News updates 最新新闻 | British Embassy Beijing no longer accepts faxes 英国大使馆不再接收任何传真 UK Government will introduce a limit on non- European immigration 英国政府将限制非欧盟移民 Customers who have lost their Identity Card for Foreign Nationals (ICFN) 丢失外国人身份卡 (ICFN)的旅客 New visa customer rvice standards 签证客户服务新标准 Changes to student visa applications from February 2010 自2010 年 2月起,学生签证申请将有变化。 Pearson Test of English Academic 学术英语测试(PTE) Fuzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen temporary suspension 福州,广州和深圳暂时停用 |
Prior to applying for a UK Visa 签证申请之前奏 | General information on Visas for the United Kingdom 赴英签证的基本信息 How to apply for a visa in China 如何在中国申请签证 How to apply for a visa in Mongolia 如何在蒙古国申请签证 Do I need a visa? 我需要签证吗? Which visa application form should I u? 我应该用哪种申请表格? |
Prior to applying for a UK Visa 签证申请之先行事宜理智的英文 | How do I complete the Visa Application Form? 我该如何完整填写签证申请表格? Can I submit my Visa Application by post? 我可否以邮递的方式递交签证申请 How do I book an appointment to attend the visa application centre using the online application system? 我如何使用在线申请系统在签证申请中心预约? Do I need to submit original documentation with my application? 我需要随申请递交资料的原件吗? Translations of documents - How should the documents be translated 文件的翻译-文件该如何翻译 What documents do I need to submit with my student visa application? 递交学生签证申请时我需要递交哪些文件 What is a Property Inspection Report and how can I get one? 什么是房产查验报告?我如何获取该文件? Do I need to submit my old passport showing my previous travel history, with my visa application? 我需要随申请一起递交旧护照从而显示我的出入境历史吗? Do I have to have a physical examination when applying for a UK Visa? 我申请英国签证时是否需要体检证明? How long does it take for a visa to be procesd? 签证受理需要多长时间? Can I transit the UK without a visa? 没有签证我能过境英国吗? Do I need a visa to transit the UK en route to the Republic of Ireland? 我需要签证在英国过境前往爱尔兰共和国吗? Where can I find more information about the Points Bad System Tier 4? 在哪里我可以找到有关计点积分制第4阶段的更多相关信息? Is there a student visa application booking system? 有学生签证申请预约系统吗? My British spou and I wish to ttle permanently in the UK. What visa do I need? 我和我的英国配偶希望永久定居英国,我需要哪种签证? Information on a Settlement Visa & Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK 有关定居签证和在英国无限期停留的相关信息 Duration of Visit Visas 访问签证的期限 |
Prior to applying for a UK Visa 签证申请之先行事宜 | Guidance on Child-Minding by family visitors 以照顾小孩为目的的探亲签证 How far in advance can my Points Bad System (PBS) visa be issued? 我的记点记分制签证会提前多长时间被签发? Where can I get more information & guidance on visas? 我在哪里可以找到关于签证的更多信息和指南? Further information on visa categories 有关您的签证类别的详尽信息 |
After submitting an application for a UK Visa 赴英签证申请之后续事宜 | I have an enquiry about my outstanding application/ how do I check what's happening with my Visa application? 我想咨询关于我的没有定论的申请/ 我如何查询我的签证申请进度 I have been waiting over 3 weeks for my visa, where is it? 就签证结果,我已经等了三周了,现在我的申请在哪里? I need to borrow my passport. Can you nd it back to me? 我需要借出我的护照,你们能寄给我吗? I want to make an appointment for a visa interview 我想预约签证面谈 I want to change my interview date and time 我想变更面谈日期和时间 I am not the applicant, can you tell me what is happening with a visa application? 我不是申请人,你能告诉我签证结果吗? 木桶饭菜单出游文案Can I get a refund? 我可以得到退款吗? My education provider's licence is suspended - what can I do? 我的教育机构提供方的许可被暂停-我应该怎么办? Can I submit more documents after I have submitted my visa application? 我能否在递交签证申请后补交材料? |
Appeals and Administrative Reviews 上诉和行政复议 | If I am refud a visa, what can I do now? Can I appeal against the decision? 大京水库如果我被拒签,我现在应该做什么?我可以上诉吗? I have a limited right of appeal – what can I do? 我拥有有限的上诉权-我该怎么做? Have you received my appeal/administrative review? 您收到我的上诉/行政复议了吗? What is happening to my appeal/administrative review? 我的上诉和行政复议审理的状况如何? Appeal (nt to IAFT) process time 上述案件(递送至AIT)审理时间 Who can I contact in the UK regarding the progress of my Appeal? 我可以和英国何处联系了解我的上诉进程 My appeal has been allowed by the Immigration Judge, what do I do now? 移民法官已获准我的上诉, 我该怎样做? More information regarding Appeals and Administrative Review 双倍体有关上诉和行政复议的更多信息 |
After a UK Visa has been issued 赴英签证签发之后续事宜 | I have been issued a student visa but now I would like to go to another college/university, can I u my existing visa? 我已经获得学生签证,但是现在我希望前往另一家学院或大学就读,我可以使用我现有的学生签证吗? I have a valid UK visa but now wish to travel to the UK for another purpo. Can I u the same visa if it is still valid? 我持有英国签证,但是希望以另外一个目的访问英国。如果现有的签证仍然有效,我是否可以使用此签证入境。 Can I travel to the UK if my valid visa is in my old passport / My old passport has expired but my UK visa is still valid - what do I need to do? 若旧护照上的签证页仍旧有效, 我能否持有它前往英国? / 我的旧护照已经过期,但是我的英国签证仍有效- 我需要如何处理? Will I have to give my fingerprints again when I enter the UK? 当我进入英国时,是否必须再次提供我的指纹? Can you assist me with an extension to my visa? 您能帮助我获得签证续签吗? |
Other uful information 其他辅助适用信息 | Our Service Standards - complaints and compliments 我们的服务标准-投诉和表扬 Where can I get legally married in the UK? 牛郎和织女的故事我在英国何处可以合法注册婚姻 Extending your stay in the UK 在英国延长您的停留期限 I am a British National wishing to apply for a visa to China, what should I do? 我是英国公民想申请中国签证,我该怎么做? I have more questions 我有更多的问题… |
天国逆子 |
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