
更新时间:2023-07-17 01:32:27 阅读: 评论:0

He breathed a sigh of sorrow, telling us that he had en a better day when he was young.
He has a strong n of responsibility ,and that’s why he is chon to take control of this project.
Wherever you go ,be it for business or entertainment, it is always a good idea to know about the place as much as you can .
Let’s be careful. The situation may be about to repeat itlf.
In fact, indoor air quality has a great deal to do with children’s health, and adults’ health for that matter.
1. 为什么人们要在旅行上花费这么多的时间和金钱呢?
Why is it that people spend so much time and money on traveling?
2. 乘飞机旅行既快又安全,难怪是旅行者的首选。
Traveling by air is quick and safe. No wonder it is a popular choice for travelers.
3. 我们学校的大部分学生都选了网页设计这门课,计算机中心里白天晚上都挤满了人。
Most of the students in my college 注销公司多少费用have enrolled in the cour of web page design and the computer center is always filled with people day and night.
4. 我一直梦想着朋友遍天下。多亏了网络,我的梦想终于实现了。
春节节日祝福语It has always been my dream to have friends all over the world. Thanks to the Internet, my dream has come true.
5. 网上免费的信息,方便的交流,诱人的游戏,对于他这就是互联网的一切。
Free information on-line, convenient communication with friends, attractive games, to him this is what the Internet is all about.
1. 许多人认为这种药有助于睡眠,而我只能暗自感叹:“要是他们知情就好了。
A lot of people believe that this kind of medicine help them sleep. All I can think is反馈名词解释, "if they only knew.”
2. 他一直在琢磨这个问题,直到把它完全解决为止   
He 读雷锋日记有感kept chipping away at the problem until he had completely solved it.爱你至死不渝
3. 这位乡下孩子接触到了城里的种种陌生的事物。他感到十分惊讶,仿佛自己进入了未来世界一般。
The country boy was expod to many strange things in the city. He felt greatly shocked as if he had entered a future world.
4. 大学毕业才一年,他就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人。
Within only one year after graduation from college, he went from a student who pursued his dream to a person who didn't care about a thing.
5. 我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会。
I have been given permission to do the interview in that area, and that's not something that everyone gets.
1. 随着战争的开始,接踵而来的便是为期十年的屠杀和毁灭。
With the beginning of the war came ten years of killing and destruction.
2. 我们将继续从事我们一直在从事的事业。
We shall continue to do what we have always been doing.
3. 他们大多数人从头一天早上起就一直在干。今晚他们仍然谁也睡不成。
Most of them had been up since the morning before yesterday. But 形容性格的词none of them will sleep tonight either.
4. 李明是土生土长的成都人。他仍然记得以前在四合院(quadrangle)里生活的情景。
Born and raid in Chengdu, Li Ming still remembers the time when he lived in a/the quadrangle.
5. 他在光天化日之下如此残忍地虐待一个幼小的儿童,被邻居送到警察局了 
He treated a young child in a cruel manner in broad daylight and was taken to the police by the neighbors.
1. 同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值得一提。
The thefts in recent months光阴的故事吉他谱 paled in comparison with the ca .
2. 那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负疚感。
Several years have pasd since the traffic accident, and he still can't shake away the guilty feeling.
3. 尽管我们提出了降低成本的建议,董事会的成员们似乎没有认真考虑。
Though we had put forward the proposal to reduce cost, the board members didn't appear to take it riously.
4. 周围的山坡已经变得光秃秃的,但这并没有使村民们想起保护环境的重要性。
The bare hills around haven't reminded the villagers of the importance of protecting the environment.
5. 办公室里可能再不会响起他那爽朗的笑声了。
It is unlikely for his hearty laughter to ring in our office again.
1. 为了所有在场的人,也为了我们的下一代,只要有和平的机会,我们就必须利用它。
As long as there is a chance for peace, we must take advantage of it for the sake of our younger generation as well as for all the people prent here.
2. 他们历史性的握手打开了和平之门,标志着暴力的结束。
The historic handshake between them opened the door to peace and marked the end of violence.
3. 我们应尽一切可能与企图破坏和平进程的人作斗争,迫使他们停止从事恐怖活动。
We should exhaust every possibility to fight against tho who attempt to torpedo the peace process and force them to cea to engage in terrorism.
4. 虽然他的和平政策得到了广泛的支持,然而和平事业仍然充满了艰难困苦。
Although his peace policy received broad support, the cau for peace was still fraught with difficulties and pain.
5. 就我而言,我要和所有与这个项目有关的人进行接触,以制定一个最佳方案。
In my ca, I will come into contact with all tho concerned with the project to work out the best scheme.
1. counterpart    2. efficient    3. relief    4. vague    5. core
6. punctually    7. approach  8. economy  致裁判员加油稿9. exception  10. invite
1. pull…through  2. belongs to  3. ever since  4. in turn  5. milled about

本文发布于:2023-07-17 01:32:27,感谢您对本站的认可!



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