Ⅰ. Directions: Translate the following words or abbreviations or terminology into Chine. There are altogether 15 items in this part of the test, with one appoint for each. (15’)
1) domesticating translation
2) parataxis
3) hyponym
4) Most Favored Nation status
5) combat drones
6) consumerism
7) combat drones
8) WTO
10) trade surplus
11) transculturation
12) outsource
13) Taikonaut
14) IAEA
15) OECD
自愿离职申请书Ⅱ. Directions: Translate the following words or abbreviations or terminology into English. There are altogether 15 items in this part of the test, with one appoint for each. (15’)
1) 计算机辅助翻译
【答案】Computer Aided Translation
2) 功能对等
【答案】Functional Equivalence
3) 综合国力
我眼中的秋天手抄报【答案】Comprehensive National Power
4) 函授大学
【答案】correspondence university
5) 各行各业
【答案】all walks of life
6) 可持续发展战略
【答案】the strategy of sustainable development
7) 全国人民代表大会
【答案】National People’s Congress
8) 应试教育
【答案】exam-oriented education
9) 希望工程
【答案】the Hope Project
亲密关系恐惧症10) 社会主义基本制度
【答案】the basic system of socialism
11) 尊重人民首创精神
【答案】respect the initiative of the people 12) 发展环保产业
【答案】develop environmental conrvation industries
13) 全国重点文物保护单位
【答案】Major Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the National Level
14) 反家暴法
【答案】Anti-domestic Violence Law
15) 空气质量监测
【答案】air quality monitoring
Ⅲ. Directions: Translate the following into Chine. (60’)
It is generally held that the most efficient method of railway operation, and ultimately the most economical, given a reasonably cheap electricity supply, is with electricity as the motive power. The electric locomotive is not dependent, like its steam counterpart, on the competence of driving and firing or the fuel burned. On the other hand, the speeds that will be possible with any given load are completely predictable and apart from signal or permanent way checks, or other delay-producing casualties, exact obrvance of schedule times can be guaranteed within narrow limits. With such accurate timetable obrvance trains can be operated with shorter turnaround times at terminals, which means that more intensive u can be made of rolling stock than is generally possible with steam
In suburban areas the rapid acceleration afforded by electric motors from rest and in recovery from speed restrictions makes it possible to work trains with very frequent stops at higher speeds and a clor headway than with steam locomotives. Multiple-unit working, which brings the motors of two or more ts of pasnger stock, or two of more locomotives, under the control of one motorman in the leading driving cabin, would be impossible with steam, for each steam locomotive must be manned by its own driver and fireman. Moreover, except on the fastest and heaviest pasnger and freight duties, on which it is advisable to have a cond man at the head end to assist in the obrvation of signals and, if necessary, to attend to the electrical equipment, the equivalent of the steam locomotive fireman is unnecessary; thus the great majority of electric trains have a driver only, which makes for considerable economies in staffing.
So much for the credit side of the ledger with electric operation. It has also some
(298 words) 【参考译文】