1、She was able to solve the difficult problem.
ability (n.) 才能;能力
【常用搭配】have the ability to do sth. 有能力做某事
eg. Timmy has the ability to do push-up with only one hand.
able (adj.) 能够的
【常用搭配】be able to do sth. 能够做某事
Timmy is able to do push-up with only one hand.
*注意:be able to 中的be动词应根据实际情况变化时态,如果是过去能够做的某件事,be应该改为was/were, 如果是将来则应改为will be。
She was able to solve the difficult problem. 相信我你并不孤单
2、We should take an active part in outdoor activities.
* act这个词能够引申出许多其他词性的单词,同学们要给外注意,并且此单词属于高频词汇,许多的考试中都会出现。
act (v.) 行动;扮演: Don’t act like a child. 不要表现得像个小孩。
act (n.) 行动,行为: We must support the kind act. 我们必须支持这个善意的举动。
actor (n.) 男演员 actress (n.) 女演员 activity (n.) 活动
active (adj.) 积极的: He is an active member. 他是一个积极的成员。
actively (adv.) 积极地: He took part in the activity actively. 他积极地参与了这个活动。
3、He rushed into the classroom angrily with tears on his face.
anger (n.) 愤怒
angry (adj.) 生气的
angrily (adv.)生气地
anger-angry hunger-hungry,这两组单词在词性转换拼写时有相似性,可以一同记忆。
4、Plea apologize to me for your carelessness.
apology (n.) 道歉
【常用搭配】make an apology to sb. for sth. 因为某事像某人道歉
Plea make an apology to me for your carelessness.
apologize (v.)道歉
【常用搭配】 apologize to sb. for sth. =make an apology to sb. for sth. 因为某事像某人道歉
5、An art exhibition of Hilton Miller, a well-known artist in America, will be held in Shanghai muum next month
art (n.)艺术
artist (n.)艺术家
6、The 2010 Shanghai Expo has attracted millions of people from all parts of the world.
attraction (n.) 吸引力
【常用搭配】tourist attraction 旅游胜地
Venice is one of the great tourist attractions of the world.
attract (v.) 吸引
attractive (adj.)有吸引力的
Ice cream is attractive to children.
*此题将名词改为动词后,需注意观察时态,由于是现在完成时have/has done sth, 故需将attract改为其过去分词形式attracted。
7、At the beginning of the lecture, I’d like to thank you for your prence.
begin (v.) 开始注意此动词的过去式及过去分词:begin-began-begun
beginning (n.) 开始注意单词拼写为双写末尾n
8、 The movie was so boring that most people fell asleep.
bored (adj.) 感到无聊的 I was bored with the book.
boring (adj.) 令人无聊的 The book was boring to me.
bore (v. )使人无聊 The book bored me.
boredom (n.) 无聊;厌倦 I read the book with boredom
注意boring 与bored的用法区别,类似的有:
surprising/surprid; interesting/interested; exciting/ excited; shocking/ shocked; amazing/ amazed; worrying/ worried等
9、新加坡辣椒蟹It’s hard for us to breathe at the top the mountain.
breath (n.) 呼吸 [breθ]
breathe (v.) 呼吸 [bri:ð]
breathless (adj.) 气喘吁吁的 ['breθlis]
10、They are busy preparing for the college entrance examination.
business (n.) 生意;事物 It’s none of your business. 这个不关你事。
busy (adj.) 忙碌的
【常用搭配】be busy with sth. / be busy doing sht.
They are busy with the college entrance examination.
busily (adv.)忙碌地社团活动策划书
businessman 商人 businesswoman 女商人
11、 They are doing a chemical experiment. 天秤座适合的职业
chemistry (n.) 化学 chemical (adj.)化学的;与化学有关的
12、We enjoy the comfortable weather in Hainan.
comfort (n.) 舒适剖腹产时间
comfort (v.) 还能作为动词,表示“安慰”
例:We are trying to comfort her. 我们努力在安慰她。
comfortable (adj.) 舒适的 uncomfortable (adj.) 不舒适的 comfortably (adv.) 舒适地
13、 You have no reason for complaint. 你没有理由抱怨。
complain (vi.) 抱怨 complaint (n.) 抱怨
【常用搭配】complain to sb. about sth. 向某人抱怨某事
The customers complained to the shopkeeper about its poor rvice.
14、I don’t have confidence in mylf.
confident (adj.)自信的【常用搭配】be confident in ……
confidence (n.)自信心【常用搭配】have confidence in …
15、Beethoven is such a creative musician that he compod (创作)many great masterpieces(杰作)
create (v.) 创作 creative (adj.)富有创造力的; creation (n.) 创作;作品
16、“We must try our best to save people in danger”, Premier Wen said.
danger (n.) 危险 dangerous (adj.)危险的
be in danger 处于危险中 She was in danger. =She was dangerous.