PERMA and the building blocks of well-being 期刊名称: The Journal of Positive Psychology朝花夕拾的好词
肾虚吃什么药作者: Martin Seligman照夜白
关键词: Well-being;measurement;PERMA;SWB
摘要:Seligman (2011) hypothesized that PERMA (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment) are the elements of well-being. Goodman, Disabato, Kashdan And Kaufmann (2017) reported strong evidence that subjective well-being is the final common path of such elements and their data are entirely consistent with Seligman's hypothesis. They argued, incorrectly however, that he suggested that PERMA constituted a different kind of well-being rather than just its building blocks. The complicated issue, one that transcends psychometrics, of how to decide on elements of well-being is discusd.字字珠玑什么意思