To: Embassy of the United States in Beijing
Date: November 20, 2007一束花拼音
如何做鱼丸>沈从文家书Beijing Technology and Business University avails itlf of the opportunity to express the highest compliments to the Embassy of
the United States in Beijing.
The University requests the favor of your Embassy to issue the entry
visa to Mr. (姓名), Professor(职务或职称)of School of Mathematics and System Sciences(所在院部), Beijing Technology and Business University. He is invited to visit Florida State University for a period of three months from January 15, 2008
to April 14, 2008(出访时间、地点及出访内容).太阳画
All the expens including international travel, living allowance, accommodation, medical and relevant insurance during his stay in
The United States of America will be covered by Beijing Technology
婚庆公司简介and Business University(出访费用由谁负担).
International Office
Beijing Technology and Business University
P. R. China