
更新时间:2023-07-15 21:57:22 阅读: 评论:0

Biograph Infiniti Software Physiological
Measurements, Basic controls and features of
software, Multi-media features, Advant ages of
windows bad software, Resources for help, F AQ’s.
Infiniti Hardw are Connecting hardware t o
comput er, Connecting nsors t o the different
encoders:  FlexComp Infiniti, ProComp Infiniti,
Recording a Session Loading screens, Display screens, Selecting and adding client, Client confidentialit y feature, Button bar cont rols, Impedance checking, Zeroing EMG nsors, Display screen / Instruments adjustments, Marking event s, Saving recorded data.
Loading and Reviewing Previously Saved Sessions Reviewing open ssions, Report screens, Pop-up menus, Listing of dat a channels, Button bar controls, Markers, Artifact rejection features, Multi-line graphs, Saving report screen ttings for client, Importing clients, Computing and printing st a tistical
report s, Trend reports.
∙Identify and briefly describe physiological measurements generally ud in biofeedback.
∙Explain what a virtual data-channel is and how it is related to the raw data from the physical nsor.
∙Describe when proportional and inver-proportional feedback should be ud.
∙Define what is artifact and why is artifact rejection necessary.
∙Demonstrate when an automatic threshold is uful.
Infiniti Hardw are
FlexComp Infiniti, ProComp Infiniti, ProComp5, ProComp2
and M yoTrac Infiniti                                                                                                  Learn more about the 5 pow erful encoders:
The data acquisition and physiological monitoring devices offer  the ideal rearch and clinical solution from the FlexComp Infiniti encoder with 10 high-speed channels (2048 samples/c.) t o the ProComp2 encoder, which can be easily worn on a head band or a shirt collar. ProComp 2™ contains a built -in EEG nsor - requiring only an electrode lead for EEG monitoring and biofeedback. All encoders can u and acquire dat a from any Thought Technology nsor.
Sensors for individuals and groups:
Learn how to u different combinations of Thought Technology’s EEG, EMG, EKG, respiration, skin conductance, heart rate/blood volume pul or t emperature nsors for psychophysiological monit oring and training. BioGraph Infiniti Software
报火警Powerful data-processing features:  With its robust signal        acquisition capabilities, accurate artifact rejection functions and flexible st atistical analysis engine, the BioGraph Infiniti™ soft ware allows you to easily normalize recorded data and generat e reliable data.
U state-of-the-art multimedia biofeedback:  You will learn how t o deliver physiological feedback in many creative ways, to      reach a diver client population.
EEG Suite睡眠习惯
The EEG Suite offers over 80 display screens for many standard EEG protocols, including outst anding alpha-theta training screens and a number of template-style screens for training with 3, 6 or 10 ur-defined EEG bands. The st andard prot ocols can be ud for training alpha amplitude (rang
e), alpha peak frequency, alpha theta, bet a amplitude, SMR amplitude, theta bet a, theta SMR and wide band inhibit.
Physiology Suite
The Physiology Suite includes all the t ools you need for multi-modalit y physiological asssments and over 80 display
screens for training with st andard physiological nsors. Using the Physiology suit e, you can train lf-regulation with physiological biofeedback protocols that include EMG,
relaxation with temperature or skin conduct ance, heart rat e variability with respiration and EKG or BVP and abdominal/thoracic breathing.
Within the Physiology Suit e, one can identify and understand the
basic signal processing steps involved in calculating the
time/frequency domain HRV metrics. Identify and understand the
physiological signals ud for HRV training (EKG, BVP and
respiration). Optimize electrode and nsor placement for signal
qualit y and understand the physiology of respiration sinus
arrhythmia (RSA) training.  Run t raining ssions using time-
domain HRV met rics (HR Max-Min, SDRR & pNN50) and underst and
the physiology of resonance frequency training.  Understand and
configure t he respiration pacer ; run a resonance frequency
asssment ssion using the breathing pacer.  Run training
ssions using frequency-domain HRV metrics.
The Z-Sc ore 6 Suite inc ludes everything you need for two and four c hannel
z-sc ore asssment and training. Individual z-scor es, metric s describing
the over all state of a number of z-sc or es, as well as z-scor e with standar d什么和什么丽
EEG band amplitudes in par allel. All this with the feedbac k featur es of
BioGraph Infiniti including DVD playbac k, AVI Animations, and single and
dual monitor displays. Take advantage of the full power of BioGr aph Infiniti
by using Quic k Start favorites, which allow you to start a ssion, r eview,
report and analyze statistic s with the clic k of a single button or even a
desktop ic on!
