Knowledge grafting during internationalization: Utilizing localized professionals in the foreign
期刊名称: Journal of Knowledge Management
作者: Martin Johanson,Pao T. Kao,Heléne Lundberg
刻舟求剑是什么意思年份: 2020年
10月什么星座关键词: Social network knowledge;Professional knowledge;Localized
professional;Knowledge grafting;General foreign market
初次痛风的症状摘要:Purpo The purpo of this paper is to understand knowledge grafting through localized professionals in the internationalization of the firm. Knowledge grafting refers to firms increasing their knowledge stock by acquiring new staff, and while the concept is not new in studies on firms' internatio曹睿在位几年>防水合同
nalization, there is little understanding of the characteristics of the individuals carrying the knowledge, the types of knowledge grafted and how it contributes to a market entry process. Design/methodology/approach The authors conducted an explorative study with a multiple-ca rearch design and purpoly lected five localized Swedish managers working for Russian subsidiaries of Swedish firms. Face-to-face interviews were conducted. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed bad on three types of knowledge: general 家乡的习俗