字笔画眼镜清洗方法On hearing that the school is going to include in its curriculum two informationtechnology cours intended to enhance the students’information literacy,I am morethan excited. From where l stand,I would suggest‘arch strategies’and ‘falinformation identifying' to be incorporated in the current school curriculum.My reasonsare as follows.
To begin with, in order to be an information literate individual, one needs to be ableto make independent and critical judgement before anything el. In this digital world,which is characterized by anonymity and efficiency, and where click-baity or nsationalnews titles are the norm,the risk of being misled into believing rumors and buyingspeculations is not lower than the likelihood of getting marinated and bewildered in anenormous rervoir of information. As a result,we, the teenagers, are in need ofguidance of a specific kind in the cyber world.And such an education without any biascan only be provided by the school which is not driven by profit or any kind ofmaterialistic end.
With what the two cours can provide—-information arching strategies and adiscerning eye for information, not only can our academic life be facilitated, but we canmanage to stay independent from at least some attempts of opinion orientation. Intoday's world,more than anytime in the history, the knowledge of the internet tools and从成语
a better n are exactly what we need to negotiate our way out of the eminglyfascinating world and into a truly profound one.
围棋故事l sincerely hope my suggestions will be adopted and your reply will be appreciated.小学生演讲稿范文
Sincerely yours,