抗癌食谱Performance Review Guidelines for Managers
The Performance Review Form provides periodic written review of individual performance, in the context of the ongoing performance management process. It is designed to facilitate constructive discussion between the employee and manager in order to clarify performance objectives, provide feedback about the employee’s performance with respect to skills and behaviors, provide a framework for identifying the employee’s development plans, and rve as a basis for merit increa decisions. Managers and employees are responsible for completing a yearly performance review as part of ongoing performance discussions. Preparation for the performance review discussion should begin with the employee completing a lf-appraisal.
Employee Self-Appraisals offer numerous benefits to the appraisal process including greater perceived accuracy, fairness and improved understanding of the demands and expectations of the organization. We recommend that the Self-Appraisal be completed and submitted to the manager approximately 2 weeks prior to the Performance Appraisal discussion.
The Human Resources Department is available to answer questions and to provide assistance to managers and staff members on any aspect of the performance management process, including the performance review form.
I Major Areas of Responsibility 魔术电影(This is what the employee does)
齐晨君This ction of the Performance Review form is ud to record the three or four major activities or goals that the employee is responsible for in their job as well as the evaluation criteria for the. The major activities typically reflect duties described in the job description and/or performance goals. Evaluation criteria encompass such standards as impact, timeliness, cost effectiveness, client satisfaction, accuracy, consistency, etc. During the review period, the manager and staff member are encouraged to review progress in meeting identified goals or activities, and may decide to revi, add, or delete any of the in order to best meet changing organizational needs.
II Performance Competencies—Skills and Behaviors (This is how the employee does it)
At the beginning of the review period, the manager and employee are responsible for reaching a shared understanding of the key skills and behaviors as they relate to the individual’s job description. While the employee will be evaluating him or herlf regarding the key skills and behaviors, the manager is ultimately responsible for asssing the staff member’s performance against the agreed upon performance expectations and reviewing the asssment with the individual. Performance that does not meet expectations should be addresd in the Development Plan ction of the Performance Review.
III Overall Asssment
This ction contains a brief summary of the employee’s overall performance. It also contains an overall asssment of the employee’s performance level (Outstanding, Above Expectations, Meets Expectations, Below Expectations, Needs Improvement). Employees do not complete this ction on the Self-Asssment form.
IV Development Plan文明创建工作总结
There are four kinds of Development Plans:
1) Development to clo performance gaps: the manager, in conjunction with the staff member, should identify development plans for any goals, skills or behaviors which are assd at the “Needs Improvement” performance level.
Development plans which address performance at the “Needs Improvement” performance level should be reviewed and discusd through ongoing performance discussions.
2) Development to enhance job skills and performance: plans identified by a manager with the individual to provide opportunities for a staff member to enhance job-related skills and performance.
3) Development for career advancement: plans identified by the manager and individual to enhance the promotability of a staff member.
4) Development for career exploration: staff members may initiate a development plan to provide opportunities for career exploration through cross-training or mentoring activities.
V Performance Goals and Expectations
This ction is ud to begin the performance management process for the next review period. Goals typically reflect major job activities and may be modified throughout the year bad upon changing organizational needs.
Performance Review夺宝奇兵游戏
Name ___________ Date of Review
Job Title Department___________________________
Date Appointed to this Position___ Review Period________________
Manager’s Name and Title_______________________________________________________________
Section I—Major Areas of Responsibility
Performance Ratings:
中考计划Outstanding – Consistently far exceeds expectations.
Above Expectations - Consistently meets and frequently exceeds expectations.
Meets Expectations喝酒后能洗澡吗 - Consistently meets and occasionally exceeds expectations.