1. exclusive 2. fixed 3. authorize 4. distributor 5. raid 6. downloading 7. products
8. ordered it to pay $25 000 9. An exact number of CDs and total damages will be determined at a November hearing 10. We believe that everyone should have the right to listen to the music they purcha
think about it
1. This is a controversial issue. On the one hand, tho who are positive about it believe that downloading music for free is something that most of us have engaged in one time or another. It is certainly no high crime. Sharing music files online for free is a mini-consumer revolution and boon for artists — it is definitively ethical. On the other hand, tho who are against it argue that it's no different from going into the artist's hou and stealing his CD off the shelf. By stealing music, you are not only hurting musicians but also breaking the law.
2. This question has two different but valid answers. If one answers the question from a strictly legal point of view, copyright infringement is clearly not theft. It is only a violation of one or more specific statutes, violation is different from theft. In general, the legal definition of theft involves the unauthorized taking of another’s property. Even though we u the phra Intellectual Property rather casually, making a copy of a protected work does not involve taking that property — it involves violating the owners’ right to control copying of the property. Others who are willing to rely on a more informal definition of the word “theft” asrt that copyright infringement is theft. It may not meet the standard for statutory theft, but violating someone’s right to control copying at a minimum reprents an ethereal opportunity cost, and in many cas tangible economic loss. To the person who finds their work stolen, the feeling of theft is quite real.
3. The purpo of copyright law is to promote the progress of uful arts and science by protecting the exclusive right of authors and inventors to benefi t from their works of authorship.
Passage A
莲花宝座 一个月后,希尔先生收到一封电子邮件,发件人是《拉斯维加斯太阳报》的一位记者,他正在调查一家专为报社代理版权诉讼的内华达公司。电子邮件通知希尔先生,他也是Righthaven公司起诉的对象之一。尽管那张机场照片在希尔先生从网上撤下之前就早已在网上 疯传,但这张照片却是《丹佛邮报》11月18日首次刊发的。
希尔先生撤下了照片,但为时已晚。法院的传票送到了他的家里。该诉讼要求法律赔偿。尽管没有提出赔偿的具体数字,但希尔先生被控“故意”侵权,根据联邦版权法,在这种情况下诉讼方可获得高达15 000美元的赔偿。
吉布森先生否认他们诉讼的特定目标是不知情的博主并提到对德拉吉先生的诉讼。Righthaven公司指控“德拉吉报导网站”未经允许贴出了机场保安搜身的照片。吉布森先生说诉讼最后达成庭外和解。“不管是粘贴显示在还是上,转移网站受众的危害已经形成,” 他说。“如果指控成立,说我们纯粹是一家贪婪的公司,而不是在推动版权法权益,那我们就不会处置网站受众转移的问题。”
希尔先生患有自闭症和糖尿病,和母亲靠残疾救助生活。他说Righthaven公司曾一度提出只需赔偿6 000美元,但遭到他的拒绝。科罗拉多州的一位律师大卫•科尔一直在为他进行无偿辩护。
二长短句. 1. G 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. F 6. E麦肯锡工作法 7. A 8. C 周六祝福语9. G
三.(连续创业者1)Mr. Hill posted on his web site a photograph of an airport curity officer conducting a pat-down, which was claimed by The Denver Post.
(2)He was accud of “willful” infringement.
(3)They should be exempted from being sued becau many of them were ill-informed about the copyright law and they did not violate it intentionally; they simply didn’t know the rules.
精美图片风景(4)Becau the company often extracts swift ttlement before it is clear to the defendants that there is a violation of federal copyright law. The suits are often filed without warning.
(5)If it finds a newspaper article republished on the Web, it tries to obtain the full ownership of the article, and then it files its suit against the u on the Web.
(6)(7)Shortly after the company was aware of Mr. Hill’s health problem, they moved voluntarily to drop the suit.
四.infringement, copyrighted, ultimately, echoed, contended, diminish, ill-informed, ownership, revive, links
五. 1. infringed 2. echoed 3. excerpted 4. qualify 5. legal 6. revived 7. accud 8. t
actics 9. diminished 10. fraudulent
六. 1. looking into 2. accud of 3. grapple with 4. presided over 5. steer clear
七. 1. be accud of infringement 2. constitute the fair u 3. compete with a newspaper 4. file a lawsuit 5. diminish the market value 6. obtain the copyright 7. revive the Web site 8. ek damages 9. demand forfeiture 10. reap the benefi t 11. take down the photo 12 . preside over the ca
八.(1)You should pluck off the dead fl owers in time.
(2)I don’t think what you said really qualifi es as an answer.
(3)Our shouts echoed through the silent streets.