Chapter 1 The First Civilizations 1) Otzi?s life was a good example of the human experience in
A)the Stone Age.
B)central Greece.
C)what is now modern Turkey.
E)the Iron Age.
2)The first humanlike creatures, such as Lucy, may have
A) survived for less than one million years.
B) engaged in agriculture.
C) displayed the brain capacity of modern
D)utilized simple tools.
E)had large, developed brains.
3)做梦梦到小孩The Neanderthal had all of the following characteristics EXCEPT A) the ability to u tools.
B) burial customs.
C) a range of distribution covering Africa,
Europe, and Asia.
D) a smaller brain than other Homo sapiens.
E)success surviving in the last great ice age.
4) The practice of staying put and exploiting various sources of food instead
of constantly traveling is called
A)oriental despotism.
B)slash - and - burn aquaculture.
C)pastoral nomadism.
D)broad - spectrum gathering.
5)Sedentary communities led to all of the following EXCEPT which one?
A) Decrea in infant mortality
B) Development of political leadership C) Reduction in population
D) Expansion of agriculture E) Longer life spans
6)Which of the following was an early
agricultural ttlement in the Middle East?
7) The statement that the Agricultural Revolution was portable means that
A)nomadic societies were eliminated in all parts of the globe.
B)Neolithic society became less dentary.
C)the knowledge and technology of agriculture could be easily transported
from one place to another.
D)agricultural sites had to be located near rivers.
E)dentary societies had to continue to move for survival.
8) Which of the following is NOT true of the ecology of Mesopotamia?
A) The south has both adequate rain and
good soil.大班社会活动
B) The north has adequate rain but poor soil.
C)Agriculture is impossible without irrigation.
D)资治通鉴读后感Improper irrigation results in the deposit of alkaloids in the soil.
E)Uruk and other early cities were linked with irrigation.
9) Which of the following do the authors suggest was the primary cau of urbanization in the south of
A) The need to concentrate the population in order to carry out the extensive irrigation of the region
B)The concentration of animal husbandry in the region
C)Egyptian influence
D)The availability of imported food supplies
E) The possibility of year - round
reproduction and mating
10) Around 3500 B.C.E., the first civilization was established in the region of Mesopotamia called
C)Angkor - Wat.
11)长颈鹿卡通图片Which of the following was NOT one of the major Sumerian cities around the time of 3000
A)Lagash (苏美尔城邦。位于今天伊拉克境内铁罗 (Telloh) ,在幼发拉底河与底格里斯河相汇处的西北,在乌鲁克城以东)
B)Ur 乌尔(古代美索不达亚南部苏美尔的重要城市)