
更新时间:2023-07-15 16:56:09 阅读:27 评论:0

Responsibility Clau: Stateside Camps is not liable for any negligent or willful act or failure to act of any such person, or of any third party not under its control. Without limiting the foregoing in any manner, Stateside Camps accept no responsibility for any risks or resulting injury, delay, inconvenience, damages, or death which results from criminal activity, weather or other acts of God, accidents, illness, the demands of outdoor activities, strikes, political unrest, acts of terrorism or any other events beyond its direct control. Participants and parents/guardian agree to recognize and assume the risks. Campers must be covered by medical insurance by their parents or guardians as Stateside Camps for Boys and Girls cannot assume any medical costs incurred during the program.
责任条款: Stateside Camps营不承担任何由于第三方不可控制的疏忽或故意的行为,不承担任何由于犯罪活动,天气或其他天灾,意外,疾病,户外活动,罢工,政治动荡,恐怖主义行为或任何其他事件超出其直接控制的责任所导致的任何风险或其造成的伤害,延误,不便,损害,或死亡。参与者及家长/监护人同意承认并承担这些风险。营员们必须由其父母或监护人为其购买医疗保险,因为Stateside Camps夏令营不承担任何营中发生的医疗费用。
华中大>桑叶怎么祛斑Any dispute concerning this contract, the brochure, or any other advertising materials concerning this program itlf, will be resolved exclusively by arbitration in the State of Maine pursuant to the then current rules of the American Arbitration Association. Maine substantive law will apply to all issues concerning any such dispute.
乳胶漆排行I/We agree to adhere to the general rules and regulations as stated in the Stateside Camps for Boys and Girls Camper Handbook and the decisions concerning the rules. Stateside Camps for Boys and Girls rerves the right in its sole discretion to terminate the enrollment of any camper who does not abide by the rules and regulations, band/or who conduct is deemed by the directors to be such as to endanger the camper, the success of the camp or the welfare of other campers and/or the directors or staff members. If the camper violates the rules and regulations, it is understood and accepted that he/she may be nt home immediately, receive no refund whatsoever for the prorated remainder of the summer’s camp tuition and be financially responsible for the transportation cost home (including the purcha of a new return ticket home). We agree that if the camper is nt home for any such violation, that there will be a parent, guardian, relative or emergency contact adult
to meet and pick up the camper from the flight the camp arranges home.
水瓶男处女女本人/我们同意遵守Stateside Camps男孩和女孩夏令营营地手册和营地相关规则,Stateside Camps男孩和女孩夏令营保留自行处置那些违规营员的权利,如果有营员违反了营地规则和规定,或者他们的行为被营地主管视为对其他营员、营地主管或营地工作人员构成危险、对营地的成功也构成危险,那么我很清楚了解也接受,他/她可能会被立刻遣送回家,而且营地不退还任何营地费用,也不承担任何交通费用(包括购买返程车、机
I/We hereby give permission to participate in all excursions and take part in all activities scheduled by the directors of Stateside Camps for Boys and Girls.
本人/我们允许孩子参加由Stateside Camps营地主管安排的所有活动和徒步旅行。
I have read and fully understand and accept the rules and regulations t forth by Stateside Camps for Boys and Girls.
好看的历史小说我已阅读并完全理解和接受Stateside Camps男孩和女孩夏令营的规则和规定。
Print Camper Name营员打印名:
Camper Signature12岁及以上营员签名(12 years of age or older):
Parent or Guardian Signature: 监护人签字

本文发布于:2023-07-15 16:56:09,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:营地   营员   监护人   主管   承担   费用
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