The Reaction Time Suite includes both c ontinuous perfor manc e testing
(CPT) and r eal sports r eaction time tr aining. The Reaction Time Suite
takes standard CPT protoc ols (single, variable and c hoic e) to the next
level by c ombining r eaction time data with time-loc ked EEG and
physiology data, to allow dir ect linkage of r espon type to m ind and
body activity. The suite also includes tr aining c apabilities and offer s
unpr ec edented accuracy.
The r eal sports r eaction time pr otocols ar e designed for biofeedbac k
training in sports that demand quic k r eactions to trigger events. It includes scr eens for baball, tennis, socc er, trac k and field, ice hoc key and mor e to train for higher batting
aver ages, better rve returns, mor e accur ate penalty kic ks, faster starts, and higher fac e-off percentages. Featur es u of push buttons, foot pedals and even r aw EMG nsor s, to simulate r eal sports actions by using EMG fr om muscle c ontractions to r espond to events! Highly accur ate, t
ime-loc ked EEG, physiology and EMG allow in-depth analysis of mind and body activity during sports reaction time training.
TT-pIR Mini Suite
The TT-pIR Mini-Suite is designed to accompany the TT-HE adGear
devic e to offer the basic tools for passive infr ar ed (pIR) monitoring
and biofeedbac k. The suite includes all the tools you need to monitor,
train and follow-up on your client’s succ ess with frontal pIR tr aining.
Car dioPro Infiniti is a specialized off-line analysis module which
brings advanc ed heart r ate variability (HRV) analysis c apabilities to
the BioGr aph Infiniti platfor m. It c omplements any physiologic al
biofeedbac k suite (such as the Physiology suite) by pr oviding
sophisticated data analysis methods that wer e only pr eviously
available in very spec ialized softwar e pac kages such as Thought
Technology’s CardioPr o software.
CONTINUING EDUCATION ACCREDITATION: This cour has been approved by the Biofeedback Certification Institut e of America (BCIA) to provide 7-hours of Cat egory A. accredit ed continuing education for BCIA recertification. The ven hours are divided into 4-hours of General Biofeedback;  (Orientation t o Biofeedback 1-hour, Psychophysiological Recording 1 hour, SEMG Applications 1 hour, EEG Applications 1 hour), and 3-hours of EEG Biofeedback; (Orient ation to EEG Biofeedback 1-hour, and Inst rument ation and Elect ronics 2-hours).
COURSE PREREQUISITES: This cour is intended for licend health professionals and participants are encouraged to ek BCIA certification if they are not already certified.  As this workshop is a “hands-on” learning experience, you are strongly urged to bring all your equipment with you to the workshop (including lapt op wit h software, encoder and nsors).
Workshop Coordinator
Thought Technology Ltd.
8205 Montréal-Toronto Blvd, Suite 223
Montreal West, QC, Canada H4X 1N1
Tel: (514) 489-8251 Ext.135
Fax: (514) 489-8255
PRESENTERS: The following is a list of the outstanding pr enters who instr uct the 1-day c our and will guide you to a better under standing of your instr umentation:
Didier Combatalade, D.C.Didier Combatalade is the Rearch Manager at Thought Tec hnology.  Didier has over 20-year s experienc e in the healthc ar e industry as a clinician and in software development.  Following 7-
year s of chiropr actic experienc e in both private practic e and a lar ge, multidisciplinary clinic, he pursued further training in electronic s and c omputer systems.  Didier has developed printed and multimedia materials for ur training and is a asoned instructor who is very easy to follow and kn
ows how to make material inter esting.  Didier is a r egular pr enter at the annual c onfer enc es of the AAPB, ISN R & BFE.
Frank DeGregorio, Fr ank DeGregorio has a Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales (DE C) in Computer Scienc e and Networking and a Certific ate as a Pr ogr amm ing Analyst. He has over 19 year s of experience as tec hnical, networ k, computer and high-level troubleshooting for Thought Tec hnology.  In addition, he has over 12 year s of experience teaching BioGr aph workshops with Lynda Thompson, Ph.D. and had the opportunity to attend a wide variety of workshops held by clinicians such as Dr. Barry Ster man, Dr. Tanju Sur meli, Dr. Don Moss and Dr.
Ric hard Gevirtz, Dr. Erik Peper and Dr. Vietta Sue Wilson. Fr ank's extensive knowledge of all the pr oduct
softwar e and hardwar e offer ed by Thought Technology gives him the unique ability to take participants fr om installation of the softwar e to using it effectively.

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